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Here is today's UFC 300 #threadcast between two great fighters with a great professional career.

This is a highly anticipated fight, and there is also a belt at stake.

We want this to be a highly viewed and active threadcast.

I think Poatan going to destroy Jamahal Hill 💪

Tremendous fight they made

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it." —Alan Kay

Powered Up 111.7 #hive

Powering up generations!

Those trading bots on Hive Engine are exceptionally annoying. I put in a buy order and within a couple of minutes, they all jump in just above my order price. I wouldn't mind if the trading volume on Hive Engine could actually support this amount of bot activity.

I agree, its one of the reasons I stopped trading. I do sometimes like to see how far can I drive the bots price down/up depending on the situation.

That can definitely be fun just for the purpose of messing with those bots, haha

Just too many bots anymore, it's a pain to buy anything anymore!

@freecompliments! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thebighigg. (1/50)

The market has fallen by an estimated 8.4% in the last 24 hours (at the time of publishing this).

In a short time the $BTC as well as other #Altcoins have dropped in value, including our native $HIVE token, but I have seen this as a very timely buying opportunity for me, as I have managed to buy at a value of $0.32 per HIVE token, I will wait for it to go up to sell it for a higher value....

Did you manage to buy any #crypto in these 24 hours for a lower value?

Greetings friend, a very strong fall and it is something that I did not expect and without a doubt a great moment. I'm going to buy hive.

Yes it is a good time, at least with the arrival of the Bitcoin having the value will increase again and we can sell there.

Let's hope so.

Don't have any cash laying around. With that said, the unfolding Israel/Iran conflict is not giving me much confidence...

You're right, it's better not to have cash with all this going on right now.

Free HBD (Heck Yeah!)

  • Free HBD/MEME Token Raffle is underway. All that is needed to enter is to leave a comment in the official contest post that is linked in the comment section below. #contest #giveaway #hbd #meme

Purchased some $BBH and have ~41000 more in a pending buy order on Hive Engine. This is going to be the tipping token I use instead of PGM (which is another abandoned project).

If you're around to keep your project active, I'm a supporter! #BBH

PGM is abandoned, too? Seems to be what's expected, rather than the exception.

Yup, it's a goner.

The Alf series was a comedy series that happened every day, an alien who stole our hearts #aprilinleo


I'm glad you liked this series

nice pictures

I have never seen it, but I have heard of it. I would like to see it.

Seguro te gustaría x YouTube puedes verlo

I didn't see that series my friend, it seems to have been nice

Si fue muy buena


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Uses: 12/25

Thanks ❤️

Ready for a weekend horror story?

I'll tell you one: when I was 10 years old, we went out in the family car to get fast food. But on the road, we saw something creepy, A frightening creature indeed... (1/3)

The creature was in the middle of the road, and it was getting bigger and bigger; it was like a shadowy dog, a beast of lugubrious shadows. I never imagined seeing anything like it... Read the full story in the following thread: (2/3)

One of my favorite shows from the 90's was the Dinosaurs series...I find it funny that my daughter today tells her dad the same phrase as baby Dino 🤭


Iran launches attacks on Israel with dozens of suicide drones armed with 20 kg of explosives each, set t to hit mainland in 9 hrs.


Crypto will either toughen you up or break you.

I think most ppl dont understand what they buy, today I got three calls from friends asking different questions but same ending "is crypto going to zero" market over all just because BTC dump what 7k? 5k? crypto is not scary as long as you understand what you buy and dont over expose yourself, nothing different than other investments, there is just too much drama around crypto markets, I had a feeling this was coming and all I did was get more HBD, whats going rn is normal, not scary as most ppl think

Yes. People who think crypto going to zero may not really understand what they are getting into.

dont over expose yourself, nothing different than other investments,

Truth there, but somehow, people still overreact when the crypto market does things unexpectedly, hehe.

It's not's your decision and risk anticipation....that will make u numb or make you jubilant...and it applies for any other asset. Last week many people got liquidated in GOLD.

You made a point but Eric's post on X was talking about crypto, hence my thread 😅

ha ha it.

Actually I did not read that on twitter...but from the screenshot shared by u I put forth my point. Anyway, thoughts are lining up although in a different way.


Yeah, I see your point :)

Apart from real properties, some stocks, and crypto, I'm not invested in gold and other things. But among the 3, I feel crypto has a different way of affecting my decisions, expectations, and such haha!

