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RE: Marketing Overview | How We'll Bring the Masses to the #1 Social Blockchain in the World (DHF Proposal)

in LeoFinancelast year

Great to see a properly thought out and forward planning business model.
Some people can give out as much as they like but this is the first time that i have seen a proposal for marketing on hive with some real thought and planning put into it.

A user for LEO is a user for Hive. I don't get why people don't appreciate that. Hive is not the final destinations, it's the games and apps that people will come here for and each of these need to be bringing in their own userbase.

after that people can switch and swop apps but any funnel that is easy to gain an account and fun to use is a big win. this proposal is worth funding and even if it doesn't work it's still better than most projects funded by the DHF right now.