There are 6 pages

The Igbo people, one of the largest ethnic groups in Nigeria. They have this vibrant and rich cultural heritage that has been passed down from generation to generation.

#culture #threadstorm #outreach

Trading and commerce have long been part and also integral to Igbo culture, with many Igbo individuals involved in business ventures both within Nigeria and across international borders.

One of the vital features of Igbo culture is the concept of "Ụmụnna," this refers to the extended family system. In the Igbo society, the extended family plays a very important role in social organization, support, and decision-making.

raising laying birds is not easy at all. But the moment you start harvesting eggs, you will thrilled with happiness and forget all the stress


#threadstorm #outreach

observing the birds as they display their natural characteristics is thrilling. Watching how they react to external stimulus is amazing.


proper hygiene, taking preventive measures, and the use of multivitamin supplements help to ensure efficiency


observing the birds display their natural characteristics is fun. How they react to external stimulus is amazing


HIVE Price 📈📈📈

What a quite jump $HIVE has made. Makes me happy, but a bit scared of an imminent drop!! #crypto #freecompliments

It looks cool when it's going up and green.

it‘ll break $0.4 and around $0.45 it will drop back down again 🤓

Hello friends👋👋, Let's Let the music play!!! with M.C Black "@caleb-marvel" host, in collaboration with @taskmaster4450le @coyotelation @mightpossibly @sandymeyer @misterc @beststart @kiel91 @ifarmgirl @winanda @oldmans. The party is yours!!!

Hello, #partytime people.

I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

We are having a party at our house for my granddaughter's 1st birthday.

#partytime @beststart 😂😂😂

@caleb-marvel @taskmaster4450le @coyotelation @mightpossibly @sandymeyer @misterc @kiel91 @ifarmgirl @winanda @oldmans.

Hello @beststart Happy Sunday.
My weekend is going on well.

Wow! It must have been fun at home for you and your family to witness your granddaughter's 1st year birthday.

I wish her a super happy birthday. May the light of God shine in her life and may she keep growing in wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Amen 🙏

Cheers to the big 1 year 🥂 , I hope she enjoyed her day.

She certainly did, @winanda

Thank you for the blessing.


That's great. You're welcome.

@winanda! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @beststart. (7/50)

@winanda! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ beststart. (7/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

I wish her much happiness! May God always guide and protect you on your path.

I have no doubt that it was a very special moment for you and your family! Congratulations to your granddaughter @beststart.

Thanks, Tiago.

It was a very special day.


Very good to know my friend.


@beststart! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @coyotelation. (1/5)

@coyotelation! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @beststart. (2/50)

@coyotelation! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ beststart. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Happy birthday to her 🥳🥳🥳


Thank you, Caleb

You are always welcome sir, how was the birthday celebration?

We just wrapped things up. It was very nice.

You were supposed to call on more party DJs to the celebration 🥂🥂🤣🤣🤣🤣, so that we would flame the atmosphere with diverse music's 🥰🥰🥰🥰.

Good day to you sir, happy Saturday 😀☺️😀.

Thank you, son.

I made the adjustments in the curation trail.

Thanks for the detailed instructions.

Thanks very much Sir, 🥂😊

We are always at your service!!!

Thank you, @caleb-marvel

Thanks for thanking me sir 🥂🥂🥰🥰🥰..

Its a precious Saturday afternoon in my country, how about yours?

Good Afternoon to you! It is just after 9:00 am where I am and very nice weather today.

We are 5-6 hours earlier to your country 😊😊.

We are 5-6 hours earlier to your country 😊😊.

Meaning you're 5 to 6 hours ahead of us. Correct?

Very correct 🥂🥂🥂😊😊.

Kenny Loggins - Footloose


A movie I never get tired of watching!

Feel good movies are the best. 😀

Yeah, they're really good. I like action movies alot too.

The Police - Every Breath You Take


Really surprised and very happy that noone has tried to cancel this one.

You are welcome brother

This is one from Boston that I don't remember.

