Legally, in the US and in the EU, nobody owns any stocks, except the 2 Clearance entities that will most probably liquidate all "our" stocks when the fiat bubble will go bust.
I went to visit the wife's grave today. She still thinks it's going to be a fishpond. Credit: reddit @taskmaster4450le, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ben.haase
Off topic: If you have been active on Solana and been using Phantom, check out my threadcast. There's an ongoing $PENGU airdrop and you might be eligible!
Ok, that might be the thing then. Damn. I wish many here would've received this but no. :( I guess these are based on luck mostly. No way of knowing what apps to use to be eligible
There are many wallet options for Solana but the most popular one is Phantom which in my opinion is one of the best wallets in the whole crypto space. From what I've understood, this airdrop was actually for early Phantom users and part of the criteria that we needed to have started using it before 2023.
I'm not a fan of memecoins. But we can surely learn from them about marketing a project. These communities create Tokens that are worth 1000X $LEO without even a real product. We need to learn from meme community!
Why did the hospital send all the nurses to art school? So they could learn to draw blood. Credit: reddit @khaleelkazi, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ahmadmanga
The AMA rules mandate that @khaleelkazi must spend the first 10 minutes of a live discussing Bitcoin and Ethereum, and mention no fewer than 12 altcoins :)
Thanks Khal and the team, I just checked my referral dashboard and found out the claim button has been fixed and also my referral rewards have reflected.
Taking my time on this referral thing because I'm all about quality, wouldn't want to bring someone that will ruin all what I have worked hard for on hive.
X is dying slowly … the superconnectors (officials, celebs, news outlets, etc.) are starting to leave the sinking ship more and more … we need to catch afew superconnectors with their insane followings!
Referrals can come from friends and family like in network marketing. That is a lot better than ads due to the personal connection. That is another great perk of paying people to refer more users.
Can I onboard my family and then have a way to just have a private feed for them? Like I get my whole extended family on here and all they want it just our family to interact with.
Question about Leo Strategy: is there some kinda what criteria on what kind of content the account is going to vote? I saw a couple of users interested in this today
INLEO's impressive growth will it possibly foster innovations regarding how Hive as a blockchain manages big amounts of comments and posts as a whole, to be integrated in a future Hive fork? When threadcasts reach 3k or 4k comments, for example.
Yeah, I wish there will be a change in the future and no NSFW will be allowed. It will be good if this platform stands out in this aspect. I know majority will also support this.
Regarding the "pay in everything" approach: will it be rolled out gradually, one crypto ecosystem per month, for instance, so that each crypto universe has time to adapt to the specificities of INLEO, and will have heard of the first coins' benefits here?
I cannot wait to see @mayaprotocol users start coming in droves. Dash made us 3X Thread usage. This partnership style works great for both communities. I wouldn't mind Tron users either. Drama does create engagement.
@scaredycat guide An important ingredient for a sustained BTC bull in 2025 is the new accounting rules in the US, that don't oblige anymore companies to include it on their balance sheet at its lowest quarterly price.
I have an idea for onboarding, but I need the Claim Button to work flawlessly before I attempt it: Paying people in USD for getting to know the platform, and being active for a week or two.
Some users said they claimed their rewards already but did not see anything in their wallet , how will it be fixed ?? Secondly you are doing an amazing job..
Have you seen that there's been something like USD 2 billion of inflow into the ETH ETF for the last month? It's catching up with Bitcoin, to a certain extent.
hopefully I can onboard some people who stick around. I know people who are mostly interested in shorts, so hopefully 3speak gets on it. Glad they’ve made progress though
High TVL means larger Liquidity Pools which is very important for Whales who make large trades. What they save due to low slippage could more than justify higher transaction fees on Ethereum.
She is right. Although the thread offer the simplest system of creating content. There can be another offer that teach newbies and activate them fully.
I mean introduce your hive friends and IRL friends and don’t even mention hive until they already have 3-4 friends there and then it’s a done deal, they’ll join cause they already know some people there
Why did the astronaut throw away his vegetarian burger? He wanted something *meteor*. Credit: reddit @selfhelp4trolls, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ahmadmanga
(3/4) Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.
I just posted my links in "certain" websites... Couldn't retain anyone of the 50, though. I'll try a different strategy next, but would love to spend of the $LEO I earned before to try it.
Are you in control of who can subscribe to your private content? Like, if I wanted to bring my family in and had them subscribe to me, could I just limit my subscribers to the people I know?
INLEO's impressive growth will it possibly foster innovations regarding how Hive as a blockchain manages big amounts of comments and posts as a whole, to be integrated in a future Hive fork? When threadcasts reach 3k or 4k comments, for example.
From the last time, I noticed that whenever the threadcast reach 400 comments , that is when it seems comments start disappearing, anyways good to see comments again
Go to Sam’s club and buy these.
Open and dry with paper towels.
Cover in kosher salt.
Let’s sit in fridge for 3 hours.
Remove and bring to room temperature.
Cook for 3 minutes on each side of a 500 degree griddle.
Add butter to top after first flip.
Let’s rest for 3 minutes and enjoy.
Dudu se despediu do Palmeiras com uma mensagem em vídeo nas redes sociais na manhã desta terça-feira, poucos dias após assinar a rescisão de contrato com o clube. Lembrou conquistas, títulos, o carinho da torcida e com um pedido: jamais esquecer.
Pode ter certeza que está sendo um dia muito triste para mim ter que dar essa mensagem, mas não poderia deixar de agradecer por tudo que fizeram por mim, pra minha família, por tudo que vocês representam pra mim, por todo respeito, carinho, amor que deram por mim.
Espero que vocês nunca se esqueçam de mim, nunca se esqueçam dos momentos maravilhosos que a gente viveu entro do clube, dentro do Allianz, eu vestindo a camisa do Palmeiras.
– Podem ter certeza que foi tudo de coração. Foi tudo na intenção de sempre vocês voltarem feliz para casa, sempre foi minha missão. Sempre tive isso no coração. E acho que se vocês olharem para trás vão ver que minha missão no Palmeiras foi cumprida muito bem.
No vídeo, o atacante também compartilha imagens de sua última partida como atleta do Palmeiras, na rodada final do Brasileiro, contra o Fluminense, quando permaneceu em campo no fim ao lado da esposa e os filhos, visivelmente emocionado.
Quase um milhão de pessoas doaram algum valor na campanha de arrecadação para o pagamento da dívida do Corinthians com a Caixa Econômica Federal pelo financiamento da Neo Química Arena, inaugurada em 2014.
Entre os maiores doadores, figuram nomes conhecidos do torcedor, como o goleiro Cássio (15º maior doador) e o ex-atacante Emerson Sheik (30º). Além deles, o apresentador Serginho Groisman também aparece como um dos que mais colaboraram, na 11ª posição.
O diretor financeiro do clube, Pedro Silveira, também aparece na lista dos maiores doadores, na quarta colocação. Rubens Ermírio de Moraes, herdeiro do Grupo Votorantim, também é listado aparecendo na 31ª posição.
O funkeiro MC Hariel, ativo nas redes sociais e que lançou uma música com Memphis Depay, aparece entre os 100 maiores doadores, no 25º lugar no ranking.
O líder em doações é o empresário Maurício Chamati, sócio da maior corretora de criptomoedas do Brasil que foi avaliada em 1 bilhão de dólares em 2021 - a primeira do segmento a se tornar “unicórnio” na América Latina.
O Palmeiras acertou a contratação de Facundo Torres e aguarda apenas a realização de exames médicos para anunciar o acordo por cinco anos com o atacante do Orlando City, dos Estados Unidos. O uruguaio de 24 anos de idade, porém, não deve ser o único reforço para o ataque alviverde nesta janela.
Quando projetou o elenco de 2025, o Palmeiras definiu que teria de ir ao mercado para contratar dois pontas – Lázaro e Dudu já deixaram o clube, enquanto Estêvão só permanece até o Super Mundial, antes de se transferir ao Chelsea.
O acerto por Facundo é de 12 milhões de dólares (cerca de R$ 72 milhões) fixos, além de bônus que não foram revelados. O clube ainda tem cerca de R$ 130 milhões para investir em reforços nesta janela de transferências.
O departamento de análise de mercado busca jogadores especialmente na América do Sul e Europa. Para os lados do campo, a ideia do Verdão é trazer um jogador mais experiente, que não precise passar pelo processo de amadurecimento na Academia de Futebol.
Jhon Arias, do Fluminense, era um nome que agradava neste perfil, mas o Palmeiras já recebeu a sinalização nos bastidores de que o clube carioca não irá vender o atacante a outro time brasileiro.
They are sending Chicago right-handed reliever Cody Poteet, in exchange for Bellinger and $5 million.
The Cubs, ironically, landed Yankees target Kyle Tucker on Friday in a three-for-one trade.
