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RE: Living on the Countryside in the Modern Age as a Content Creator. How does It Feel?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I am grateful every morning to open my eyes near the vast expanse of rice fields with fresh air.

This is the perfection. Although there are struggles in the countryside, the more healthier lifestyle is priceless.

You are combining very well that kind of living and blogging. It can bring you some earnings to cover the expenses, bills etc. and at the same time you have the opportunity to share with the rest of the world that place where you are living. 💗


more struggle but yes healthier and happier. that's all just about the mindset I think :)

healthier and happier.

Without any doubt!

In big cities there are more opportunities to work and earn, however the expenses are lot higher also. When an unexpected thing happens and you can not work (such as C19) you still have to pay the expensive life but no work 🤷🏻‍♀️

It those situations living in countryside can change completely the scenery and attitude 😊 It can be a life-saver, right?

yeah, and the pandemic makes me grateful too much when I look at back in my past, resign from a big company and now living with my mother in the countryside :)

It seems you made the right choice 👌