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RE: The Biggest Shift In Cryptocurrency In 2022

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Gaming is definitely a good entry point into crypto, decentralized governance, etc. Many gaming guilds are taking the DAO concepts and running with them into multiple games. The more games the guild participates in the more of their members attention they can retain. As players participate in these guilds more they are learning more about how crypto and decentralization works.

I wonder how long the land sales in virtual worlds will take to reach real life? Just imagine a DAO set up to purchase real estate from people who are so far in debt they can't afford to keep them. As part of the sale these debtors get some of the DAO's crypto token and can participate in the governance of how to handle the DAO's holdings.

The DAO in question can also offer to employ renters paying them in crypto tokens that can be used as rent at a reduced rate. So then renters can pay in Fiat most months and save that crypto for a rainy day or the holiday season. Actuallly as I think about this the fiat rent payments could be more an option with Crypto being the primary focus???

How many real life areas can be effected by the DAO concept as gaming guilds advance the model beyond what is being used today?