The Bellinger acquisition is the second trade in a short span for the Yankees, who traded for Brewers’ star closer Devin Williams in exchange for Nestor Cortes and prospect Caleb Durbin on Friday.
It was the character of Bobby Axelrod on the television series “Billions” who popularized the term. As that character was loosely based on Mets owner Steve Cohen, it has helped define his approach to running the Mets.
The term, translated for inclusion in a family newspaper: “Eff-you money.”
Cohen sits on a $21 billion fortune, and so he specializes in allocating FYM. If he wants a painting or a sculpture bad enough, he brings that painting or sculpture home with him, caring not if he has to pay an overcharge to hang it on his wall or feature it in his den.
Here's what I think about being there for friends in need.
Instead of the vague "let me know if you need help," I've learned it's better to jump in with specific offers. Tell them let me grab groceries or walk dog dog. I think that giving clear options makes it easier for them to accept help.
This is a really interesting post if you want to earn income through THREADS/SPLINTERLANDS, I am a committed user with my investments in INLEO so you should read this.
I'm using to Summarize Youtube videos. I can do 25 prompts max per day, (for now,) but I guess it's more than enough to do my part for LeoAI's #flywheel. Maybe if I got more upvotes per day, I'll consider doing Premium for unlimited summaries. #ai #chatgpt #llama #cent #bbh
Me gustaría unirme a la comunidad #hivenftgamelatino y apoyar este proyecto, desde mi punto de vista @leofinance tambien deberia tener su propio juego NFT por que seguramente sea un éxito total. 🦁
Speaking of Final Fantasy, this year I finished FFX, and two mods of FFVII. I hope to get Final Fantasy Remke & Rebirth on PC next year, but I guess I have other games on my backlog to finish first.
📣 🧑💻 Attention all #dash #masternode operators! Majority have updated to v22, if you have not yet upgraded, you may start receiving PoSe bans soon! Do not delay!
LeoStrategy has acquired an additional 26,899.65 LEO for ~$1,942.40 at $0.0722 per #leo. As of 12/17/24, we hodl 243,269.672 $LEO acquired for ~$18,670.59 at $0.0767 per LEO
This is our 13th purchase of LEO using LSTR's initial offering. There are 85,346.057 shares of LSTR remaining in this offering and 100% of the proceeds will purchase LEO and stake it. Link to purchase LSTR is in the reply thread to this thread
The time to buy LSTR is now! Don't miss out on the biggest project built on LEO that generates accretive value for shareholders
On December 17, ** **, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, the final film in the trilogy based on the best-selling fantasy novels by J.R.R. Tolkien, opens in theaters. The film was a huge box-office success and won 11 Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director, for Peter Jackson. The Lord of the Rings trilogy became one of the highest-grossing franchises in movie history, netting billions of dollars worldwide in box-office proceeds and related merchandise.
my bi weekly commute destroyed my day today lol. Seriously. I was ready to take on the world these morning but 3 hours in a packed and delayed train knocked me out
ULFGA THE BLIGHTED is a monster type card that was introduced in the game just recently and it comes under Rebellion Promo edition cards. This card belongs to the Dragon element and it is an attackless card.
It is a legendary type card, so you will need total 115 BCXs of cards in order to upgrade this card to max level. This monster card costs only 4 mana to be used in battles, so you can easily use this card in small to medium mana limit matches or with Little Leagues ruleset.
This is an analysis of the integration of Dash with Hive, via Inleo (a social media platform on the Hive Blockchain) which allows members of the Dash Community to earn Dash cryptocurrency through social interactions.
I've gotten notifications telling me I have completed an achievement and won a badge, however I can't see what the achievements are nor the badges, I cant find it anywhere. I am on mobile and on my laptop. Anyone know what's up?
I imagine you saw the notifications from HiveBuzz on your latest post (check out your latest post and see what it notified you about and you'll see it as a comment). You can see all your badges, progress, and future targets on
Hello #lions am new and am very excited to be a part of this wonderful platform. Please check out my introduction post here.
Hi and big welcome to Inleo!
thank you very
Thank you
Thank you
INLEO AMA #threadcast | Referral (Re)Launch Party
New features, claim button fix, lowered threshold for claiming and more
Will my "Unclaimed Rewards" refresh after the update? Sorry for "putting my hand in the hot stove" but I was too excited. @khaleelkazi @tsunsica

That's a relief!
I wasn't there for the Justin Sun capture of Steem, but observably the anger over that solidified an ethos of decentralization in the Hive community.
hahaha what a nuisance, that guy
I love all this Hopium around here! Hopefully $LEO and $HIVE price explode soon!!!
already learning a lot, didn't know the whole steemit thing was Justin
Legally, in the US and in the EU, nobody owns any stocks, except the 2 Clearance entities that will most probably liquidate all "our" stocks when the fiat bubble will go bust.
So is the referral reward received in liquid LEO?
One friday Lions den we will talk about fiber because a good shit is important for growth of Leo.
Constipation does lead to poor decision making ;-)
Here is a summary of the episode:
Hi, @mightpossibly,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
I’m not angry, I’m thankful. his antics forced us to fork and become a much much better chain for it.
Cat is very clever and intelligent. His words and views are solidly based on technical study and trends..
Ethererum is the future despite BTc runs
Cat and I are chatting pre show, about to go on
Welcome to the Leo Jim Cramer show.
Welcome dear Taskmaster.
She still thinks it's going to be a fishpond.
Credit: reddit
@taskmaster4450le, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ben.haase
NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ
very cool that inleo has this frequent AMA. Really appreciate that
Can there be altcoins out there that will make 100% when the bull market affects them?
Of course there will be... The problem is that most of these coins will be scams/memes.
$LEO did a 3x frankly thanks to all the great #work
Now, that's a nice prediction. Hope it becomes true. But I wouldn't raise my hopes that much!!
Hope u bougt flight ticket on blockchain TA Travala :-)
@polygonpirate, you might be interested in this!
Let's get the party started..
Let's go!!!! !LOLZ
When it's a jar
Credit: reddit
@khaleelkazi, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ben.haase
Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP
Cool to see LeoStrategy playing its part in the community side too!
Where's Eric? He's been on low for a while now
Having the ability to share the successful stories on the rewarding earnings will be best approach of onboarding more users
Dash users will be helping a lot with this.
Sharing claims from referrals would create a challenge between users to refer more.

I don't see anything wrong?
Yeah, I can't see the past comments and the threads in the main feed are not appearing.

35 min ago bro

Excuse Khal but the problem persists...
I can't see the comments in the threadscast, I can only do it from
Got 2 errors and latest feed was lacking 30 min after that.

I don't see the comments @khaleelkazi

Letting the community mark it as NSFW will be a life saver, but I wonder if it'll be abused.
nearing 400 comments. So not only 0.25 Leo in January. Also 1000 comments per thread cast 🔥
stealth introduce! Sorry!
Now I realized that having more referrals can even put a user among leaderboard
I still can't hear anything from X yet
got to run guys... Later 😭
See ya later.
This sounds very good, it will be possible.
Let's go MAYA and $RUNE!!!
yeah. Steemit was a company. He bought it and we all said 🖕🖕 and became a DAO
mind blown
yeah it was good times.
How are you in crypto and never heard of this?
We are the only community to prove community trumps chain.
Wait I thought you was new to Hive?
I knew some drama went on but didn't know it was Justin
#aiimages #aiart #aiartonleo
If one cashed in, won't it be only converted to LEO and not HIVE? Won't that lead more decrease in HIVE's price than the LEO platform as whole?
Only HBD is cashed out. HIVE is perma powered up as its earned
InLEO is making earnings super cool once one is engaging enough.
Did not drop out here.
I ask again 🤣🤣🤣.. lol
these are the kinds of ideas I usually keep to myself. Terrible but hilarious 😂
ETH is another amazing coin...
Off topic: If you have been active on Solana and been using Phantom, check out my threadcast. There's an ongoing $PENGU airdrop and you might be eligible!
My allocation was worth $85 so it was pretty ok.
not sure why I got nothing. I have been using phantom since 2019/20
That's weird. I wonder what the exact criteria were. Have you been using Jupiter DEX as well?
I did not use Jupiter. I think I used raydium.
Ok, that might be the thing then. Damn. I wish many here would've received this but no. :( I guess these are based on luck mostly. No way of knowing what apps to use to be eligible
Yeah, you just don't know what else to do :P
I never really understand what wallet to use for solana and how to get fiat onto solana. I missed out on a lot.