Hello @coyotelation, how is your day going?

It seems you went on vacation 😂 🤣 🤣. Lol


More or less that, but I'll show up soon.

<iframe src= width="100%" height="120" allow="encrypted-media" style="border: none;">

#partytime #musiconleo #freecompliments

Welcome to the party room @ijatz, how is your day going?😊💓😊.

Remembering the Legendary Bob Marley.

His music's are powerful.

Saturday party already started. Let's get down.

You are welcome to the party room.

The Cranberries - Zombie


You are welcome broo.

Lets go musically ✨🥳🥳!!!

Hello @logen9f @saintnick72 @emmally @rollando.silva, it's party time ✨✨✨.-silva

Ok boss

You are welcome dear

So what is the update
I need money oo borrow me abeg

try and be creative, you will have lots of $LEO and $HIVE.

good afternoon party time hope we're all having a great weekend. I can see that the party is already going on well done lions


Happy Saturday #partytime people! Scrolling through today's #musiconleo #threads

Good afternoon to you ma, 😊😊 how is your day going?

That is an impressive pool for the backyard.

By the way, where it he poll to rate it? Was it left off?

It was a 4ft pool that had a v-shape that wnet down to 8ft. I jumped off the top but never dove. My dad was a little more daring than me.

I added the poll on the edit for putting in the vid. Maybe not the right way to do it?

Lazily watching this, one thing that excites traders

In my previous threads my advice with the hive is to continue buying and holding, now the hive rose 17% from its last price of 0.30, it is good news, remember to reinvest the profits, what do you think about it? #crypto #hive #newsonleo

Lucrative APR

Stacker of the week 60

Done, sorry I'm late.

No worries at least you out here voting helping the community effort <3 !hiqvote !PIMP !LOL !ALIVE BBH

You must be killin' it out here!
@bitcoinman just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @kerrislravenhill.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/3 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

@kerrislravenhill! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ bitcoinman. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

A dated a ghoul once but I had to break up with her.
She had a mean spirit

Credit: reddit
@kerrislravenhill, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of bitcoinman

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

@bitcoinman, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (2/3) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @kerrislravenhill gets !WEED from @hiq.redaktion.

For further questions, check out or join our Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻


@hiq.smartbot passed you the virtual joint!
If you do not want to receive these comments, please reply with !STOP

Grain of gold

Grandma's Treasures

Thread Day #62

Sabadou, véspera de dia das mães! Já compraram o presente ou, como bons brazukas, vão deixar pra última hora?


Threadcast enraiado!

Bora que Bora, mas dia de sabado e domingo a galera da uma sumida kkk

Nada de novo no fronte, né? Haha!

O negócio é não deixar o TD ir pro limbo.

Agora com a @xlety as coisas vão andar melhor kkk, to vendo com o pessoal também tentar melhorar outros pontos.

Isso aí, tem que se movimentar.

Movimentar e evoluir, vamos conseguir!

Estou quase entrando dentro de uma caixa de papelão na sala de minha mãe até ela chegar e abrir para que eu grite: SURPESA, seu presente sou eu. Devo levar só umas 3 vassouradas com isso.

Não tem presente melhor do que nós mesmos 😂

Seguindo sua orientação, vou chegar amanhã na casa de minha mãe e dizer: mãe, estou bem de saúde, não há presente melhor para a senhora. kkkkkkkkk

kkkkkkkkkkkkk boa, esse é um ótimo presente também kkk

Verdade hahaha...

já falei hoje pra minha mae q eu sou o presente pq eu não pedi pra nascer kkkkkkk

Está corretíssima. Sobrou algum dente na boca depois desse presente?

presente da minha mãe sou eu mesma KKKKKKKKKK

To quase fazendo isso kkkk

Hello friends 😉😉😉

Hello! Good morming!

Estou inserido nesse grupo dos brazukas, ainda decidindo o que irei comprar, tenho até os 49 do segundo tempo para isso. kkk

Alguma sugestão de presente?

Bom dia galeraaaaaaaaaaaaa

Parece que estou com bloqueio mental de dia de sabado, falo que vou postar algo, mas nao consigo escrever... bate uma preguiça kkkk

Pensa nas recompen$a$ que a inspiração vem, haha!

kkkkkkkkk to tentando pensar, mas ta tenso, acho que é mais cansaço do que preguiça

Acontece com os melhores brazucas.

Consegui postar kkk, mas foi tenso, é muito cansaço, eu tenho tentado focar em postar de seg a sexta e o sabado e domingo é tentar ficar mais de boa, como hoje sobrou um tempo, aproveitei para fazer o post

Buenos dias, brazucas!

Bom dia mano e aí tudo de boa?

Suave demais! E por aí?

Tudo tranquilo graças a Deus!

Brazukada a mil por hora, tudo desesperado para comprar presente do dia das mães.

Passar o final de semana na casa da mãe conta como presente?

Preguiça hoje está surreal!

hoje quem tem que ganhar presente sou eu! amanhã me preocupo com

Olá pessoal! Como está o sabadão de vcs?

Hoje os jogadores do Flamengo tiveram disposição venceram o jogo.

Foi "provado" que o problema nunca foi técnico...

o presente que vou entregar é a minha ilustre presença kkkkkk

This is to anyone who sees this.

But I am could u miss something which is not existent.

HAhah 🤣🤣🤣 milaan my brother 😍😍. You always come out with something different 🤣🤣.

Wise point. But perhaps, missing someone can transcend beyond physical appearance?

Yes of course, if you are into meditation, into spirituality.

Right. That's mostly the standpoint from which such a thing happens.

#gmfrens and Happy Saturday! Got the trip to El Paso, TX for the probate hearing done. Now everything else for my sister-in-law's estate can be handled remotely.
We were gone for about 37 hours to get that done. Felt like longer than that.

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Enjoy your weekend

I write posts and upload images elsewhere and then copypaste them. People would hardly subscribe #premium when Inleo does not offer a smooth experience.

The thread below misses the #feedback tag.

Oh, there is a #feedback from tags. Dang, I missed it.

🧵 1/5

"What a great working day this was."

#threadstorm #outreach #freecompliments

🧵 2/5

For 13 years, I have worked for the same board that manages two locations.

My team of colleagues is divided between these two locations.

I am the lucky one who works at both places, but at one a little more than the other.

Our school has grown in recent years, and it was also necessary to expand our team.

New and often younger colleagues were hired.

As our school continues to grow, a reorganization is planned, and some changes are also being made within the management.

🧵 3/5

Phase 2: Storming

In this phase, alliances are formed, and others are excluded.

The team starts figuring out its norms.

Team members feel more confident in this phase and dare to stand up for specific values and stand firm.

What is important to you must dare to come to the surface.

You must be able to stay with yourself.

Sometimes, it will also appear during this phase that some members need help or want to work with each other within a team.

This happens when differences are too significant.

If so, a different team or employer may be a better choice to move forward and grow in your career and career path.

🧵 4/5

Phase 3: Norming

In this phase, team members work well together as a team.

Team members give each other solicited and unsolicited feedback and can do so correctly.

Rules are clear, and people address each other directly.

People check what was agreed upon and are willing to adhere to it or bring it up again in a meeting or other deliberation.

Hi. I'm glad to make my first post on inleo.
Thank you all.

#art #holozing #threadstorm

wow... is really been a long time I draw. Today was really fun drawing again. All thanks to @uyobong who introduce me to inlet. So glad to be here. Thanks guys.

I will be glad to see your lovely comments and show of love. Thanks

Welcome to InLeo! Thanks for sharing your artwork with us. I particularly like the highlights on the hair - gives dimension.

We're looking for more artists to post in the FreeCompliments Community and would love to have you join us. We curate and reward every post, and works like this would get a very nice reward! Not to mention, there are compliments everywhere. 😊

Thank you for lovely comment.

Congratulations Sir. Your skills can be boosted here. Hive

Thank you very much

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.


