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RE: My last post?

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

You're not a bad dude. Just stepped in some shit. Happens to us all. Eventually you have to scrape that shit off though, and don't worry about the stains.

You and I had some disagreements way back. Didn't last. Put it in the past.

This place can be so fucked up sometimes. Transisto. I openly criticized his upvoting and downvoting patterns awhile back. Thought what he was doing was ridiculously counterintuitive at the time and it was messing with a lot of good people. Took twelve 100% downvotes for saying those words but then one day he shows up out the blue, leaves a little joke under one of my posts and walked away from it, left me alone. It's whatever now.

I've dealt with a mountain of shit here, dude. Could write a novel about it. Even Freedom downvoted me. Who else has that badge?

Give me a mountain of shit and I'll just climb it to get a better view.

So including myself, here's all these people showing signs they're able to put shit down and leave it in the past. I know you got it in you. I have no clue how xeldal's built though. Don't know them.

Yeah. These games people play here are making a mess. Not my job to clean it up.

Problem boils down to: People pushing buttons on social network.

Shrugs. I didn't go to school for that. I don't know wtf to do. But you'd think since we're all on a fancy schmancy blockchain there would be at least one expert.


Even Freedom downvoted me

wow, do you have that post handy? 😱

It's in the past. It's not a big deal. Was a noob then and didn't know what the hell was going on. We were all noobs back then. Over six years later and all I can say now is it energized me, and I'm grateful for the experience.

That's amazing I didn't even know he voted in the past. I would make a NFT out of that XD

I converted it into a lot more than what any NFT would be worth; but I do get the joke.

those rhymes


Great song to start my day with.

So many signs pointing at people being played. Whatever. Steep rise in coincidences...

It's still got that thing, huh? The bassline is killer.

Coincidences? Perhaps we're just waking up a bit more?

I wish we could be kinder to each other. I'll share some of my mistakes as I write around here. Only human. We shouldn't feel so awful about it. I haven't read the full explanation here but the bit I did read made sense. Numbers don't make much sense to me though.

Vibes. These make sense to me. And I trust that now.

CBT has a great perspective. It suggests we approach situations and people with the belief that nobody means to do harm.

Yes I do know some people aren't very healthy and do enjoy causing harm. But mostly... no. We don't. And I don't think harm was intended in this situation either. No way.

Mostly... people don't mean to cause harm. Sometimes we get triggered and we react without clarity. Only human. Who of us gets to judge anybody else? 🤔

Just this perspective can shift interactions so much.

Busy listening to this now... doubt I'll make it through without weeping a bit.

Gawdamned this song.

I love Hive btw. We need to get together and make this work please.

I have nowhere else to go I'd rather be.

This is the only community I've found who is courageous enough to address things and engage with the tough stuff. We may just need to work on some stuff. Which is to be expected since we're trying to figure out a new path. We will, however, need to hear each other to do that. They convicted Galilleo. Just saying. The majority isn't always "right". So tolerance and open-mindedness is the key.

Also. Marky's cool. I have no doubt that pisses some folks off as well. It's that pack thing again. We can figure this out 👍🏻

And by we I mean you. Because I'm old and tired.

Nope. I cried liddle bit. I hope Marky's okay. I'm worried about him tbh.

I've been there and it hurts 💔

I've already sent my apology for being an insensitive dick.

I'm going to lay low for a couple of days. All this activity has worn me down a bit. Catch you later alligator.

@nonameslefttouse edited *sigh

I think he'll be fine.

And yeah. This shit wears people out. It's always a lot of talking and politics that don't really go anywhere. Everyone has an answer though no questions were asked. Still, you're right, people do dig in and it's not always for nothing.

I'm trying to stay out of it. Casual observer at this point or I'll just become jaded.

Time off is always good.

Still, you're right, people do dig in and it's not always for nothing.

It's never for nothing. It's how we learn and grow. By airing stuff, talking about it etc

It is painful and uncomfortable though. I think it brings stuff up for everyone personally and it's why we so often avoid it. But... it's really the only way to find common ground and a way we can work and stick together.

I've just been burning the midnight oil again as well. I need to slow the fuck down to a roar for a day or so. I get grumpy when I'm tired. Can you tell?

Sure, these situations make people vulnerable. Fights and arguments never really have a winner or loser unless you're watching a prize fight or a movie. Always boils down to two opposing forces fighting their way out of the one thing they have in common: the situation they find themselves in.

It's an opportunity to build character.

It's their show though. Their ring. I don't feel like paying for a seat.