There are many wallet options for Solana but the most popular one is Phantom which in my opinion is one of the best wallets in the whole crypto space. From what I've understood, this airdrop was actually for early Phantom users and part of the criteria that we needed to have started using it before 2023.
thanks, I just wanted a wallet to play around with solona for the next few months
Well, I can highly recommend Phantom. Also, they just added the Base network as well. 👌
I think that's good
Merry Christmas to you Lions. This could be the last INLEO AMA before the big Christmas celebration. 🎆🎅🎁🎄
Merry Christmas to you too, Winanda! 😊
Thanks, Brando. 😊
$ETH fees are just Bloodbath!!
So see you next time, bye. Have to go. Merry christmas to all.
Am already tuned in on X, it's time
waiting on khal
Hiya, we live on twitter ☺️
I Received a notification on X, looks like it's almost time.
Waiting for the #youtube to pop up
same! !lolz
Credit: reddit
@ben.haase, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of rainbowdash4l
Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP
what about them dog coins thou? :P
let’s go!
im ready! I should be asleep but ill stay as long as i can
lol my favorite meme
Hope the thread cast doesn't crash today 😕
Live yet?
When Leodex v.2? It should be up for some time now.
Even the bull market is affecting $LEO token, we were a bit lesser than this before but look where we are now with Leo token.
we are gonna hit 100 comments before the thing even starts. The new normal
yeah, prefer the YouTube
But you look anxious 😅
Looks like khal isn't done with the record set up.
pregaming 🥃
We want to hear the preshow chatter?
Late as always... But I got some great news!
Check out Greener Candles threadcast after this. I'll post something and it's worth it. 😉
Put a link to the threadcast here, when this threadcast is near its end.
I will, good idea 👍
we are live on X
LFG 🚀🚀🦁👏
We are officially live. I can now hear from X
Very funny. What do we stand
Hello Lions. Great to be here again.
I can't hear a thing in the X Space, I need to move to YouTube. Are we live there?
I think the subject matter of todays show will be about referring newbies.
Are we live yet?
I see you on Youtube!! Hear you both!!
I hear ya
I think the next step after all these integrations is a good marketplace to buy stuff
Mic, 150k $BTC, lolz. Can be possible though.
refreshing youtube for the last time
WE can hear you on X
I'm not a fan of memecoins. But we can surely learn from them about marketing a project. These communities create Tokens that are worth 1000X $LEO without even a real product. We need to learn from meme community!
Leo.voter should increase the % of upvote to support and appreciate us..
It already does
Go premium if you want more
Let's get the party started!
2025 will be great year for crypto investors...
what advice would you give anyone right now about the crypto market
We need to encourage them to be owners and not just users.
Have learnt somethings about crypto while am on it but having patient sometimes is painful cause it works somehow.
II need to earn more here so I can diversify
The crypto market is something else, in the absence of patients then its not sense making.
wHat is the update concerning LeoAI
last I checked the Leo token is thriving. I'm pretty sure nothing has changed especially not on Khal's watch.
those who are doing intraday trading.. where in huge profit..
Yea, the crowdier the AMA the new ideas we get, maybe.
$BTC keeps pulling the stunt, I don't know maybe it's not Altcoins time.
Weighted more and more heavy into $ETH and $RUNE for now. May be a bit early, but I have to sit on my hands for a bit.
So Justin still owns steemit?
I feel happy when I see how Crowded the AMA threadcast has become!!
I have join the party. Thanks for the show
Also sBTC launches today to earn yield
you seem, to be interested in ETH
What are we not seeing
Soon $leo will be
Creators Sub. They know about this khal strategy, he has been saying it.
If you enjoy watching the AMAs on Youtube it is live here
is bull run only in favour of BTC and ETH
What does crypto lending means ??
Hello Gargi. Been a while. Welcome
Wrapping Bitcoin vaults.
@rmsadkri ,tagging you like promised. 👍 This is now live!
Wow, Justin Sun is really putting his hands on every game!!!
Can hear Khal typing, look like he is pretty fast.
Wen LeoAI?!!!
what's lending in crypto
Same as lending in cash, I think.
BTC is moving amazingly..
Json, that is used while logging in on Keystore?
Why am not much of eth Blockchain is the gas fees, it always woops ass.
good insight on ETH. ETH is rich man crypto
Oooh, never thought about it like that... Still, I want lower fees. !LOLZ
So they could learn to draw blood.
Credit: reddit
@khaleelkazi, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ahmadmanga
Truly, Eth is still the best option for big players despites it's high gas fees because of it's high security.
Anything special planned for christmas ? 🦁👏🚀 10k MAU maybe? ;)
Yea, BSC chain has something super cool, but BEP too is something cool too.
Big finance entities see $ETH as a necessary tool.
All lions get ready for year 2025.
If I don't have enough time I will watch this AMA much later.
200 threads 😏
I hate ETH. But I get what you are saying
Why do you hate ETH?
fees and outdated
Oh, I see. So which do you think is better?
Time to get tons of ref!
This ending of the year is giving crypto investors a huge harvest, I mean what $BTC have been doing lately is super awesome.
I'm one of the people who want less fees on $ETH!!!
Me too, they are astronomical.
Once I get my first referral payout, I'll go full on the onboarding Mode!!
They're all backpaid so waiting for it is not something I understand
But that being said, hope to see you step it up after the 1st claim
It's a psychological effect!!!
Ask Grok about Khaleelkazi 🦁
so in summary,ETH is the future
First time hearing about steemit
at the end of year is great for everyone here...
Khal is very active on X spaces with many posts that talks more leo projects and
Invite your friends and let your friends invite others and it keeps going.
I understand that the rewards for the referral program is disabled, is it now available to be able to claim those rewards?
their called Xeets now @khaleelkazi , pronounced Skeets.
it is difficult for me to understand people abo
I think scanning QR codes, face to face talks and sending invitation links will help onboard newbies.
Borrowing and loan can be a good source of financial strength for investment whenever the tall
Who will be the best referral on chain?
If 2024 was a marvelous year, what will 2025 be like?
Wow, the threading space is crowded today.
Leo UI is amazing interface... now it is totally bug free...
Any advice on positioning on inleo
Good afternoon, greetings to all present.
2025 is the year of the Lion!
And now Khal is too...
I tried to put some btc into tether and realized the fees weren’t worth the fees. Next time I’ll use HBD.
Q: for the AMA section;
Noticed with the last ama some downtime - is that server or hive related?
Good questions!
Hey folks, just got in
Soon alt coin will soar higher too. Time to invest on some wonderful projects and assets.
That's what trying times does 😅
$ETH to follow suit, I think it will take the step of $BTC in little time. Altcoins are just joking around at the moment.
Both are very good projects.
Anybody here doing intra day trading..
I have recently posted some NSFW Threads and I wanted to apologize for not being muted in the feed. @khaleelkazi
ETH is obviously the next BTC
my problem with ETH is the vitality of their gas fee
so soon 147 comments done 👍🏻
Eth all the way, we all know after BTC is eth and then we would sees a shift from $BTC to $ETH.
Another reason to invest more on ethereum because of it's security and high DeFi priorities which is better than B
Feels great to be here
How many referrals can I get in a day?
Good questions
i think there should be no limit , it all depends on your referring skills
$BTC & $ETH will fall behind but that like in 20 years.
It is great way to earn and enhance our knowledge ..
Imagine having $BTC at 40k something this year and what would have been it's fate now, making money is real in the crypto market.
Only if one could see the future. , many people would have come billionaires by now
At this point , it seems investing on ethereum is more profitable than investing on bitcoin
The AMA rules mandate that @khaleelkazi must spend the first 10 minutes of a live discussing Bitcoin and Ethereum, and mention no fewer than 12 altcoins :)
hahahahaha, This guy is an expert at that, isn't he?
I enjoy it and find it useful, but also enjoy Taskmaster giving them grief. It's win/win.
Although the whales focuses on eth but BTC dominance can't be overlooked.
So let's wait and see what happens in the next two week for altcoins, according to khal, we are logged in though.
I will try this new referral system, I have many friends in #spanish that will be happy to be here on @leofinance! #inleoreferrer
We all bet on HIVE
It can be a great world to win.
i think i saw BTC at 46k a couple of months ago
What will be Hbd in 2025.. Any prediction..
I find it nice, so more people will come before the actual AMA topics start!
$ETH Can you be part of hive?
a quick question,those who set their crypto at ETH on hive,can dey position with the ETH
$ETH to 5K by 01/15/2025
Cat & Khal, have you aped into Hyperliquid yet? 😀
What is Hyperliquid? :(
Check my blog, just published a post about it. 🙂👍
Happy to have new names and users on the show. Their contributions is very amazing.
Thanks Khal and the team, I just checked my referral dashboard and found out the claim button has been fixed and also my referral rewards have reflected.
So have you made the withdrawal ??
I don't want to do that yet. I want to keep growing it.
I initially claimed when it wasn't finally fixed and it left my dashboard, but now it's back
30 mintes wasted.
@khaleelkazi The referral program can only claim up to $50?