"Lionel, I'm sorry about last night. Please forgive me."

"It's OK, Lindsay, I forgive you. It's Sanjay, eh?" She nodded. "He still respects you, Lindsay; he wishes he can do more."

"A promise is a promise; he has to keep it."

This is 6/7 2fill a gap regarding the conflict between Lindsay Etxeberria & Sanjay Rampersad. Lindsay realized she was taking out her frustration at others, and she wanted to make amends with Sanjay's friend and road partner Lionel Odunsi.

Good morning Lions!

Have you checked the brand new LEODEX yet ?

#asonleo #polls #gmfrens

Yes! Still waiting for MAYA to add more tokens, though.

me too, glad that sps got listed recently :)

For sure!

It's evolving at a fast pace, with the $DEC & the $SPS tokens listings celebrated yesterday 🙃.

i also really liked the sps dec addition cause myself am heavily into the game!

Yes, it's a fantastic use case for $LEO, as the "liquidity crossroads" for all those swaps 🙂.

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Today is very important day. My #premium will be ending and I needs to renew it instantly. Pretry crazey....ummmm #gmfrens #freecompliments

GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Renew your premium to keep enjoying all the benefits 💃💃

Live picture from here. 3rd cup. Feel like it's Sunday today 😂

I have always wanted to build a farm house made of Bamboo but never did it cross my mind that such a design is possible. I saw this on Facebook. I am sure this is a product of a powerful combination of creativity, skills and hard work. I love Bamboo because its available anywhere and it insulates well against heat. Sadly, this design is not for me. I think this design is best for cockfighters.

What do you think?

#freecompliments #photography

I am almost 100% certain that this image is AI generated. If the rooster bamboo house really exists though you might find it in at least 1 travel blog with a simple google search. Let me know what you found out :)

I love the bamboo farmhouse design even though it does look like it's best for cockfighters 😂

Yes it would work...the only thing you need is you dont need to obsessed about being a millionaire.....let it come your way by factoring in the time and space it required.

So 30 days earning from EFT blogs, what should i do and should i be doing it over and over

Thats being used to buy SUBS for @stickupboys share profit :) so im not dumping im investing :D

I guess you should't be dumping Hive.

I started double posting 1/4 of my hive posts on traditional social media. The goal is to build an audience with IRL acquaintances and then let them know about INLEO

I love this idea. I can't wait to see the impact it's going to have.

well 2 people asked to read my blog so I sent them a link here, but the algorithms haven’t been as favorable after my initial 2 posts

Culture and cultural practices are incomplete without the literature of particular region. If any language or region doesn't have any literature then their culture will soon diminish and this process has been done in history.
#culture #mayinleo #threadstorm #outreach

2/ 🧵
So, literature is way to guide us about our core values and shape the identity of particular community or society.

#gmfrens ☕️

Good Morning to you too


GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

My phone got wet and now the camera doesn't work anymore. Does anyone have the same experience? How to troubleshoot this?


You should have taken it to the engineer the first time it got wet. He would have opened it up and cleaned it for you. You should do it, maybe it's not too late for your camera.

just hoping that it will be fixed

Jack Dorsey Says Bitcoin Price Will Go Beyond $1 Million in 2030

Former Twitter CEO and now founder and backer of several crypto projects, Jack Dorsey, believes that bitcoin (BTC) will go as high as $1 million by 2030. When asked about a price prediction for bitcoin in an interview with Pirate Wires, Dorsey said, “I don’t know. Over… at least a million. I do think it hits that number and goes beyond.” While the price of the cryptocurrency is interesting, he said, it’s the ecosystem and movement that fascinates Dorsey.

I have for a while now, been thinking about creating a store that accept $HIVE, $HBD and a set of hive-engibe tokens. I have actually already tested such setup. Just one question:

What to sell?

#hive #list #dropship #webshop3 #web3 #hbd

How is regulations in your country for taking crypto as a payment option?
You could sell anything. Dropshipping is hard because you need to find an item that is cool and is cheap to source.

Honestly I haven't been giving that much thought. There are probably some extreme regulations for it, but the idea of it is just so appealing.

I Austria regulations are clear you gotta put aside 20% VAT exception if it is B2B within the EU borders but from one country to another. Also you gotta pay income tax on the profit you make. If you only use HBD as a payment settlement you do not have to worry about price fluctuations.
As selling crypto is a taxable act you need to declare the time of purchase or in this case time of receiving the payment. If you hold HIVE and it goes up say 20% you have to pay an extra 27,5% on the profit you made with holding the asset and selling at a higher price. Similarly they would tax 27,5% on the HBD interest you make if you put it into savings...

I prefer dropshipping as I wouldn't need own warehouse and could pay as I sell for the items instead of paying for 1000 items and risking only selling 4.

I don't live in Europe, but I've heard that it's increasingly difficult to purchase there - or to be paid - without a bank account. So, in your situation, I would sell for Hive related tokens goods or services to bankless citizens (here in El Salvador, 70% of the people are bankless - myself included, of course 😊).

Here in Denmark I think everyone has a bank account. I haven't met one who doesn't, but your idea is great! Services that people might not want their banks to know about.

100%! Their banks, and in an apparently near future, the State. The European Central Bank has announced they'll impose a CBDC in the member States economies, hence having total control on what the citizens spend, at what time, for what amount, etc.

What to sell? t-shirts, mugs, or even handmade crafts

That is already possible through hivelist

Oh!? I had no idea

Have a look, it's pretty good 👍🏻

Today in History

In 1953, a tornado devastated Waco, Texas, claiming 114 lives.

In 1960, Israeli agents captured Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

#historyonleo #thread2earn #liotes

#gmfrens This is a #threadcast for the #freecompliments #mentalhealthinitiative for May 11th, 2024. Please post links to distressed users/Threads and ideas here, and check in during the day to see whether something has been added. All members answering the roll call below will get curated.

Mental Health Ambassador Team: @alessandrawhite @bitcoinman @caleb-marvel @ckole @crazyphantombr @fantagira7 @fashtioluwa @FoneStreet @goingcrossroads @gregscloud @ibbtammy @jongolson @juva @laurapalmerr @lorennys @luchyl @manclar @pepetoken @solymi @thebighigg @wongi Answer this daily roll call to get curation! Check the comment above for our public flowsheet and pinned post, to which you can add suggestions/links.

Happy Saturday everyone

Good morning and Happy Saturday!


@luchyl! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @freecompliments. (6/50)

Did you know that the first french fries weren’t cooked in France?
They were cooked in Greece.

Credit: belhaven14
@luchyl, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments


Happy Saturday Caleb!

I'm working tonight and tomorrow night so not much weekend for me LOL


@caleb-marvel! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @freecompliments. (7/50)

It doesn't matter if my wife tells me I'm not mature
I'm not going to let her enter my tree house without the right password

Credit: reddit
@caleb-marvel, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

I don't have weekend neither.

Let's get it, GET IT!

This is the music am listening to in the party room, am just playing it for mind refreshing.

Bob Marley has some great work!

I found it interesting, but not at all surprising, that his best-selling work was the less controversial and minimally politically content, because he was quite a revolutionary. That said, I still do like those greatest hits even though I know this context lol.

hahaha 😂😂

Lots of folks up early it seems !BBH

@freecompliments! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman. (4/50)

I'm doing a random night shift again, so it's technically late for me... I think 😵 🥴


@bitcoinman! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @freecompliments. (9/50)

What do a tick and the Eiffel Tower have in common?
They're both Paris sites.

Credit: dyson-the-booper
@bitcoinman, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

Good morning!

@freecompliments! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @thebighigg. (3/50)

Good morning to you!


@thebighigg! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @freecompliments. (8/50)

How do you turn a duck in to a singer?
Put it in the microwave until its Bill Withers.

