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RE: The Hive Engagement League 🏆

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I have commented to inform the spammer that he is not helping his case by doing such things. Because of that I have been targeted by his little downvote bot. Not a complaint and I do not care. Not my first rodeo with powerful bots. Sorry to not fit into your mold. I tried to provide a bit of positive reinforcement by showing some support for a real technology in a sea of NIMBY. I suggested he connect with the targeted community and a radio host that has broken away from that system. Just because people do not believe something is possible does not make it so. I hope we can continue this conversation from time to time and learn something.

As for @ganjafarmer he can not stand for someone to disagree with him let alone open his mind to the possibility that he is wrong. We disagree on the non physical addictive properties of an action or inaction. I guess he has never heard of dopamine and what it does to a brain. He hammered me hard instead of just agreeing to disagree. I guess he has lived in commiefornia for too long.

Pleasure to make your acquaintance and evolve.


Ah thanks for clarifying. To be fair, I didn't investigate this all too deeply. I was just following all three of you and responded based on what I could see when I noticed ganjafarmer's 'plan' and reacted to it. I didn't mean to assume your motives, simply stating how it is a backfire to what ganjafarmer intended when he said 'somebody was complaining that this individual suddenly got a flood of individuals going to his account however failed to mention that this flood of individuals was tired of the spam and was going over to mute this account' and wanted to explain the nuance of my example better. I could have steel manned your position better but it was already a lengthy comment so tried to simplify for brevity.

No foul here. Everyone can not possibly be expected to cover every possible scenario or piece of info. Problem is that some do not even try.