Is the button to withdraw rewards already available? How much is the minimum to be able to withdraw?
Leo $0.20 in January feels very realistic
0.40 :)
I think it's $10
@leostrategy is spreading #wealth
Yea Mitch, slow and steady wins the race, we await for the better marlet
inleo $2 by next year
An article on the Bitcoin Reserve alluded to by Donald Trump and referenced in the AMA.
there will be another way to earn, other than through referrals.
who is Hive Jim Cramer? @taskmaster4450
Task is a back bencher 😅
Observing, implementing and spreading knowledge.
discuss about upcoming features of Leo UI ??
What is HyperLiquid? :(
i like the general market talk
I need to pump my referrals still on the road to first 1000 referrals
Maybe many will join
@khal what will proce prediction of $leo in the year 2025..
My is at 0.35
I still don't understand how the claiming happens with $DASH users.
If you opened an account with keystore , I think you should be able to claim dash rewards
$ETH narrative is starting to pick up. Take a look at this video if you have any doubts about @khaleelkazi
oh never mind. I claimed my rewards and then they popped back up 😝 endless fountain hack!?!
That's really thoughtful of Khal and his team reducing the threshold for referral funds.
Let me check!
crushed 300 comments …

sharing successes from referrals will help motivate others to refer.
are you sure it doesn’t work yet? I just claimed 0.79 cents worth
when is this new minimum starting?
Now you have to take advantage to win.
There will be lower threshold on the amount of rewards to claimed. It is as low as $1.
Good choice by eliminating the threshold for claiming referral earnings
Taking my time on this referral thing because I'm all about quality, wouldn't want to bring someone that will ruin all what I have worked hard for on hive.
the rewarding earned from referral system will be paid in leo token. A best utility system that will create more value on the assets
I don't even want to claim my rewards yet, still building it.
Wow.. 355 comments completed..
Yea, it's not ready yet, we await the blog post.
Welcome back bencher... Go seat in the back with Task 😂
Question ❓
Please talk about the X ads referral.
What‘s up with the profile page redesign?
what is minimum threshold limit from claim?
For the sake of proof, I will do mine and make a tutorial on it..
Bieeee.. lions..
X is dying slowly … the superconnectors (officials, celebs, news outlets, etc.) are starting to leave the sinking ship more and more … we need to catch afew superconnectors with their insane followings!
the crash always seems to happen around 400 comments
Yeah! Is that hive related? Or server capacity related? Or…?
Would be very nice if we solve this rapidly with the new users that are joining us
#feedback I have not been able to see the latest comments to interact :(

When referring users, also remember to educate them about the importance of engagement
so far so good,no hitches, this is commendable.
Yeah, I noticed that in the threadcast
So I saw someone made a NSFW thread without using the NSFW tag , I think that is so wrong IMO
yeah, issues with hive code
If they subscribe to monthly or yearly premium, that will be a bigger reward.
I signed up 3 people who forgot to use the referral link 😝 for that you get 0
How can they have missed your link? 😛
maybe they don’t allow cookies?
I usually don't even get up
Hive node issue can be annoying sometimes. We hope it's been resolved.
Referrals can come from friends and family like in network marketing. That is a lot better than ads due to the personal connection. That is another great perk of paying people to refer more users.
yeah i think it's fair,to keep everyone busy
treating us as the onboarding squad for hive with mainly long form was not a good plan. But for INLEO with short and long form is another story
Comments here don't appear to me anymore! Do you guys see mine?
yes we see you
Thanx for letting me know.
You are welcome 🤗
I think Lions like this referral program because it will enable them earn more outside the 7-day payout timing.
I am here today
I think we that are referring has a lot of work to do by making users engaging and be retained.
comments not loading in the threadcast sometimes …
they are back online for me now
hey hey, who am i seeing here? welcome back to the show 💪🏼🦁👍🏼
lol I know. It's been a while. thanks.
So the best thing you can do is stealth invite your hive friends to your other friends
Imagine having $500 from referrals in a month. Its gonna be something too cool for me.
Can I onboard my family and then have a way to just have a private feed for them? Like I get my whole extended family on here and all they want it just our family to interact with.
Nice idea. It's like creating a group chat.
Looks like once there are many comments, it's affects InLEO backend.
Question about Leo Strategy: is there some kinda what criteria on what kind of content the account is going to vote? I saw a couple of users interested in this today
Getting numerous MAUs is in our hands once we are able to refer many users.
ah is that why I’ve seen cat photos labeled as NSFW at X before rebrand?
I miss shots 🥹
Sharing handbills, QR codes and face to face talk would be of great help in onboarding newbies.
The server is overwhelmed ?? Comments are not displaying under the threadcast
More than 369 comments already.
nvm, comments are back for me.
Hope you get the "over 300 comments" -threadcast issue solved soon 🙂👍
So it's basically, just onboard and teach them how to engage.
The referral project is like little drop of water making a mighty Ocean
INLEO's impressive growth will it possibly foster innovations regarding how Hive as a blockchain manages big amounts of comments and posts as a whole, to be integrated in a future Hive fork? When threadcasts reach 3k or 4k comments, for example.
There's a chance for that.
by the way, if you work at home there is no such thing as NSFW
I will actually be doing some digital marketing work to make a profit with this, my goal is to reach 10,000 $LEO by 2025!
do we really want porn to kill the lion? we really need to have a working fiter in place to to be able to hide that if unwanted!
Tell a friend to tell a friend about InLEO.
Wow! 3.5 minutes is a lot of time to update the threadcast.
Does the referral link itself have a 30-day activeness?
InLEO keeps improving, we are getting there.
3,5 minutes hive related?! wow, that‘s a new info right here!
Man.... hoe much did I miss??? 😭
make a sense
Hmmm... Using HafSQL will be a nice workaround.
I do not think NSFW contents should be permitted on the platform
don't need to payout data. make it faster when the cast is live :)
Khaaaaal NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Never knew the referral program was that massive
Yeah, I wish there will be a change in the future and no NSFW will be allowed. It will be good if this platform stands out in this aspect. I know majority will also support this.
Good, y're back.
Please the dev team should work on this threadcast glitch, it sucks actually.
Regarding the "pay in everything" approach: will it be rolled out gradually, one crypto ecosystem per month, for instance, so that each crypto universe has time to adapt to the specificities of INLEO, and will have heard of the first coins' benefits here?
Added more to my delegation while listening. That means more $LEO for me from the next delegation payout. Delegated HP is used to curate Lions.
Feeling and being bullish are two different things though.
Question ❓
Would LeoAI be available this year end?
Everyone who heard about Bitcoin at some point when it hit $100K. $BTC
I think tesla will do well, the CEO is already winning in politics so it's gonna be a win win.
Task is bullish on Tesla. 😅
Santa Claus can you see me? 🎅🎁🎁
The Leo Cat will be on a plane on Christmas Eve? Lol
Crypto never sleeps, Especially on Holidays!!
Key Khal! What Christmas gift do you have for Lions? 🦁🎅
I wish I could have a trip across the boarder this Christmas
I cannot wait to see @mayaprotocol users start coming in droves. Dash made us 3X Thread usage. This partnership style works great for both communities. I wouldn't mind Tron users either. Drama does create engagement.
The value pulled in crypto recently because of the bull market is really interesting.
When is Leodex v2?
Yea, buying premium is my next target.
$LEO 10X
I hope someday.
$LEO can still do X3 next year
So invariably DASH can be used to access literally everything on InLEO?
i see so many questions about leodex v2 , what is this about?
Merry Christmas all!!
I do not appreciate the way some new users are trolled here, with complaints that they're spamming. That's discouraging and may scare them away
I agree with you. There's always an option to say it nicely.
Exactly. Imagine someone calling a new user out that he was spamming. I checked and didn't see anything of such.
Yeah, that's no way of welcoming new friends here... do you have link to that comment?
i will start referring users and educate them about the importance of engaging and threading
LEO price will skyrocket when the altcoins season starts
Wen $LEO Mars? 👀😜🚀🔴👍🏽
@khaleelkazi there is a third position. Those of us who enjoy the market talk and @taskmaster4450 giving you grief for it!
The problem still persists, I can't see the previous comments. 👍
The problem is that the threads cannot be loaded in the main feed and we cannot see the comments in this threadcast. #feedback
1700 from premium and 200 from creators Subscription, wow.
Why don’t lions ever play cards in the jungle?
Because they're afraid of cheetahs! 🦁😄
@scaredycat guide An important ingredient for a sustained BTC bull in 2025 is the new accounting rules in the US, that don't oblige anymore companies to include it on their balance sheet at its lowest quarterly price.
Ohhhh..I did not know this. Nice
Thanks for the show and merry X-mas!
What about LeoDex v2?