Credit: basilmarples
@thebighigg, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

Flower Rain GIF by James Koroni


Happy Saturday, Freddy! Never enough money 🙃


@fonestreet! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @freecompliments. (10/50)

Want to here a joke about pizza?
It's a little cheesy.

Credit: boboman
@fonestreet, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments



GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!

GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.

Use this pinned post to post links in case the InLeo Ul isn't working well for you: @freecompliments/a-bimonthly-post-for-our-mental-health-ambassadors-to-post-links-to-distressed-users-592024 Google Docs action flowsheet:

Great job yesterday, guys! ☺️

I have no idea what this is because its my first day on leo. I guess I will say hi?

Welcome Arcadeph! ☺️

This is a place to post a link (if you happen to find any) if see someone experience a mental health crisis or some type of distress. We swoop in and try to help out. This is a unique team on Web 3.0, found nowhere else on the internet or on any other blockchain!


Waoh this is indeed a lovely day,in the after noon the sun was at it peak shortly after the rain set in to calm the hot weather, thanks to God for this blessing.#freecomplement #mydiary

I know what I'm going to do today! I'm gonna gather my dandelions to make Aurora Borealis Dandelion wine with extra solar radiation as the main ingredient for that ✨ pizzazz ✨ and some dandelions for taste. It's going to be magical! 🪄

Anybody got an idea of how we can increase premium members to 1000?

Smooth UX and getting rid of the image quality reduction for starters.

Don't charge for the membership?

Creating attractive ways to increase our pride.

"Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think."

Powered Up 121.5 #hive

Seeing this daily powerup almost makes me feel hopeful. But then I look at my own wallet and become realistic again 😂

I have a strong belief in this project, and the stigma of forking from steem is the only thing holding us back. But that will pass

What I read here is "Hive will grow bigger". Hopefully my wallet will follow 😂


Congrats on your daily power up

Someone buyinh $HIVE #hive #crypto 😀

It could be an impact of #LeoDex being more & more integrated into #Maya Protocol, i.e. indirectly into #THORchain 🙃.

Is it those south koreans again? They pump it for like 12 hours and then it dumps again.

Agree, i think the same its the KR community

Yeah I saw the price hike when I woke up, it is nice to see a 10% rise like that. I can really see Hive going exponential at some point.

🧵 1. Lightning Labs CEO Elizabeth Stark revealed plans at the FT Crypto Summit to enable stablecoins on the Lightning Network, facilitating new use cases for Bitcoin. #crypto

🧵 2. Developers have executed a test transaction on the Lightning Network with an asset created using Taproot Assets protocol, aiming for stablecoins on Bitcoin.

🧵 3. Stark emphasized solving real-world problems, not meme coins. Lightning Labs' tech aims to enable global transactions without borders on the Bitcoin blockchain.

🧵 4. Increasing developer interest in Bitcoin post-halving, with projects like DeFi on Bitcoin and bitVM offering new capabilities for the crypto ecosystem.

🧵 5. Stark highlighted Bitcoin's role in enabling remittances and evading capital controls in emerging markets, emphasizing its potential impact in hyperinflationary environments.

🚨🚨 Phishing group returns $66.88M worth of stolen #ETH and #WBTC to victim after completing transfer from multiple addresses.


Appears like very benign and ethical!

Wow! I guess it's in the case of "poisoned transactions" that took place around a week ago.

A nice epilogue! Thanks for the follow-up, rajauk!

Wow, that's an unexpected move. It's Good to see some decency in the midst of cybercrime

I need more money to investing in #leo

Just sent you a fraction of a cent. Rivers are made of many drips 🙃.

delegate HP to leo.voter and you get LEO daily.

Have you considered taking up robbery? 😂😂😂

I'm kidding 😂

QCP: US elections will conclude in Nov this year and historically markets tend to be bullish into elections. Specific to this election, Trump has been making crypto-friendly overtures which could illicit a a similar tone from Biden as both try to win the crypto vote. Unless the Fed clearly rules out rate cuts or hints at rate hikes, it seems like the markets will continue to price in cuts.


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