You should also consider GOLD....but always go for physical GOLD. Gold is your civilizational asset and across civilizations it is accpeted as an asset as well as money.

A time will come after the great Global reset when GOLD will again assume the role of money. DO u know why the central bankers are buying GOLD heavily....Geopolitics has a lot to say on GOLD. we just need to listen that omen.

Yeah. It's a fuck!ng crazy world to get in!

Yet we are still here thriving :)

The amount of Scam ads for crypto investments showing up on simple adsense and youtube ads is crazy. They legit do no spot checking before approving ads.

This is insane. Something needs to be done.

Yeah, it seems they just accept the payments and never check whether things are legit or not.

Use Indivious, no ads I use as my main instance but there are many others

The bloodbath in the crypto market no longer scares me. I've seen this a few times.

It seems to be more or less "what to expect" if you're part of this show. Just proves — again — that you should never COUNT on crypto for your grocery money!

Yeah...we have been acclimatized with it.

Good morning Lions. Have a blessed Sunday!

#gmfrens #motivation #freecompliments

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.


730pm yet first LEO post of the day... so it's a gm from me

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Good Morning.

Have a great day.


#outreach #threadstorm

Consistency is fundamental for growth, although it is not always possible to maintain the same intensity.


It is good to see what other strategies are out there as we better manage time and energy.

The idea of staying on top is not to lose what we have built, so an analysis of this would be ideal.


If you want to know more about my X report this week, I invite you to read my new article:

In a repetitive work consistency is key.

In R&D, consistency could become the playground of dull minds!


No more moon?

the eclipse disrupted it.

Urgh!!! We're doomed!!!!

Well it also could have started when you actually sold some LEO.
I think that was impactful 😂

Yeah man, I'm trying to take some profits....But that's pretty much gone now lol

BTC went from 15k on 2022 to 72k on 2024, moon is here, this is just a temporary stop, ppl just exaggerating

i dont really care these days lol i have like zero passion left for this stuff. it's all promise after promise....been hearing it for 6 plus years on this chain. but alas....if we moon, cool. if not, ah well. twas' fun!

well LEO went from $0.025 to $0.16 if Im not mistaken, Bitcoin itself is only 15 years since Genesis Block 🤷‍♂️

Oh I'm loving $LEO it's everything else I can't stand LOLOLOL

Unfortunately it has been droned down

sell sell sell LOL

Hahahahh… What a time to be alive. The things that normally informs people to sell is the ultimate buy signal. An extra opportunity to buy something cheaply. All odds point upwards after this.

Preparing the base for's part of that.

Scottie Scheffler (-7) and Colin Morikawa (-6) are in the final group tmrw at The #Masters. Both are past major winners and will be looking to continue a streak where 9 of the last 10 winners have come out of the final pairing. Perfect weather forecasted for tmrw so should be lots of fireworks.

In this small pot I prepare everything from coffee, rice, and even cereals and soups.... It's old, but it does the job. #foodiesbeehive #foodie

It appears like an all-rounder pot.

Offering morning prayers give the day a best start......💕💕
What's your way to start your do well???

Good Morning.

I basically do YOGA to give the best start to my Day. and that has to be right 5 AM in the morning daily.

Have a great day,

That's nice mate

Thank you.

Good Morning Lions 🦁


GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Yeah...we are still trading the weekend.

Waking up to a Sunday holiday morning feels like a fresh canvas ready to be painted with possibilities


Good Morning....

DO breathing exercises right in the morning.....the canvas will be more finer to paint your day!

Morning Zen

Good Morning.


GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

at the river’s edge
underneath a pale blue sky
pink pink and more pink

#bcpoets #leopoets #apoemaday

amongst spring flowers
tiny crimson maple leaves
begin their journey

#bcpoets #leopoets #apoemaday


That awkward moment when your kindness is mistaken with flirting.

You should be glad that it is not mistaken with farting.

The gaming industry as a whole feels that Play-to-own is only 1% of the gamers. So they will not focus on it.
The Play-to-earn crowd is also driving them away.

it is going to be a long struggle but the 1st steps are being taken.
Will you join us??


Being a minimalist extends beyond spatial preference and there is a lot involved than just decluttering my space.

#outreach #threadstorm #minimalist


Although decluttering our spaces is a significant practice as a minimalist but it doesn't end with just that. Decluttering as a minimalist involves a whole of things such as decluttering the mind to stay focus on a goal and many others which I have been practicing for over a decade now.