Good questions.. @khaleelkazi
wHat is the maximum number of referrals one can have?
@khaleelkazi said no limit earlier
maybe we can onboard the Tron community
(I’m joking, don’t kill me!!!!!)
Haha, to bring back Justin Sun?
Does our community hates the TRON community that much?
About to go live
Matter of minutes we kickstart. Com in guys lets move.
Super AMA let's go guys.
I think it's take time for khal to come...
untill I do some important work
Every Tuesday waiting for @khal AMA...
Well, it's 40 minutes until it starts so he's got a bit of time
It's not 6 yet
While you wait feed LeoAi
waiting for khal ...
Leo Price soon be..

Wen #leoads?
i having dinner... hopefully doesn't missed anything important..
Referral relaunch, let's get more people to InLEO
How will be the first dasher to reach payout?
$LEO at this level means 3x ❤️
Set a reminder on X:
Can't wait
but we will have to :p
I’ll be stuck in an inventory planning meeting. I’ll catch the replay after. Might join in for the end.
No SHORTS at such a time like this, I am personally missing it.
$LEO is headed for a $250M Market Cap
We will not stop
Yes. Crypto talk doesn't bother me at all. 😀
Can we really generate $DASH in INLEO? I have been told that if we open an account with KeyStore we can generate $DASH, is it true? @khaleelkazi
100% true
Its that time of the week again, can't wait.
Hello lions..
Why did the lion eat a tightrope walker?
Because he wanted a well-balanced meal! 🦁
Wen #leoai?
Buy LSTR if you havent already 🚀🦁👏
New lion! Go and say welcome!
More reason for joining in!
tik...tok, the time is drawing nearer.
Getting some #tea ready for this
16minutes to go. Its almost time
Lolz, not 16 minutes again but rather 15 minutes.
I know this #ama is about referal but would love a quick update on leodex v2. I’ll watch replay to catch anything said.
excited! Ready to go!
I will be here. I thought I misread earlier but I didn't
Wow, X ads is a game changer then.
we started?!
5minutes to go.
I have an idea for onboarding, but I need the Claim Button to work flawlessly before I attempt it: Paying people in USD for getting to know the platform, and being active for a week or two.
Then it's looking like running ads on social media networks will pull a great stunt on the referral program.
While we wait for the time of the meeting, Who else thinks that handbills and fliers would help too with QR codes?
15 min in Khal time to go :^ )
I'm here now. Time to listen and learn more about the referral system on inleo as today's topic says.
Better way to learn is by engaging wi
2 minutes to go
where is the x links to join and listen to the show
Fill the effin database.
Its time.
I might actually be able to listen to a whole one of these live for the first time today!
We shall see.
Its time from my own end maybe khal is trying to set things up.
Time to invite others to the show.
Please @uzoma24, @herculeand, @luchyl, @ngobaby, @marajah, join and engag
Already doing it!
we are set
really hope today's thread goes without any hitches
Its about time guys.
Thank Goodness,I arriveed just in time
@winanda @luchyl @fredaig @olujay @selfhelp4trolls the podcast is starting
Thanks so much dear. I just got off a call and came online for AMA.
You are welcome dear🤗
im excited to see so many people stackin Leo. Things are going to explode at some point soon
everything seems to be back in place
Waiting for Youtube...
lol,were already @60
I am not hearing anything on X

Yeah, X Space is back.
yeah hearing you
Did i missed anything important..
can we get the x link to join and listen to the show please
Lending in crypto, maybe this is my first time hearing that.
I can also see you guys on YouTube.
fuk justin
Watching you on YouTube..
We launched 10 min late so no one missed anything LOL
Looks like $BTC is the only one experiencing the bull this season.
Khals strategy of $ETH is really super cool.
Some users said they claimed their rewards already but did not see anything in their wallet , how will it be fixed ?? Secondly you are doing an amazing job..
@khal when will be LeoAI ??
Leo strategy and khal are twins, they are doing same thing, Leo strategy announced buying $LEO worth more than $1k. And khal is doing same too.
Have you seen that there's been something like USD 2 billion of inflow into the ETH ETF for the last month? It's catching up with Bitcoin, to a certain extent.
The year is ending well for whales in the crypto space, $BTC keeps flying.
I did not know that Ethereum roadmaps shows that their exorbitant fee will be reduced . Hope it's security will not be affected?
I only care about few coins, $HIVE included!!
when big pullback? 150k? How big? How long?
$leo is also doing amazing..
let 's talk about project of leo ...
The beginning of the podcast is more like chain chatter maybe we would launch on the main topic of this AMA.
I still believe that crypto can do much more before the year finishes.
How all this applies to #referrals?
So you want to develop a serioius project and you focus upon markets.
Learn somehting about positioning.
Marketing Digital Maybe :)
Altcoins keeps playing games with my head, maybe it changes in no time.
Time to talk about the positive impact of the highs of BTC and other crypto assets will have on leo/hive ecosystem
Lolz, TASK hates general market talk, lolz, I don't think so.
20-30min talk is a minimum. And a must!
never knew so much benefits come from the referral program , time to refer my social media friends and my loved ones
The 20-30minutes talk about crypto market is cool by me.
good point! I like it. It also gets activity up.
Jim Cramer is already suing for copyright infringement
My major concern is how I should promote Inleo, referral rewards can come in anytime.
Crypto? I only hear crypto! What the fracking sauce is crypto? 👉🏽🤪👈🏽
Waiting, (patiently,)* for this button to become clickable!!
Feeling sleepy now... it's 11.00 p.m.
Lolz what a cool response from Mitch, he said it's just preference that's true but when it comes to $LEO and it's growth, we are all together.
After the crypto market talks, time to talk about the refer
I think a strategy is needed first.
Do you are earning $DASH bro?
I’m asking you Task, not calling you Jim Cramer obviously!! @taskmaster4450
I noticed that the UI at inleo is now working faster and better , kudos to the inleo team
Here is bubbling in today's podcast, this is interesting.
Start referring.
Keep referring, the claim button will always show up for people that referred to the number needed.
@khal and his team is really working amazing to bring out flawless interface for it use
How can we generate $DASH in INLEO with KeyStore? #feedback
Just open an account and that's it?
In the new project on the relaunched referral system is the ability to claim the rewards.
Better understanding is that one earns immediately when they referred t
Minimum threshold is 25$ let's keep thriving for it.
There's a Psychology aspect in this... I know it'll be backpaid, but it'll be easier to feel motivated if I know I can claim at any time.
I started referring people even before the launch of the referral program without knowing it will one day be a reality.
Awesome , now I feel motivated.
So how many referrals do you have?
That's good.
I have 11 referrals presently.
Will the INLEO referral program be available with the wallets opened in KEYSTORE? @khaleelkazi
is leoshorts now working ?
One thing with this referral is that the more invites keep engaging the more money gotten.
I'm liking these new innovations
Will there be rewards in $DASH for each referral?
Wow, a $1 Minimum?!!! NICE!!!!
The ability to claim is available to those that has reached the threshold.
What if Keystore signups don't want their rewards auto transferred into Dash?
what's the reward for a single referral
Details here:
Click on 'how it works'
Referring users is good , but also educating your referrals is better
hello all
Regardless of the fact that I don't understand how this DASH claiming works but I think DASH integration has helped onboard many.
Because you believe in the system 🤗
Wen SHORTS back up? Any news from the 3Speak team?
hope I m not late for party.
Good night 💤 friends..
im gonna click it!!!!!! 😈
LOL. That emoji got me laughing.
hopefully I can onboard some people who stick around. I know people who are mostly interested in shorts, so hopefully 3speak gets on it. Glad they’ve made progress though
My account automatic logout..
I'm gonna make a clip on how I will claim my referrals rewards.... I will use it for promo 🤣🤣🤣..
Login again to attend the leo ama..
I think the real deal is keep referring, once the claim button is up, you reap the dividends.
Could there be in every AMA a 2 minutes update on the latest news from the #DASH universe, so that as Lions we also keep up with that ecosystem?
One of the most important tasks.
Oh No!!!!!!
I clicked it, and it said I claimed it, but I didn't receive the money!! Now it says I have $0 unclaimed LEO. HELP!!!
High TVL means larger Liquidity Pools which is very important for Whales who make large trades. What they save due to low slippage could more than justify higher transaction fees on Ethereum.
Thanks for the answer. I understand. It is a must to check all... 👍
leo reward will get converted into dash?
She is right. Although the thread offer the simplest system of creating content. There can be another offer that teach newbies and activate them fully.
Question ❓
Hope there is a system that tackles those that do foul play with this referral stuff?
nice! That’s actually one of the things I’m waiting for with subscriptions, better integration with profiles.
Any plan to have a leaderboard for referrers?
Awesome, I joined in today. Interesting, how do you handle the abuse of this system since the claim value is low.
