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This is the official Episode 91 of #CTTPodcast #CTT #threadcast where we will talk about Web2.5 teams quietly implementing KYC into your DeFi lives without asking you. Join us here in 20 minutes:

my thumbnail submission (worked this out on Canva)

you nailed it bro!

lol thanks. I just reworked a template I saw.

$HBD 🤓

If you can buy it for under $1, then do it!

In saying that, $BHBD is actually slightly lower because the bridge is broken so you're getting a discount because you have to wait months to get it back to native HBD.

The stockholm syndrome is real.

Did you see that Facebook deleted the English and Arabic pages of "Quds News Network" - the largest Palestinian news page with over 10 million followers.

You either have freedom of speech or you don't.


we live again. Looking forward to an interesting show.

Happy to finally catch this podcast live! It's fascinating how these communities continue to refuse to acknowledge how centralized their VC-backed chains are. It will be interesting to watch regulation come down on them eventually

I am just hearing about this Uniswap thing. Why is the web 3/crypto space not talking about this?
It undermines everything we are trying to build in this space. People don't care.

lol I got over 5m impressions on X and Elon paid me 13 dollars 😭. I probably would earn that much from this threadcast.

Web 2 isn't for small creators. We give them all our data for peanuts.

Man, where's taskmaster... without him threadcasting comments ain't flowing that way. He really add a lot of spark.

that was quite daring from rumble.

Can you mention about HiveFest content that starts to be provided on YouTube Channel? Thanks. Packing here, almost ready to move to a new spot 😎✌️ Peace Matt & Dan

VCs are gatekeeping the web 3 space. They pick and choose which project does well (in the short run). Friendtech and phavers are all VC backed socialfi platform

Hello guys, what about the HBD volatility any way to improve that

How you see VC's also being market maker like dwf? It gets a lot more worse, the way they do market manipulating is insane.

We, “use Web2 to move our audiences to Web3.” – @starkerz

This is our right, innit?! 💥💥💥

Just found the Threadcast and joined the Space through there.

I'll hang up and listen now.

welcome bud, glad to see ya here.

one thing I notice about Friendtech like things is once "airdrop" is airdropped, the hype dies eventually..

Influencers moves toward next hype or airdrop.

It's not sustainable in long term.

I won't touch ethereum with a long stick 😭 it is unusable. I don't see what people see in Ethereum and its EVMs. Maybe I have been spoilt for a long on Hive.

man, those fees on Ethereum always scares meee.

I suffered when I was airdrop hunting. Spent so much that I just had to stop.

is the space still on? Can't find you guys on X

yes it's still on

Here: ~~~ embed:1713646516437709163?t=iKqnkGHcZRan2X-RG5qYDA&s=19 twitter metadata:M3NwZWFrdHZ8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vM3NwZWFrdHYvc3RhdHVzLzE3MTM2NDY1MTY0Mzc3MDkxNjN8 ~~~

There is no way in the world Task plays golf 😂😂

see ya next week!

Good week ahead.

haha, exactly amount of productivity he got is something enough to convince he is!

haha, we literally have people in crypto who'll say "dogecoin aka future of France going to flip #bitcoin".

Ahh, I hope I ain't landed late here.

Discussing web 2.5.. sounds interesting!

Happy Sunday people, my lunch, I like white plates this is my particular plate at home, please everyone come let's eat, @biyimi, @luchyl @fokusnow @marajah and so many others 😋, #mydiary #food #inleo

can I join you??

Yes, yes you are 💯 invited

I'm coming right away, give me a sec🏍️🏍️

Very good, you are welcome


yummy enjoy your meal mate.

Oh, thanks very much for that great complement.

You are welcome ma'am

Ah, this is food intimidation. Imagine the likeness 🤣

I use white plates too they help bring out the color of foods.

Ino there, thank you.

That is some amazing plate of rice. Please get extra ready, i am coming.

Wow 😂😂😂😂, my Boss I'm so glad to welcome you to join me and have it as dinner 😊

Thank you, I see your ✋

That's so unfair. You know how much I love food yet you did not mention my name

Oh sorry 😂, just come over let's make it, hugs!

Ok i'm coming

yeah I'm waiting

********Which animal would you like to understand and speak their language and why?********

To answer this, I published a post which I would love you to read.

