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RE: Hive Vector Defense - Hive Proposal

in LeoFinance4 years ago

You are a liar, I remember what happened even if people reading this dont know. You are far more in the wrong all in all then the way you are presenting things or want to admit. I am not goina kiss your ass or lick your boots by putting in an appeal for over zealously and I believe wrongly being put on the blacklist. Ive offered to resolve amicably. I will again since I think that is in hive's best interest, remove me from the blakclist and I will just move along and continue developing memehub. Which is a live running platform fyi, since u dont follow me or read everything I post. But I am not goina lick your boots and kissing your ass by putting in an appeal on whichever discord server or whatever or any other hoops, Ill fight back first.