Got a little bit better!
Better profile page will offer new features and easy - click
If I share my referral link on inleo, I can earn referrals.
More people are going to be listening to #crypto shorts because the markets are going up. Making shorts out of these live streams could pay off!
Me trying to shift the blame for being too hasty. !LOLZ
An abra-cadaver.
Credit: marshmellowman
@khaleelkazi, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ahmadmanga
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.
We all miss the short films.
Question ❓
Is there a reward to those that tops the leaderboard.
Wow! Hope we don't crash today
This is cool
With the referrals engaging, one keeps earning.
just to be sure,each referral is $50
ohhh downvote.... Scary 😳 😨
back listening for now, had to press some buttons, controling video stuff for a french fashion show while listening to you guys 💪🏽😎👍🏽
Good to hear that the referral program issues is now fixed
there’s gonna be at least a couple pervs when we have 100,000 users 😈
That will be good, not everyone wants to see that.
100,000 MAUs can be achieved once we are all serious with referrals.
Not sure why I can't see replies to this threadcast. Is the system overwhelmed?
The multifaceted ways of earning from InLEO is really superb. I love it.
Question ❓
Do InLEO have the required amount of resource credit for delegation to newbie's?
It seems I am lost here , I am not seeing comments from others
I agree, that's why we need to have InLeo documentation where it can easily be found
Cant see the threadcast again 😅
Apparently i think InLEO keep revolving for the better as the day goes by.
The most beautiful part of the referral program is that the more your referrals get active and engage , the more you can earn for referring them
Oh, so when you open a new referral link it replaces the one before... Hmmm.
I mean introduce your hive friends and IRL friends and don’t even mention hive until they already have 3-4 friends there and then it’s a done deal, they’ll join cause they already know some people there
mount to mount publicity
Lolz, live bullets, live action, yea, let the dev help.
not able to see the threadcast replies
Now the comments are loading , lovely
Wait, I didn't get that Khal. You mean the rewards on threads and threadcasts can't be displayed anymore?
Does anyone have a problem with the comments?
I am trying to see some comments and I can't from the INLEO interface, this is happening right now.
waaaaat! How did you do that? @ahmadmanga
Trade secret, for now. !LOLZ
I plan to reveal the trick in an article one day, but it'll take more effort than my normal articles, so I keep procrastinating.
He wanted something *meteor*.
Credit: reddit
@selfhelp4trolls, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ahmadmanga
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.
A large number of referrals
we are about to hit the 450 replies
I'm already sweating. !LOLZ
What's cooking here
The referral program have made more users to be onboarded to this platform , good idea
Outleo would be good!
And I don't have even 1 referral, that's pretty bad 😩
Good strategy
I am trying to see the comments and I cannot.
Vote the cat!
Peeps here aren't patient to get onboard
That's true.
They want the easy way out
Yeah and they won't get things right that way.
I think it will always be the same
Me neither!!
I just posted my links in "certain" websites... Couldn't retain anyone of the 50, though. I'll try a different strategy next, but would love to spend of the $LEO I earned before to try it.
Are you in control of who can subscribe to your private content? Like, if I wanted to bring my family in and had them subscribe to me, could I just limit my subscribers to the people I know?
Damn. I’m gonna have to turn NSFW off and on when I get on and off the train
When Leo $1?
I've lost connection to IRL stuff a long time ago... 😀👍
2025 will be a great year. I see it
Reload the page.
Did the live drop?
You're still here, Cat
INLEO's impressive growth will it possibly foster innovations regarding how Hive as a blockchain manages big amounts of comments and posts as a whole, to be integrated in a future Hive fork? When threadcasts reach 3k or 4k comments, for example.
Question ❓
Would there be a maximum of invites?
Delegation helps a lot.
Outrageous... who puts christmas before Hive? :P
Have fun cat
christmas and new years parties then 💪🏼🥳👍🏼
No new year's eve #ama
Oh no, I clicked on a thread to reply and now I have to wait 3.5 minutes again.
Crypto never sleeps, knows no holidays...
Would there be chain chatter on Wednesday?
#crossculture, we don't celebrate Christmas in Libya, but we do have a lot of end-of-the-year sales!
From the last time, I noticed that whenever the threadcast reach 400 comments , that is when it seems comments start disappearing, anyways good to see comments again
The last thread. :(

Yea, $LEO to the moon.
How is arbi-leo wallet filled? Manually or automatically?
Whenever I want to transfer aLEO back in it is often empty. 😜
Will there be a Chain Chatter tomorrow?
$LEO is giong to at least $0.50
Have a nice day everyone!
Did you guys kill threads again? 😅👏🦁
Allright, great work!
Steps to produce a world class steak.
Go to Sam’s club and buy these.
Open and dry with paper towels.
Cover in kosher salt.
Let’s sit in fridge for 3 hours.
Remove and bring to room temperature.
Cook for 3 minutes on each side of a 500 degree griddle.
Add butter to top after first flip.
Let’s rest for 3 minutes and enjoy.
Thanks me later.
ohh nice! I'll check ifour local Sam's club has these in stocl
so good. I hope they do.
Damn. Now I'm hungry. lol
hell yeah but i'd add - pepper & garlic powder.
then baste with butter after searing
I forgot the butter I added on top right as it’s finishing. I’m salt and butter only type of guy.
No sauce.
Sooo good. Wish I could afford one every day.
i always go for pepper, salt, garlic powder. unless it's a fillet or picanha
edited the post to add the butter.
make sure the griddle or cast iron is hot.
These maniacs over at GIFU are burning up all their tokens!! OK, not all of them, but they have burnt 48 million! See why in the post below
This is the link silly tooth is talking about
Fucking threads. Zero stars on Yelp.
You use a pumpkin patch.
Credit: reddit
@trumpman, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of summertooth
Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP
ha. I decided to jump in. I’m a top 10 holder on hive engine already. I hope they keep burning.
Nice! One of these tokens is gonna hit...right!? 😜
yes eventually all these years on hive will pay off. Haha.
Just another volatile Tuesday
I’m ready for some spikes in $LEO
Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.
We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates
Edition #160
December 17
!summarize #sports
!summarize #sports
!summarize #sports
!summarize #sports
!summarize #sports
!summarize #sports
!summarize #sports
!summarize #sports
!summarize #sports
!summarize #sports
!summarize #sports
!summarize #sports
!summarize #sports
Dudu se despede do Palmeiras: "Nunca se esqueçam de mim"
Dudu se despediu do Palmeiras com uma mensagem em vídeo nas redes sociais na manhã desta terça-feira, poucos dias após assinar a rescisão de contrato com o clube. Lembrou conquistas, títulos, o carinho da torcida e com um pedido: jamais esquecer.
#sports #palmeiras
– Podem ter certeza que foi tudo de coração. Foi tudo na intenção de sempre vocês voltarem feliz para casa, sempre foi minha missão. Sempre tive isso no coração. E acho que se vocês olharem para trás vão ver que minha missão no Palmeiras foi cumprida muito bem.
No vídeo, o atacante também compartilha imagens de sua última partida como atleta do Palmeiras, na rodada final do Brasileiro, contra o Fluminense, quando permaneceu em campo no fim ao lado da esposa e os filhos, visivelmente emocionado.
Cássio, Serginho Groisman e bilionários: veja quem mais doou para pagar estádio do Corinthians
Quase um milhão de pessoas doaram algum valor na campanha de arrecadação para o pagamento da dívida do Corinthians com a Caixa Econômica Federal pelo financiamento da Neo Química Arena, inaugurada em 2014.
#sports #Corinthians
Entre os maiores doadores, figuram nomes conhecidos do torcedor, como o goleiro Cássio (15º maior doador) e o ex-atacante Emerson Sheik (30º). Além deles, o apresentador Serginho Groisman também aparece como um dos que mais colaboraram, na 11ª posição.
O diretor financeiro do clube, Pedro Silveira, também aparece na lista dos maiores doadores, na quarta colocação. Rubens Ermírio de Moraes, herdeiro do Grupo Votorantim, também é listado aparecendo na 31ª posição.
O funkeiro MC Hariel, ativo nas redes sociais e que lançou uma música com Memphis Depay, aparece entre os 100 maiores doadores, no 25º lugar no ranking.
O líder em doações é o empresário Maurício Chamati, sócio da maior corretora de criptomoedas do Brasil que foi avaliada em 1 bilhão de dólares em 2021 - a primeira do segmento a se tornar “unicórnio” na América Latina.
Palmeiras não quer parar em Facundo Torres e busca mais dois reforços para o ataque
O Palmeiras acertou a contratação de Facundo Torres e aguarda apenas a realização de exames médicos para anunciar o acordo por cinco anos com o atacante do Orlando City, dos Estados Unidos. O uruguaio de 24 anos de idade, porém, não deve ser o único reforço para o ataque alviverde nesta janela.
