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RE: 10 Reasons I Bought Bitcoin, and Why I'm Still Buying...

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Personally, numbers 1, 4, 7, 8 and 9 ring truest for me and are the main reasons I continue buying it daily. Loaning it out and earning interest (through loaning it out via 3rd party CeFi) are the most appealing because I'm more of a saver and fed up of being shafted, even though I don't exactly have a lot to be shafted with anyway! At least can put that money to work with crypto and then use it to buy other investments, such as my own house when/if those eye watering prices are realised! We can hope!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Not number 2?

2 is my favourite!

It does seem that crypto is now giving us the returns we were getting off saving 10 years ago.

I was getting a 5% return on some of my cash savings not so long ago.

Most of my cash is in Premium Bonds btw - that way you get to be mildly disappointed by only winning £25 every few months!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ah yeah number 2 as well haha! Must have been blinded with rage when I read it that I blanked it out!

5% on cash savings... Jeez, that must have been only a few years ago, how times have changed. I'll be keeping involved with crypto and Bitcoin for a while yet I think!

Ah the premium bonds lottery! Congratulations on your winnings 😀

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta