There are 8 pages

Just tried one and last #splinterlands pack with this result. Is it good or not? Who knows..

This is good

We hope your experience with InLeo Premium was amazing!

If you want to renew your subscription click here!

Thank you so much, @jongolson , for the delegation.

Hopefully, I'll pitch in the #holozing game now.


my pleasure, appreciate all the attention you are giving Threads. Need more people like you in this platform!

I do so because I see the potential in this platform. The presence of so many honorable members makes this a prestigious place. I believe it's going to be a game-changer in the near future.

Thank you for your kind appreciation. We get motivated.


Congratulations. That's a great way to start.

Hopefully will join soon

Yes, I am about to join, thank you.

Not gonna lie....I'm kind of itching to try out @holozing

I know people go ga-ga over Splinterlands, but it left a bad taste in my mouth after years of investing into it.

Holozing seems exactly what the doctor ordered to feed my need for blockchain #gaming lol

Hope it's a success. Would be good for HIVE to have two successful game franchises.

So much about #holozing; it's good to have another awesome game on Hive.

Cant wait to try it out!

So do I but no Hive power yet lol

Slow and steady. it'll grow. Sent some delegation, keep voting and growing. You are helping the ecosystem big time!

I greatly appreciate your kind words. Thank you for the delegation. I'd like to have the referral link to the #holozing please so I start it right away.


dont think they have any, it's just

dang, that would be nice if they did though!

Yea man, same here! Looking forward to it! I'm even playing some old pokemon games just to have a taste of what it can be lol

i saw that Miu design and just fell in love with the art work.

Got sum Zing, so ready to Zing into the game too!

No idea what this is but if it’s about raising pets to fight, heck yeah!

Also been looking at this, but I have no clue on where to start. Looking at their website I don't get any closer to starting to be honest. Can just login - and login again if I click "start now"

Happy, happy, good , good news now, the Electric Distribution Company has given us electric power (light) to enjoy, maybe becsuse we are in the month of December, there was shouts of joy and jubilations all over the place #mydiary #light #inleo

Some companies also give double pay during the month of December as a part of celebration.

Yes, that's one of the beauties of being an employee, take care.

Hahaha 😂, I harvested a bunch of plantain today, tomorrow I will do plantain chips, it will be beautiful, attractive and yummy 😋, hopefully many here will join me to enjoy it, hahaha #mydiary #foodie #hivegarden

#news Kevin McCarthy, Republican congressman from California who served as a House Speaker until being ousted few months ago, announced that he won't seek new term in 2024.

This is probably one of the coolest demonstrations of AI tech I've seen in a while. Link below.

What can we as an investor in crypto expect if the event happen? And what are some of the changes that are about to take place in thedue process?

Music on Leo seeks to bring some service to Leo. It is something that people can utilize while spending their time here.

This is what is crucial for the next phase of the development. It is also something crypto has failed at. Mark my words, the major companies will not botch this up.

we need more things people will actual use or it improves the experience.

Thanks for driving this #music project.

Services are what is missing. Music is something people can use even in a simplistic manner. This is vital. Show them how to build things up.

On one hand yes, on other hand many will listen wherever due to computer, apps, browser availability and what they are used to. Music Sundays on threads to Music on Leo.. gud stuff!

Interesting... Did INLEO change Youtube links to be automatically Embeds on the leothreads frontend?

The premium members can share the embed links from anywhere, including YouTube.

I wish. It would make it a lot easier for me to leave links. I hardly use pc

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

No, we are manually copying the embed code as Inleo struggles to render just the link. Embed is more consistent.

Are you sure? I just posted a Youtube link and it showed up as an Embed on INLEO.

It does automatically display the video player. However, it hasn't been reliable. So many of us are copy pasta the embed code instead of the URL for consistency.

You're right, embed code is more consistent.

Happy Hump Day!

Did my daily 150 $LEO again....Boring stuff right? Same thing, every day....But

What if?

I like this boring stuff too.

100k target?

Yeah I'm about 5500 $LEO away right now. But eventually, I want to get to 150k, so I get that 'Apex Lion' tag lol

150K incoming.

Slow and steady sir! Onwards!

You are doing it alright :)

I've been powering up non-stop for 4 years. You know what I'm using my hive power for these days?

  • Upvoting content of community members creating circular economies
  • voting for witnesses who I believe are focused on long-term growth of HIVE
  • growing my own influence and stake through the power of compounding to keep doing the above

good on ya'

Doing exactly the same thing and I have also been powering up for the last 4 years.

Wow! Huge power ups in 2023! 🙌

Thanks 🙏

this is the way

It is known

New backend development going live soon 👀

Nice and the site working much more smoothly the last few days, though interaction seems way down

Interaction in general or anywhere specifically?

Here specifically since Saturday it seems posting is down, but votes and comments seems way down. Maybe last weeks node issues through Hive as a whole caused some to take a break? I'm not sure

What is this? Image link?

oh Leo images own node/api?

This is going to be Awesome.

This is great news.

Yes please!

I think threads is really going to be huge in this bull market. Imagine it even having a tiny fraction of what crypto bros tweets in X.
Watch that $LEO $0.06 today!

Siempre he pensado que no dejar pasar comida al cine es ridículo y esta noticia lo prueba "El Insituto Vasco de Consumo-Kontsumobide impuso este lunes una multa de 30.001 euros a Yelmo Cines tras la denuncia presentada por Facua Euskadi"
#food #news
#threadstorm 1/🧵

Al parecer los cines se resguardan bajo la ley que permite reservar el derecho de admisión, que incluye no permitir el acceso a comida, pero esto aplica a restaurantes que venden comida y a sitios donde la comida puede causar daño. Cosa que no aplica a los cines, porque su principal rubro son las películas, y está bien comer cuando venden ellos 2/3

A raíz de estas incongruencias se generó este movimiento, ya que se determinó que el no permitir la entrada de comida resulta ser una acción abusiva. Lee más aquí:


My portfolio is going up at an amazing rhythm.

I think I've reached the right balance between low marketcap and high marketcap.

It's volatile but it's bearable.

Didn't add $hive to it.


Congratulations to you. Many more full wallets

FOOD Token Airdrop 🍔

Coming Soon for qualified HIVE users 👀

Yes please sers.

A better way to do music on leo would be if people uploaded songs to 3speak, which posts on IPDS and we embed the 3speak code into the database.

That would be another step towards decentralization.

Wow , that will be a phynominon, unbeatable, a topnotch that will keep distinguishing this platform for life wow ooooo for life!!

Yep. And we are adding to it. If you want to contribute, you can submit songs.

The process is:

artist - song
musiconleo tag
copy/paste the YT embed code

I will grab the song and add to the database.

Use power of AI to get the list of songs and embed code of youtube. I have used a trick on huggingchat to do that. It would save you a lot of manual efforts.

The point is if YT starts removing songs, then it would be a dead link in our database.

As for using AI, people are free to grab songs however they want. If they want to use it to get the code, that is up to them. Some might take that approach.

im back :( had problems cuz of my laptop adaptor will do the songs now

Good job.

done for today i think

Aren't downvotes more likely then?

On threads? And when building a database, decline rewards. There is no reason to try and get rewards on what we are doing here with the music. We are pursuing another path.

Not on Threads, on 3 speak and I gotcha on the second point

Also would be good to use an alt account for this type of stuff when it comes to blog posts.

We need more musicians uploading their original content this way. And promote it as self-publishing, without costs involved.

I dont disagree with that. We could use more orifinal content. I am more than willing to add them to the glossary if people do it.

For that we need to download songs first.

I don't recommend this. The people doing that would probably be breaking the law.

Yes. Just moar steps. Gud for the moar advance users to set in place to be enjoyed by all.

Could work, but I guess we’d need the record companies to partner with 3speak.

I do recall some sites that gave out free licensing for not so popular music, let me recall and come back.