#sports #palmeiras
Quando projetou o elenco de 2025, o Palmeiras definiu que teria de ir ao mercado para contratar dois pontas – Lázaro e Dudu já deixaram o clube, enquanto Estêvão só permanece até o Super Mundial, antes de se transferir ao Chelsea.
O acerto por Facundo é de 12 milhões de dólares (cerca de R$ 72 milhões) fixos, além de bônus que não foram revelados. O clube ainda tem cerca de R$ 130 milhões para investir em reforços nesta janela de transferências.
O departamento de análise de mercado busca jogadores especialmente na América do Sul e Europa. Para os lados do campo, a ideia do Verdão é trazer um jogador mais experiente, que não precise passar pelo processo de amadurecimento na Academia de Futebol.
Jhon Arias, do Fluminense, era um nome que agradava neste perfil, mas o Palmeiras já recebeu a sinalização nos bastidores de que o clube carioca não irá vender o atacante a outro time brasileiro.
!summarize #Richeisen #minnesota #vikings #nfl #nfc
!summarize #mackeysasser #tjriveria #nymets #mlb
!summarize #zionwilliamson #neworleans #pelicans #nba
!summarize #anthonysantader #boston #redsox #mlb #freeagency
!summarize #nateebner #ohiostate #football #college
!summarize #larrybird #boston #celtics #nba
!summarize #gregolsen #danpatrick #nfl
!summarize #joeschoen #briandaboll #nygiants #nfl
!summarize #stephenasmith #samdarnold #minnesota #vikings #nfl
!summarize #nfl #philadelphia #eagles
!summarize #trevorbauer #mlb #nyyankees
!summarize #Pennst #travishunter #heisman #college #football
!summarize #nyrangers #nhl #hockey
!summarize #joechoen #briandaboll #nygiants #nfl
!summarize #olympics #sports
!summarize #danpatrick #nba #adamsilver #ratings
!summarize #richeisen #mahones #nfl
!summarize #rogerfederer #nike #tennis #endorsements #business
!summarize #nymets #clayholmes #pressconference #mlb
!summarize #communitycollege #widereceiver #nfl #speed
!summarize #bojackson #mlb #nfl #auburn
!summarize #snoopdogg #bronnyjames #lalakers #nba
!summarize #aaronrodgers #nyjets #nfl
!summmarize #edreed #safety #nfl #baltimore #ravens
!summarize #chicago #cubs #mlb #codybellinger
!summarize #joemontana #49ers #nfl #quarterback
!summarize #nfl #draft #joshallen
!summarize #basketball #sports #nba
NY Yankees traded for Cody Bellinger. The Chicago Cubs were looking to unload that contract.
!summarize #kirkcousins #quarterback #atlanta #falcons
Yankees trade for Cody Bellinger as post-Juan Soto makeover continues
The Yankees have acquired their Juan Soto replacement in Cody Bellinger.
The Yankees are beginning to fill their Juan Soto-sized hole in the outfield.
The Bronx Bombers have acquired outfielder/first baseman Cody Bellinger from the Cubs after being spurned by Soto, The Post’s Joel Sherman confirmed.
#codybellinger #nyyankees #trade #chicago #cubs #mlb
ESPN’s Jeff Passan broke the news.
They are sending Chicago right-handed reliever Cody Poteet, in exchange for Bellinger and $5 million.
The Cubs, ironically, landed Yankees target Kyle Tucker on Friday in a three-for-one trade.
The Bellinger acquisition is the second trade in a short span for the Yankees, who traded for Brewers’ star closer Devin Williams in exchange for Nestor Cortes and prospect Caleb Durbin on Friday.
Steve Cohen can flex his ‘eff-you’ Mets money with Pete Alonso
It was the character of Bobby Axelrod on the television series “Billions” who popularized the term. As that character was loosely based on Mets owner Steve Cohen, it has helped define his approach to running the Mets.
The term, translated for inclusion in a family newspaper: “Eff-you money.”
Cohen sits on a $21 billion fortune, and so he specializes in allocating FYM. If he wants a painting or a sculpture bad enough, he brings that painting or sculpture home with him, caring not if he has to pay an overcharge to hang it on his wall or feature it in his den.
#nymets #petealonso #mlb #stevecohen
!summarize #nyyankees #codybellinger #chicago #cubs #mlb
!summmarize #seattle #mariners #mlb #rumors
!summarize #redsox #mlb #boston
!summarize #terrybradshaw #pittsburgh #steelers #nfl #quarterback
!summarize #codybellinger #mlb #nyyankees #chicago #cubs
!summarize #alexbregman #houston #nymets #astros #mlb
!summarize #randylevine #nyyankees #juansoto #mlb
!summarize #nyyankees #mlb #codybellinger
!summarize #codybellinger #nyyankees #chicago #cubs #mlb
!summarize #maxfried #nyyankees #mlb #Pitcher
!summarize #codybellinger #trade #nyyankees #chicago #cubs #mlb
!summarize #nyyankees #chicago #cubs #mlb #codybellinger
!summarize #lsu #football
!summarize #rams #nfl #aarondonald #retirement
!summarize #odellbeckhamjr #nfl #widereceiver
!summarize #iowastate #basketball #ncaa #college
!summarize #nikolajoic #russellwestbrook #nba #denver #nuggets
!summarize #robgronkowski #newengland #nfl #patriots
!summarize #garrettcrochet #trade #mlb #Pitcher
!summarize #nyyankees #mlb #codybellinger #chiaco #cubs
!summarize #camward #nygiants #nfl #quarterback #draft
!summarize #nyyankees #mlb #chicago #cubs #jeffpassan #trade
!summarize #nfl #danmarino #miami #dolphins #quarterback
Here's what I think about being there for friends in need.
Instead of the vague "let me know if you need help," I've learned it's better to jump in with specific offers. Tell them let me grab groceries or walk dog dog. I think that giving clear options makes it easier for them to accept help.
It just feels more genuine and actionable.
This is very true.
Real friends identify the needs of their friends and help without asking.
Real friends.
What is the APY of LeoPower .
Hive is I think 9% p.a plus 3%
Who cares? This is all misleading.
The APY on HIve is not 9% +3%. What happens if the price goes down 20%? Then you lost -8%.
Good point Task, I love the fact that you're always here to keep my mind on the right track.
Around 14%
I guess I need to increase my Leo power goal then.
if you delegate to @centtoken the apy (above 500 $leo) is 15%
As the year wraps up, let’s look back at all the wild crypto adventures we had.
🤔 How did you do?
not down by 50% :P
📽 2/4 #Dash: Instant Transactions
👀 Watch this series of videos made for the Italian #community 🇮🇹
$DASH @dashpay #Evolution #Web3 #Crypto
👇 Link in the first comment (🏴 Original video in the description of the video)
#threadstorm #outreach #inleo #splinterlands 1/ 🧵
Why It Pays to Invest Time in THREADS and Shop at $SPS
2/ 🧵
This is a really interesting post if you want to earn income through THREADS/SPLINTERLANDS, I am a committed user with my investments in INLEO so you should read this.
3/ 🧵
Enjoy reading more bellow my dear friend 👇
This is all I need to be fully established on hive in life and everything falls into place,
Are you a blockchain programmer?
Nah, just a die-hard fan of #hive & #inleo, like just want to seat here all day on my screen 😄
Unless you make money somewhere else, I wouldn't advise anyone to depend on hive/leo. During bears, it could be very frustrating.
Thats true tho, 😄
Question: What is the name of the cryptocurrency owned by Google, Dell, Hitachi, IBM, and LG?
#cent #bbh #gmfrens
The one I knew about is HBAR
Good for you. I only found out about this a minute ago. 😂
Mutton Honey.
Credit: reddit
@thelastdash, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of rzc24-nftbbg
NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ
$HIVE :)
I'm using to Summarize Youtube videos. I can do 25 prompts max per day, (for now,) but I guess it's more than enough to do my part for LeoAI's #flywheel. Maybe if I got more upvotes per day, I'll consider doing Premium for unlimited summaries. #ai #chatgpt #llama #cent #bbh
I will do some research on this soon fren 👍
Good luck!
Me gustaría unirme a la comunidad #hivenftgamelatino y apoyar este proyecto, desde mi punto de vista @leofinance tambien deberia tener su propio juego NFT por que seguramente sea un éxito total. 🦁
#spanish 🚀
A couple weeks ago went to a food truck and was surprised to see this other vender selling amazing looking cheese as well #food
looks delicious... Street food always surprise.
What was most surprising was the price $$$ 😂
A good surprise?
No, it was expensive $$$. Like more than $20 for a block of cheese 🙄 We did get like a quarter of one though to try out
I am guessing it was good but not worth the price? Although it is good feeling trying to support a small bix and not a corporation.