Link inside 👇

#hivenaija #pidgin #petlovers

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

I appreciate greatly.

Happy #lpud to you



@gmfrens! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @luchyl. (1/5)

Dear @gmfrens, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @luchyl.

In #Cuba it is not normal for people to eat with their hands, we were all used to eat with knife and fork, some prefer the spoon.

With the hand: chicken leg and wing, breads and pizzas.


As a colony of Spain we once were this is the tradition in my country and to this day it remains.

I invite @rosmiapure, @cpol and @jordy0827 to tell us how it is in their countries.

It's exactly the same here! Fork and spoon for everything except pizza, fried chicken, tortillas and bread

oh okay that's nice . In Ghana it is normal to eat with your hands but we still use cutlery . It is both a normal way here

Yes it is but there are some foods you won't be comfortable eating with cutlery

hmm most of my dinners and breakfast I eat with my hands, it's the lunches I eat with spoon, and barely use fork or knife haha
I like eating with my hands but lunch is usually something not that comfortable to eat that way

Si, eso mismo puse anteriormente yo, que lo normal era comer con cubiertos, aunque hay alimentos que tomamos con las manos, pero la mayoría no.

En #Venezuela varia dependiendo de que estemos comiendo, las arepas que es lo mas típico aquí, se come con las manos. #crossculture

Nothing tastes better like eating chicken wings and legs with hands. Trying to eat them with cutlery means you wanna waste them.


100% agree

In my country the indigenous brothers usually eat with their hands or with spoons made from totumo. The "criollos" do, with knife, fork, or spoon. Except for pizza, fried chicken or bread.

Sounds very similar to USA, but I wouldn't consider that really eating with hands when I look at Indian, Indonesian or Nigerian friends ;-) curry and egg soup is a whole other level right? I wish I could go to Cuba

Mi ensalada favorita es la de pepino, cebolla y tomate acompañada de mayonesa. Es el complemento perfecto para cualquier almuerzo.. ¿Ustedes que opinan? #foodiesbeehive #foodie

Can I have some please

I love salads because they are very healthy, but my favorite has always been the cooked potato and carrot salad.

this one in your Palm's is mouth watering, can I get some please

It is oo, I think I will try it out one day. I

Cooked potato and carrot salad, sounds like a good combo. Did you use sweet potato or Irish?


I just powered up 200 Leo. Not my highest but definitely a lot to add to my power, looking forward to more LPUDs.

Have you powered up yet? There's still time to join in! #lpud #inleo

Congratulations. I also participated in my first LPUD and it is one of the best investments we can make within the Blockchain. I already made a plan to accumulate again by the 15th of next month. Regards

Same plans here, let's keep powering up 🥳

wow, that's a nice amount. keep up the good work.

Another 55 Leo staked today. Making it a total of 75 loe. Happy #lpud friends. I accumulated all these leo through threading. Congratulations to all of us who participated in loe power

That's great, getting your first 1000 LP will take you to a new level in LeoFinance. I just did Power Up 150 LEO tokens and I got most of them with my HP delegation to leo.voter.

HP delegation to leo.voter? I don't understand, how can I do

If you delegate HIVE Power to the @leo.voter account, you will be rewarded with LEO tokens on a daily basis.

I currently delegate 1200 HP to that account and receive 3.x LEO per day.

Congratulations and happy #LPUD.
It's good to earn passive income from all sides. I just wish I have enough HP to delegate so I can earn too

Congratulations to you, your LP is growing.

That's the beauty of being active on INLEO.
So you need to be more active so that by next #lpud you will do more.

thanks so much friend. I will do more next month

Life hack: If you power up $LEO every single day, when Hive Engine goes down on LPUD, you aren't stressed :)

I have been finding it hard to even power up now
Is it like a general issue

Haha they are stressed because it is a task doing it today for the zealy campaign and the task ends in 2.5 hours XD let them be stressed 🤣

I did the LPUD early in the morning, so zero stress here.... however from Hive Keychain you can do the LPUD without any problem.

There are problems in some Hive engine node

In this moment I use it uses a node that works ;)

Basic truth

When the 15th rolls around it only means one thing #lpud MODE 💪🏽🦁 Let’s Go!!!