I think you may have mentioned this before, but what is the difference between 3speak and dtube?

this is a thread for the #coffecoin and #coffecoincontest the new Coin for the #hive ecosistem and lets be honest who don't like the coffe? What u waiting?
Come write Ur own #threat and ear ur

Show this to your local banksters

Some people are still doubtful. What a remarkable answer to the banksters.

I'd like to apply the micro strategy on $LEO to have a million at least.

So good. Yeah a lot of banks have gone anti-crypto so hard. I had to switch as they were denying my crypto purchases giving an error messgae.
Straight up Scum.

Was the original idea for the company to not hold cash reserves and instead put those into Bitcoin?

Rather than treating it as an investment or anything to do with the actual company's operations?


Still amazed that HIVE rewards you for engaging with others within the community. Every vote literally counts in things like INLEO.

Sure, your engagement count's here

just wait til you make life long friends in the process

This is Hive's super power and many do not appreciate it as much.

1/🧵 My Tuesday continued to be cold with -13°C as the lowest, and I got a few pictures and shared them in my Actifit report.


so far we have been lucky no major snow storm

Great to hear Eric, stay warm.

!ALIVE #aliveandthriving

Trying to for sure




@ericburgoyne! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ flaxz. (13/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Thank you. I give you credit, you are one of the few on here who seems to gravitate towards the potential that exists. Most are overlooking how this database can enhance their future on Leo.

You are most welcome. To be honest, without your proper explanation and guidelines, I wouldn't do it easily. Thank you, and if everyone contributes as a team, we will move on to the next task.


You will like the post I do tonight on creating playlists. That should be something that will help you move what you are doing to the next level.

Sure, I look forward to learning more from the post.

GM frens

In a good place with Ads now. Are you seeing them?

Yes I am seeing them🥰

Hope you buy something :)

Very effective, the ads are. It's great to see them back, working perfect.


They are visible.

Yes I can see Ads

On my mobile I do, but not on my laptop :)

Are you one of them? Waiting for those $12K?

Haha thanks for the LOLs

Could it be possible that quick :)

Lol 😂

No. They may be waiting forever at this point.

This one is hilarious. 😂

Guess which coin has this shitty chart. 1st right gets BOOM

I'm guessing it isn't right, but $ATOM looks like that.

Hive it is. Missed earlier. This is a gud boom game. :)

Could be ADA cardano? Hard to guess without seeing the price

#news Italy formally withdrew from Belt and Road Initiative.

is that a big surprise?

That isnt living up to its billing.

#news #crypto #liotes

Elon Musk's xAI Files With SEC To Raise $1B in Private Equity Sale

Elon Musk's company specializing in artificial intelligence, xAI, has reached an agreement for the private sale of equity securities valued at $865.3 million.

That's a lot of dough.

Read all about it. link in the comment below.

Good morning friends, last night I went to bed almost during the day and I'm already awake, I think that for the rest of the year I will sleep little, I don't want to continue postponing projects in which I want to get seriously involved.

#mydiary #hive

If you are in need of relaxation therapy, play this game. Thank me later!
Its platformer hyper casual game. And relaxing even if you lose or die in the level.

nevermind, just refreshed the page and it shows image.

I'll give it a try.

Relaxing if you live or die. !LOLZ :)

Elevator jokes are the best
They just work on so many levels.

Credit: reddit
@esmeesmith, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of pepetoken

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

Thank you for being an !LOLZ supporter.

You must be killin' it out here!
@lolz.pimp just slapped you with 20.000 PIMP, @pepetoken.
You earned 20.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 4/4 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

what game it is? You've not mentioned name or shared photo in this thread..

This game is incredible. I played it a lot when I had Android.

1/ 🧵 HongKong regulators have managed to issue warning after spotting the scams in the HongKongDAO and Bitcuped. And now consumers are warned from using them.

#outreach #threadstorm

2/ 🧵 HongkongDAO has found to fake the license and also issued a token of their DAO without signing up on the regulation side. Which kind of makes this illegal and a crime.

