Journey With Crypto.

in LeoFinance2 months ago


I got a notification from Trust Wallet that I should share my crypto journey and I am tweaking it here a little bit to give an overview of what I shared earlier.

I have been on this crypto journey since 2017 and I must say it's the best decision I ever made. I am eternally grateful for the amazing young man that introduced me to the world of blogging and here I am, still blogging here after so many years. It has been since that same 2017 I joined blogging and what a way to live. It was so appealing and I am so happy I joined in.

Apart from allowing the creative juice in me to be flowing while being rewarded with upvotes as I make the post, it actively engaged me because I have to constantly come up with engaging topics to write on.

As much as I like to hold my cryptos, but certain situations can make you use it to sort out urgent needs. I got married in 2018, October and I must confess, crypto helped me so much because I actually used the proceeds from it to foot the wedding bills. It was so refreshing that I didn't have to depend on anyone...not like any help came from anyone anyway, since losing my dad in 2006 and mum 2008.

Crypto has been a way of life for me and making posts while getting rewarded for it is the perfect icing on the cake.

My journey with crypto has been fun, interesting, full of ups and downs too but the good parts outweighs the downturns, so I will take crypto anytime and any day. I have wallets and tokens stored safely in various wallets and on my blog sites too. My journey and love for crypto is here to stay...through the thick and thin...that's what love is about...sticking through the red market and enjoying the goodness afterwards.

I have lost count on the number of people I have referred to blog and also actively join cryptoverse... One of them reached out to me last year, thanking me for introducing them to crypto and blogging world because he knows he would have gotten into crime if not for the blogging and crypto that he has been using to fend for himself ever since then. That's the power of crypto... It's a two way street; engaging and rewarding.

Crypto and blogging sites like this are here to stay and long may it continue as it has done more for individuals in a short while than our government has done for us in years!!!

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.


What a journey with crypto. You have onboarded a lot of people and if only there is a referral bonus with HP, it would have pumped you so high up. I have to also say that crypto has helped me and you have been a huge help to me regarding that too. Thank you.

Hahaha the referral bonus would have been huge hahaha. Thank you. Yes, I am glad I joined Hive as Hive has helped me to achieve a whole lot of things. I am thankful and hope for more.

More will come. Your journey is filled with experience and those experiences will pay off. Well done and thanks to everyone you have shown the way too.

Thank you very much and all thanks to God. We keep pushing and moving regardless while dragging everyone who wishes to go along. Happy weekend.

We keep pushing and we will keep spreading the word so people can join and take advantage of this unique and rare experience. Happy new week to you. It's going to be the best week yet.

Yaaaaay. Thank you thank you thank you. I am deeply grateful for this. This support means a lot and I am happy.

This also made me remember when you introduced me to Hive and Blurt
I didn’t take them seriously at first but I’m so glad to be here today
Blogging all the way!

Blogging all the way my dear. I have been enjoying Hive for a long time and every day is a worthy experience. Sharing my thoughts her sure makes it worthwhile and I am happy you got in on it as well. Well done.

Though I am new to the crypto world actually but I have quite heard about how it has changed a whole lot of people in decades ago. Though I am a bit late but still below I can still learn a lot in my crypto journey actually. Not yet late though I believe. You have really come a long way in the crypto journey looking at it. You have actually come a long way

Better late than never. There are still juicy perks to enjoy with crypto and the world of blogging like sticking with it will yield the dividends in the end. Welcome on board.

Yea you are very right. I am quite sure and confident that there are still some opportunities to explore around and I am patiently waiting to explore this recent bull run that is about to actually happen

Very great post, crypto has helped many, many people in general and I am also no exception and well thanks to that you meet wonderful people who also share what you think or just add a little more to such posts, hopefully these blogs last and last for a very long time and well thanks to hive is that we know each other ♥

I really pray they last for long too and crypto has helped a lot of has helped me a lot. I have gained so much from blogging and the crypto world that words alone cannot explain. I am glad you have enjoyed the same too, my friend.

The joy is mutual my friend, I hope that many more people continue to integrate into this wonderful world as cryptocurrencies are, but beyond all that and profits also the bonds of friendship that you can make with other people enthusiastic about this, it is definitely a complete blessing for all of us ♥

People not getting actively into crypto are missing out. See how other tokens are rising massively. I have invested in a few and I am loving how they are moving to the green. Hopefully we break away big with crypto and continue holding.

Thank you, my friend.

Of course yes my friend wishing that they keep rising steadily so that many people see that this is profitable in the medium and long term, wishing that this lasts first of all God for a very long time to help us in one way or another, gracias a ti amigo ♥

It's always a long term and we need patience with crypto. When it booms, it booms big and everyone smiles. I also believe in Hive and I am here for the long haul...

That's great.
I have not stayed half as long as you but I concur with your submissions with the little I have seen. Although there is so much in the space and so much to learn but I believe with time, it will all make sense.

There is so much to learn even on a platform like Hive and in the crypto world in general. The longer we stay on it, the better experience we gain from it with so much benefits too.

It is a fact that when parents leave the world, you have to take care of everything yourself, as you have struggled a lot in your life, then after that, your life will be a little easier. I myself have known this field since 2018 and have worked hard, so we started working long ago. Later we came to know about crypto so after working on it for four years we got success then we bought our house so much happiness when we buy our house with our own money.

Crypto and blogging has been a way of escape for me after such a long of being in the dark, struggles and losing parents. Blogging means so much to me and that's why I haven't stopped a bit since the day I found blogging and crypto.

You are right, these places are here to stay and the best thing is, we find people with whom we somehow empathize and share, it is similar to arriving at friends' houses and sharing with them when entering these sites.

You have really quite come a long way in the crypto journey. I think same here also, I joined around 2018 and it has really been a journey filled with ups and down but at the end a lot have been learnt. How I wish I knew crypto early though. It will have been much more better

I wish I also knew crypto earlier than I did and have all the experiences I have gathered now then. I would have made even way better choices and would be enjoying it now. With crypto, we always learn and there is no better time than now to invest.

Yea there are actually a lot of things that most of the time we wished we knew earlier but it actually happens that we didn't. But well like they always say, life is always full of opportunities that we can actually maximise and make proper use of. I so much believe there will definitely be more opportunities to come in the future definitely