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RE: ELI5: Bitcoin Mining for Dummies

in LeoFinance4 months ago

In order to understand Bitcoin, one must understand Bitcoin.
In order to understand Bitcoin, one must also understand everything around Bitcoin.

Lmao. There’s something interesting. I don’t know more than half of these things you’ve listed, but I get it. Lmao the problem now is that how do I explain that loool!

Nice try at this explanation. I learnt something new.

Some asked me one question in my noob noob days, she said, “where does the money come from?” Bruh! That’s another one I don’t like to answer


omfg where does the money come from that's a good one.

If I say, "This car costs $20000," nobody asks where the money comes from.
And yet with crypto this is considered a reasonable question.
So early.