3/ 🧵 Bitcuped on the other hand is going to be closed because they have lot of legla issues like impersonation of the CEO and the entity is totally established on wrong means.

4/ 🧵 Check out how the HongKong regulations are being imposed on the scam crypto projects.

Yeah, good luck with that!

And also... 👇

📕 'Never Split the Difference' by Chris Voss

Negotiating as if your life depended on it…

This guy knows a thing or 2 about striking a good deal. The author worked as a prominent figure in international hostage negotiations and was the go-to guy for many ransom requests.

The title may suggest being hard-nosed and not willing to budge your position. That's not the case, but more a reference to the common theme of negotiating…

That is, offering a figure or position, the other side counter-offering, and meeting somewhere in the middle. However, it can go a lot better than that (and had to in Voss's case!) and leave all sides happy.

You may not be in such a high stakes situation but it equally applies to the day-to-day… everything is based around these concepts, we're just discussing different levels and circumstances.

Worth a read and may just give you some useful tips!

Full article below👇

#leobooks #tomastery @leobooks

This is a pretty cool browser extension!

When you come across a crypto project on X, Inspect shows you price info, etc. without you having to go back and forth to CoinGecko.

Link below!


Haven't been on Threads for ages. How's everybody?!

Looks like you haven't received any reply (except this one) to your thread for almost 48 hours. 🤔 Here's my reply to you! 🤗

Have some !PGM with !LOLZ! 😁

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP - 0.001 INK tokens

remaining commands 2


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Did you know that protons have mass?
I didn't even know they were catholic.

Credit: reddit
@cryptothesis, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of savvytester


Why does my color theme keep changing from dim to light each time even after being set successfully?

This wasn't how it was before.
#feedback #inleo

Try clearing your cache and if that doesn't work log out then in

My phone does auto clearance of junks and cache.

This has been happening for a week now from opera mini that made me to install brave browser, still same issue.

Usually only your history is auto cleared

Clearing cache or logging out and logging in back worked on Chrome and not on Brave I think.

#gmfrens some of these alt tokens are crushing the uptrend that bitcoin has. Took some profits on $AVAX today of about 140% have you had any big wins yet?

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

I have not touched any yet. Was this your old bag or you got into the trade for the recent pump?

Koin on Koinos blockchain.

The weather changing over here,it had the sky looking like a piece of art
#mydiary #nature

Who painted that?

It's really not a painting the sky just designed this way now

The sky looks beautiful.

Last night, @taskmaster4450 mentioned that he keeps a backup spreadsheet of the songs submitted for #musiconleo. If you want to do something similar to help you create your own music playlist, use this spreadsheet formula to combine the Artist and Title cells with the Threads URL for pasting into your playlist page.

=B2 & " - [" & C2 & "](" & D2 & ")"

Where B2 is the artist, C2 is the song, and D2 is the threads URL

Here is an example output:

Billy Joel - Big Shot

First level goals for Music on Leo:

  • 10K songs
  • 250 artist single pages
  • 1,000 playlists

Those are the targets I am looking at before we have something that we can brag about.

Okay. Now to embark upon the biggest music page to date. Lets see if I can get it done today. It would be a personal best in one day for me.

I’ve got it in my notes to do my first playlist of songs. Will get to it soon

Have to get the songs into the database first. That is why the numbers are so important.

But a lot of good stuff going on.

You like how things are progressing?

Disney has deployed it's nft project on the Flow chain. So there must be some potential to the project. Though it feels like polygon like, unless any project crosses 1 dollar and stays there at that price, it's hard to say.

I am also positive in the case of Flow and I am holding it in my portfolio also.

Even polygon did not manage to state above $1

Correct, that's the problem with VC chains

I have a bag. I need polygon to pump.

live #music tonight, hopefully the headache passes

Still got that headache? That sucks. I went to a random metal show the other night that was real loud, lol. But hey got to metal a bit and get some live music action happening.

it was a great show

Hell yeah, who did you see?

who are you seeing?

pardyalone, just posted some pics

There are 8 pages