
I have at least gotten back to more or less posting the quantity that I was weeks ago when I was on my ROLL. But I still need to start posting at the right time!

I did my Splinterlands Stats post and my two mails for ListNerds... Now to read mail... It is after midnight...

Yes… finding the right time. For you and your audience.

Lots of work… yes, I do know. But we so believe in it. We do keep going!

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Yeah... I have done work during 2020-2021 that took lots of hours and I was never really paid of all that time. I believe that with Hive and all the attached project that things is much better and I can control what goes on and what I earn is directly proportional to how much work I do!

I am sure that you can attest to the same.

Yes I sure can.
Sometimes we work so hard and get nothing.
But here… yes it’s different and all depends on your efforts. You are in control.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

The advantage of Hive so few people understand.

Yes… and I don’t get that. There are so many examples around here of how to do it. They see them, but don’t use that knowledge. They just don’t understand. It’s a shame…

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Unfortunately they have connected the work work to all this... and they don't like to work... lol