Hehe I set that on the quest board and almost forget to do it myself hahaha it happens to me a lot. I did mine and I'm slowly getting closer to the 15k

I have no doubt you will reach it soon 🙏🏼 @tsunsica

You are awesome.

@jimmy.adames! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (30/50)

just 8weeks remaining to complete this year!

But then who is counting. LOL

But I think your math is off. 8 weeks = 56 days.

There are more than that in the year.

wow so fast 2023 will soon ends

#fulldeportes carreras maratón me genera mucho interés por la exigencia física que esto implica, formar parte de una y autosuperarme

Just finished the last of my weed and the 1pm games haven’t even finished yet…

hope you are not high.

sadly I'm not too high at the moment

My Saturday had mostly nice weather, but also 2 heavy rainfalls, and I got a few pictures and shared them in my Actifit report, link in reply.


Looks like a nice place to hang out.....

Thanks a lot, and yes Stockholm is great.

!ALIVE #aliveandthriving

@detlev! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ flaxz. (16/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

My old girl. This one was taken seven years ago.

She's still with me. My best friend in the world.

#photography #pets #mydiary

Aww, that's a very cute girl 🥰 I love the brown colour actually, what's her name? hope she's not the troublesome type😅🐱

Pumpkin. And she was a wild one in her youth, but at 18 she just wants to hang out next to me wherever I am.

She is cute. How old is she?

She's 18 now.


Can they live for that long?

I have heard of cats living till 20. Most don't live to that age.
I have had cats that lived 1.5 years, 5 years and now this one, my oldest. She's become a part of me. It's been so long.

Yes. It's such a long time.
Kudos to you too. You are taking good care of her.

Thank you. She's like a daughter in a way.

7 years ago? That is quite a long time. So great that you are still together! Pets like this are cute to have.

Thank you. She's like my daughter. My best friend in the world. I know I'll be heartbroken when her time is up.

She looks so brave and fearless

She has the heart of a lion. 😄

Don't loan money to family or friends. It's either a gift, or you can't afford it. #fintips

ha ha ha ha thousands! thousands i'm owed by 'friends' lol

I have a few of those too. They say it's a loan, I say okay to make them feel better but I treat it as a gift.

This is the way. I even tell people that I would rather know if they can't or won't pay it back and everything is fine. Information is the important part for me, but they don't believe it and just cut off all communication. Good behaviour😂

Yeah I find it remarkable when they stop calling you after they get the loan lol It's awesome

Heh. Yes, that's one reason why it's a gift not a loan. I don't want to ruin family relationships and gatherings because someone hides from their loan repayments.

Same! I've said goodbye to those money long ago 😅

did my #LPUD with 151 more little LEOs on the way to 10k in 2023

what's your current balance let's see if you will meet up with your target

I finally participated in #lpud thanks to @libertycrypto27 🥰

I'm glad to have been helpful to you

I'm really grateful 🤗🙏

Congratulations for your participation in the #Lpud, I also participated but with a low amount.


Thank you 😊. Not to worry about how high or low, what matters is that you participated, so congratulations too 🥰

A taxi driver was getting flirty with a woman in a bar.
At the end of the night he took her back to her place.

Credit: reddit
@hopestylist, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of zonadigital21


Which interface did you use ?.

Hive engine isn't opening here

Okay , thanks dear

It's my pleasure to share 😊

Wow congratulations, that's a very good amount of LEO to participate in the initiative, I hope I can do it this time, we should definitely grow here constantly.

Thank you so much fren, let's keep getting involved intentionally to make good progress 🥰

Congratulations dear, how did you do it... Kindly put me through

Without a doubt I prefer coffee, dark, unsweetened, hot and in my favorite cup: The bee cup. Several cups a day give me a lot of energy
#silverbloggers #foodie #drinks

My oh my, this is pure dark coffee and the bee is wondering why there was no honey in it 😄

Hahahahaha, certainly, she wonders that. A big greeting @luchyl

There is no doubt that Coffee is much better, I usually drink it with 1 tablespoon of sugar and the truth is that it activates my day.

I very rarely drink it with sugar, but I go overboard, I put two teaspoons in it, hahahaha.