Would you pay more than $20 for a block of fresh cheese that was most likely to go bad before you even finished half of it though?
I guess $$$ doesn't read as expensive, you're the second person to question lol
Now, I need cheese.
Cheese is always a good idea 🧀
After 4 failed attempts and 25+ years, I’m going to finally play through this game. Anyone know what it is?
emoh i love this one!
Oh, Final Fantasy VI!!
Which version are you playing?
PS4 so i guess its a remaster but i kept the old text
Oh, the Pixel Remaster... That's the version I'd like to try too. (Though on PC instead of PS4!)
Speaking of Final Fantasy, this year I finished FFX, and two mods of FFVII. I hope to get Final Fantasy Remke & Rebirth on PC next year, but I guess I have other games on my backlog to finish first.
I played 12 and 15 as well this year so I'm all caught up with the mainline except the stuff that's PS5 exclusive
I think Nier has replaced FF for me though....
So I was told Meme Coins killed NFT's.
Thunk might launch a Meme on ADA.
Just let me know when it's at 0.0000000003 and when you want to:
📣 🧑💻 Attention all #dash #masternode operators! Majority have updated to v22, if you have not yet upgraded, you may start receiving PoSe bans soon! Do not delay!
👇 Link release in the first comment
Time to feed LeoAI some more!
We need to grow our database.
If you have access to @mightpossibly summarize tool, feel to jump in!
#threadcast #leoai

!summarize #ukraine #russia #war #northkorea
!summarize #drones #nuclear #weapon
!summarize #ethereum #ath
!summarize #finance #youtubers #lying
!summarize #carlife
!summarize #work
!summarize #youtube #growth
!summarize #dash #inleo
!summarize #orban #hungary #fidesz
!summarize #make #money #online
!summarize #business #plan #growth
!summarize #trump #btc
!summarize #airbnb #tiny #house #income
!summarize #daytrading
!summarize #gaming #income
!summarize #content #creation #money
!summarize #daytrading
!summarize #youtube
!summarize #exit #strategy #crypto
!summarize #x #payout
!summarize #ryanair
!summarize #dash
!summarize #dash #hodling
!summarize #dash
!summarize #dash
!summarize #dash
!summarize #dash
!summarize #dash
!summarize #dash
!summarize #dash
!summarize #dash
!summarize #dash
!summarize #crypto
!summarize #dash
!summarize #dash
!summarize #binance
!summarize #dash
!summarize #dash
!summarize #dash
!summarize #dash
!summarize #dash
!summarize #dash
!summarize #crypto
!summarize #dash
!summarize #privacy #coins
!summarize #privacy #crypto
!summarize #crypto #privacy
!summarize #crypto #privacy
!summarize #epic #cash
!summarize #crypto #epic #cash
!summarize #monero
!summarize #monero
!summarize #monero
!summarize #monero
!summarize #monero
!summarize #monero
!summarize #monero
!summarize #monero
!summarize #monero
!summarize #monero
!summarize #monero
!summarize #monero
!summarize #monero
!summarize #rune #thorchain
!summarize #thorchain #rune
!summarize #rune #thorchain
!summarize #rune #thorchain
!summarize #thorchain #rune
!summarize #thorchain #rune
!summarize #rune #thorchain
!summarize #rollbit #winr
!summarize #winr #protocol
!summarize #rich #money
!summarize #microstrategy
Bit dissapointed today with less than 600. But its way better than 0 👏🦁
LeoStrategy has acquired an additional 26,899.65 LEO for ~$1,942.40 at $0.0722 per #leo. As of 12/17/24, we hodl 243,269.672 $LEO acquired for ~$18,670.59 at $0.0767 per LEO
This is our 13th purchase of LEO using LSTR's initial offering. There are 85,346.057 shares of LSTR remaining in this offering and 100% of the proceeds will purchase LEO and stake it. Link to purchase LSTR is in the reply thread to this thread
The time to buy LSTR is now! Don't miss out on the biggest project built on LEO that generates accretive value for shareholders
Buy LSTR's limited initial offering on Tribaldex or Beeswap:
LFG 👏🦁🚀🚀
this is gunna be interesting #books
That's one interesting title/cover!
Look a good read.
You are putting it up up sale ?
Join the AMA today for big news on Referral updates
Sure.. What is the time? 🦁
That's something many of has been waiting for. What's the time for the AMA?
Coming soon
The Claim Button will finally work?!
What! is that $56? just for referral.
Referrals stack fast. Keep sharing your links!
I think this would encourage people to bring more people onboard, when they finally get that adrenaline rush of a Leo paycheck.
I’m done Christmas shopping. 2 more days of work. Then I’m going to take 2 weeks off. Looking forward to just relaxing and traveling a little.
Wishing you and your family a merry Christmas in advance. Enjoy your holiday.
Today in #historyonleo
On December 17, **
**, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, the final film in the trilogy based on the best-selling fantasy novels by J.R.R. Tolkien, opens in theaters. The film was a huge box-office success and won 11 Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director, for Peter Jackson. The Lord of the Rings trilogy became one of the highest-grossing franchises in movie history, netting billions of dollars worldwide in box-office proceeds and related merchandise.
🔗 Source in Comments
probably my favorite movies. Love the second 2 in the trilogy.
Surprisingly I haven’t sat through a full movie in any of the series. Not sure why I’ve done all the Star Wars and others.
But the books were still better :)
🔗 Source:
Don't trust, verify
INLEO is amazing because everything is on chain. Why wait for trust when you can literally check the blocks
43 referrals and climbing
X ads are crushing it
Cool! ...Are those only from the X ads?
How many have you gotten so far from X ad?
Nice to hear this one Khal.
Thanks you for sharing. 🦁
Congratulations my friend, you are doing a great job and thus continue to grow.
#meme #brain
Share all data you can here 🦁🦁👏
Due to unknown error i was not able to post or thread anything since last 6 days. Thankfully its settled, now time for me to make some noise again.
What did i miss?
Oh that sounds troubeling. Join the discord!
Joined it actually, also opened a ticket.
Good!! 🦁👏👏
What was the error message? #feedback
it says HTTP:500
A #new #graffiti #streetart #photography #post #photographers #pokemon #Jigglypuff #pummeluff
my bi weekly commute destroyed my day today lol. Seriously. I was ready to take on the world these morning but 3 hours in a packed and delayed train knocked me out
#meme #pixar
Sadly my newest short isn’t performing great. I guess I need to hype these up a lot more.
So let’s fucking go! 🔥
Check it out! 🔥
It’s a good one! 🔥
If you create AI images post them on here. If you do a prompt on a text generator, like Grok or ChatGPT, post it here.
This is data that LeoAI needs.
That's good. I will start exploring those options from now on.
You are right, this is simply true, I will keep it in mind to support the growth in LEOAI.
GM Master 🦁
We have new lions. Welcome to INLEO. Enjoy very much and remember AMA today. 🦁
Thanks you very much. 🦁
You are very welcome
Pengu #airdrop is available to claim
For every #SOL user...the more old Sol address you've, the more bigger size you'll get
Go to phantom wallet now.
let me check my phantom wallet. where to check?
No coins for me. I don't think I am eligible as I do not hold any NFT
Skierg again. Its brutal..
#skierg #gym #move2earn
Get after it
Esto es un pequeño resumen de lo que va de mi Diciembre 2024 😂
Esto es para terminar de fortalecerme.. el 2025 será de bendiciones!
It's really interesting INLEO and the referral program, I love it! 👍
#meme #leo

Do not forget to smile!
Sure. Let's go go go
Oh, I get it. Nice one @ben.haase!
Good one
ULFGA THE BLIGHTED is a monster type card that was introduced in the game just recently and it comes under Rebellion Promo edition cards. This card belongs to the Dragon element and it is an attackless card.
#threadstorm #outreach
It is a legendary type card, so you will need total 115 BCXs of cards in order to upgrade this card to max level. This monster card costs only 4 mana to be used in battles, so you can easily use this card in small to medium mana limit matches or with Little Leagues ruleset.
If you are interested, Please read my full blog post below!
Link -
It sounds really very interesting to do some deep reading on this.
Good day and thank you very much!
Your welcome
I've gotten notifications telling me I have completed an achievement and won a badge, however I can't see what the achievements are nor the badges, I cant find it anywhere. I am on mobile and on my laptop. Anyone know what's up?
Check out Hivebuzz :)
I think that is from Hive Buzz, you can click on the notification to get the link to where you can view the badges. But it will take you to outer Hive
I see, I will do that. Thanks!
I imagine you saw the notifications from HiveBuzz on your latest post (check out your latest post and see what it notified you about and you'll see it as a comment). You can see all your badges, progress, and future targets on
Thanks for the info, I will check it out.