My journey as a minimalist has influenced a lot of things and it has made it impossible for me to detach myself from the minimalist lifestyle.


Exploring the other aspects of minimalism aside from decluttering my space has helped me not just physically but mentally as well. It has helped me improve my well-being and I am happy about it.

From my point of view, it's fair to say that hanging onto decluttering one space isn't enough to experience how well the minimalist lifestyle can change ones life.


In this post, I shared what has inspired me to hold on to the Minimalist lifestyle and this is definitely going to be an interesting read for you.

Another successful (but very brief) day working on the #freecompliments community. Growing every day and hopefully changing some lives for the better! Time to go... good night Lions. 🌛

Wish you a sweet dream below the light shedding via your roof and window.

More from the anime costume contest at MegaCon 2004.

#MegaCon #cosplay #anime #CostumeContest

Amazon human workers:

2021 1.6 million
2024 1.5 million


2019 200K
2022 500K
2024 750K

Notice a trend? One company doesnt make an economy but it is clear the direction things are heading in this instance.

Scary scenario.

Is this the number of people fired or hired?

Ok Hive, I'm all in. Show me what you can do and Lord show me a little mercy this time lol.

Bloody Gez! 👀

#aprilinleo Day 14 Do you have weird dreams? Sleeping issues? An active imagination? Tell us about it!

Drop your links bellow! 👇

Do you know the state where you are neither awake nor asleep. Its a state called "hypnagogia".
To know more about it. click on the link below.. Its my entry for the day 14 Inleo prompt daily write. Thanks for reading.

My entry for Day 14:

Know more about sleep, sleep disorders and how to have a quality/sound sleep which is medicinal, just a click away.

Here is my journey through insomnia and a weird childhood dream that was misunderstood until I came of age to find the meaning.

here is my entry for Day 14:
Thank you for support.

One of my targets this year is to improve my sleep, a theme which is perfect for #aprilinleo of today: #gosh

Here is my entry for day 14

Here's my entry for this prompt...

Why do bank robbers rob banks? Because that's where the money is.

Why do hackers hack bridges? Because thats where the native assets are.

@shortsegments talks safety of wallet to wallet swaps.
#leogrowth #threadstorm

There is this popular Nigeria singer who I don’t think will remain in stardom for long and her name is Tems

#afritunes her song “Me&u” wasn’t even heard for a long time before it died down. If it wasn’t for wizkid, for real no one would know her. There is no remarkable song she had after the essence with wizkid. Since then, it like she went into hiding. If it continues, she will be forgotten in the music world


A look at the December 1988 issue of The Games Machine



Highlights include an article on piracy, computer controlled puppets, and more.

Party, Party time
"Chriss Botti" - Worlds Outside
Smooth jazz on Sunday. You are invited to the party.
#inleo #partytime

How much does it cost?

At this time of year the flowers 💐 in my city look very beautiful, everything begins to be dyed in happy colors.

It's awesome when flowers bloom as they make our surroundings colorful. Lovely Bougainvillea!

That's right, they are really beautiful

I love the flowers, they are beautiful

Waaooo what a beauty of flowers I love

Yes, ❤️😍💐

nice flowers, seems and very colourful.


Very colorful!

That's how beautiful it is

Es una belleza ver los árboles florecidos, linda foto amiga🌼

Adornsn nuestro entorno ❤️

Qué lindas flores!!! La energía que transmiten es muy buena, y embellecen nuestro entorno

Asi es querida ponen esos lindos colores en nuestros ojos y nos llenan el alma


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@jlinaresp ha enviado VSC a @lileisabel

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Uses: 15/25

These flowers are very abundant, and beautiful.

Adding to my @bellscoin bag at these levels (under 50 cents)

You are super trader Sir, u are making hypothetical thing a real thing with your 1000x hit.....

I finally found it for my son.

#freecompliments #phoography #home

This is pretty cool 👏👏👏.
I love it too, but who is gonna get me one? 🤣🤣🤣

Looks like you've been shopping :)

nice bed, so big 😀

me and my wife laughing at the wigs they wear on Frankil series, tf is that, she even has a boat on top of the wig, fkn scale boat and look at the size of that monster wig how much weight on her neck 🤣

#silverbloggers I adore to open my dor and to see those beauty flowers

Cute flowers looks great with the whole garden


Bonitas flores


Tjey are beautiful

They are very beautiful 🤩

hermosa vista 🌼🌺

Me encanta. ♥️🌹💕

♦️ 👍

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