This is a really pure dark coffee, though I will prefer a Tea instead. We all have a different preference.

Haha what a proud Hiver you are to own a bee cup 😍😅 I don't take coffee so much so I'm guessing tea is my favourite hehe.

Your mug is great, it's the first one I've seen with a coffee bee on it.

Personally, i like the Picture. I think is giving honey, I look good and I taste good!

#gmfrens! Just ripped off half of my toenail. What a way to start my Sunday! #Winning

that sounds pleasant!!!

oof I can only imagine the amount of pain. Hopefully it wasn't enough to make you scream out loud, lol. Better luck for the rest of the day.

Ouch! That must have been so painful, I've had such an experience too. So sorry!

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

So what's the story with #LeoDex and the other exchanges? Nothing loads, and my InLeo Wallet page says I now have ZERO of everything... not good for #lpud...

There are problems in some Hive engine node

For LEO Power Up (#lpud) it possible to use that works because it uses a HE node that works ;)

Good afternoon guys! can't believe Sunday is almost done since I don't live on EST anymore, I live UTC now haha. I should move my waking up time as well, moving just the working and sleeping time is not that funny anymore

Living in UTC now 😃

Right now, in Colorado, I am at UTC -6. In December, when I travel to #thailand, it will be UTC +7. Yeah, it gets confusing! LOL

It usually takes about a week for me to adapt to the change, and get my schedule back on track.

Imagine if InLeo formally called LeoFinance had 450million active users, will that rub off on the price of the Leo token.

Need to figure out how to use 3speaks, but in the meanwhile, here is the gif of what I've been learning:

Balls with collision, gravity and bounciness.

#Godot is amazing

#inleo #mydiary

1/🧵I participated in the #lpud and made a blog on how I achieved my monthly goals to stack up Leo and power it up today

#outreach #threadstorm

2/🧵 Threading was one of the beneficial ways I stacked up Leo, from upvote, contest and participating in the threadcast

3/🧵 this also happens to be my first lpud since the recent rebranding happened from leofinance to #inleo

4/🧵for more information on my participation in the October loud, check the link below

#gosh #leopowerup

that is cool

Is hive offline right? Friends are having problems with DeFis.

#inleo #crypto #hive #lpud

do that immediately, I have done mine already

yes. System Maintenance

There are problems in some Hive engine node

You can use , it uses a node that works ;)

I just participated in the leo power up day event, i am happy to maintain my streak of powering up since i have came here. Did you powered up already?


Yes. Let's all get sum moar #leo tokens and power! :)

This year I got to travel out of the country, and not just travel but get to know a lot of the city I visited that not even locals know much about.

#emotionsfeelings #threadstorm 1/🧵

This was something I found impossible before. Once there I decided to make the most of it and visited everything I can, and met incredible people, Hivers. 2/3

That was a satisfaction I didn't thought I was going to get soon. But then I remembered I was supposed to go to Colombia for the RBD concert but couldn't get tickets, I said I was going any way and I did haha 3/3

That photo looks amazing. Happy for you and that you got to travel abroad and see a new culture.

Happy #lpud

Hive-engine is down. I was lucky enough to stake 155 Leo a couple of minutes before it went down, but I can't be 💯 sure. Anyway, Happy LPUD, everyone! 1/2

#silverbloggers #liotes

i hope it comes up before the zealy quest expired, am reall anticipated to stack, cause this is pretty much my first time... Hoping all wemt well

Have you tried it with Keychain? That's what I used and a couple of other people too.

You are damn lucky, I was too. When I noticed I couldn't get through with the inleo UI, I used Keychain.

I'm overwhelmed by God's unending love, of all I've achieved this year, one thing stands remarkable which is the SALVATION OF MY SOUL, I feel excessively satisfied with this.

Nothing beats that. That's a great testimony and a great wealth to our badges of honour. may God keep you!

Yes, indeed 😊! I surely believe that his endless love and grace will keep us through the race

My winnings today, Congratulations to me

Lets keep engaging, its never late than never.

#engagement #threads #inleo

Awesome work bud!

Thanks boss

I have never checked this leaderboard once
Is there a price to win there

Try not to edit your #threads too often because the Edit is being published as a re-thread and making duplicates of your posts. #feedback

Thanks for the update, I just noticed that today. I made a thread post and I discovered there is a mistake so I tried editing then I noticed it has been duplicated, I had to delete the previous post.

Wow I never knew that, I don't edit threads so much but I have a few times enough to put this in mind for use later. Thanks for sharing this feedback.

I noticed this detail yesterday and deleted the second thread created.

Continuing my study of #Godot, the game Engine!

This time I got to create balls that bounce around and that collide with each other! Game engines are really cool!

#inleo #mydiary

Sounds cool! I was experimenting with Unity a year back, but got sidetracked by learning Blender and just kept doing that😂Gave you a follow, interested to hear more. Perhaps you could do video posts on 3speak to show your stuff off as well

Yeah, I'm thinking about using 3speaks, just need to get around to it, atm I'm just learning, but soon I'll need to do my own games, will probably do an in-depth video of the whole thing when I get to that.

Looking forward to it!

Never in my life did I think I would write "balls that bounce around and collide with each other" 😂

You program games? Thats some really useful piece of skill. Would like to see some of your work.

My job is actually iOS developer, not game developer, but for my Master's I've started learning game development using Godot, I'll have to do a couple of my own games by the end of the semester, so I'll share them when I've finished.

I was five so not the first, but the one I have a strong memory attached too because my mom liked the telenovela and sang it to me... "A puro dolor" by Son By Four. Why? haha so sad

#music #musiccommunity

A classic from the early 2000s

Today I embark on a quest to power up some Leo tokens, which I missed out on last month's own.


Today I didn't only just power up my Leo token, but I became a part of the big event and an integral part of the inleo community.

My journey of powering is not accumulating digital assets, but it was about becoming an active member of a vibrant and scalable community.


Great work!

Uggh... I keep forgetting about LEO power up day too!

In today's #LPUD, I powered up 95 leo.

What about you?

#mydiary #leo #crypto #hive

I powered up 300 Leo in the morning to hit 21k LP. My target is 25k LP before the year ends.

wow. That is huge and you are really doing great work

Congratulations. This is really amazing.

that is awesome and great to hear

200 Leo power up from my side

That's great. I hope to power up more at next LPUD

One of the cool ways to take care of yourself is to eat good food. I hope you did that today.

Good morning friends.

#life #selflove #gmfrens

That's right, eating healthy is very important to preserve our health, we have to do so if we want to be energetic and healthy for any moment.

Without a doubt, health is wealth and it is a big blessing in itself.

That's right, you are absolutely right, with health we can do many things, without it it would be complicated.

GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.

GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

You are absolutely right, healthy diet is everything.

I make my foods my medication, that's the more reason why I take healthy balance diets and some bits of fruits.

I wanted to power up but look at what I am seeing, Leo not showing in my wallet.

same here although I already participated is lpud. I think wallet is on zero because of bug or any technical issues.

I haven't seen it like this before

me too bro let's wait or ask khal in discord

Mine too. Probably just not a fully implemented feature yet.

So, it's a general issue. Let's me report on discord

Use feedback hashtag when you post errors.

my thumbnail submission (worked this out on Canva)

My first LPUD, Lpud in the month of October #lpud

Congratulations on your first power up, that is a great way to start your leo journey. Keep it up 👍💪

Thanks you

You're welcome 😊

keep it up. More to come



There are problems in some Hive engine node

For LEO Power Up (#LPUD) you can use it uses a node that works ;)

BYOB with #bitcoin "Be Your Own Bank" #inleo #crypto #meme

#silverbloggers It's Tea all the way because it helps me to relax my nerves after a stressful day. My two favourite soothing brands are Cadberry 3in1 hot chocolate and TopCafe.

#silverbloggers #thread

the dinner is set

Yes o. Thanks for stopping by


Le 3 attività che preferisco fare su Hive sono:

  1. supportare gli altri utenti...

  1. cercare di accumulare HP per aumentare la mia potenza di voto...

  2. giocare sulle piattaforme di Hive

Hai scelto 3 ottime attività da fare su Hive.
Grazie di aver partecipato e buona fortuna per il contest

Make sure to water your #bitcoin and not the miners. Take good care of your bitcoin and watch it grow. #inleo #meme

yea and watch it grow

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