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RE: How to make emojis sing: The case for Hive's Emoji Market

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Thank you @tengolotodo, your support is much appreciated!

Exactly this is the idea here, so your effort in keeping your emojis nice and tidy may be more worthwhile in the near future. Of course there is much to do till that point, and the rewards will depend greatly on how many more people will get attracted by the idea, but I hope one day this whole stuff could be sustainable, rewarding and fun! Just need to find some more time to code! 🤣

See you around!


My pleasure. They are fun to use.
Coding is fun, and doing this is making you learn more too which is also fun.
BUT time is the ket, everything takes time haha
Let us know if we can do anything?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta