
It's all been pretty much a waste of effort. I have had fun identifying patterns in the whole mess though but don't have enough money to make it worthwhile. Too many ups and downs to interest me, give me a garden any day.

It's one reason that I haven't done a lot with @lotuscoin yet. I'm trying to make it something of value, not just another reward coin that can be speculated on. I'm also seeking a way to give it value outside of Hive. There are so many of what are called by bitcoiners 'shitcoins' that have no value and have lost sight of what the token economy is about at it's heart, which is giving value for people who are involved in projects. There's a long way to go yet and most of that is swimming against the tide of speculation and easy money. To me, there's no point in having 10K of a token and that 10K being worth $0.23 like my stake in Hustler dollars (yes, I have that lol).

If you have any ideas, please let me know...

I don't know the nitty gritty about how monetary value is increased in the tokens, but it seems to be mostly about supply and demand. There's no getting around the fact that value equates to fiat money, so it's how willing people are to exchange it for their fiat. Unless, of course, you can unhook it from fiat and get another value to link it to.

River used to burn lotus regularly from the community account as part of the effort to increase value. She had some help from someone as well in that department, so maybe you could ask her about him.

Crypto and many kinds of trade will only free us up once we stop trying to give them a dollar value. But that ain't going to happen in our lifetime unless Russia is successful in unpegging oil prices from the USD. Then we'll have the option of switching to gold backed currency and not one that folks can print willy nilly. If MMT makes more inroads too, things will be better on that front.

I'm going to peg @lotuscoin to a corn backed Ruble/Yuan hybrid. Corn because its the biggest commodity out there and food prices are linked to oil prices (as my upcoming post on the food shortage will explain) and with oil on the way out and the false promise of biofuels on the way in, I reckon corn is the commodity to hold to. Ruble/Yuan because, while both Russia and China are expanding their global economic clout, China imports most of their food while Russia is pegged to be a net exporter once global weirding kicks in fully buy 2030 so China will import most of their wheat from Russia and will be most reliant on their services for food and fuel. I see a symbiotic Russia/China partnership taking over where the dying US empire once was effective. @lotuscoin will be the only one taking advantage of this scenario.