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RE: The time and space to hope with a scarcity mindset

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Good point, and of course there comes a time when one can have too many revenue streams. I mean small streams. Insignificant streams. Imagine cross-posting your post to most crypto social media sites... I have counted a last year and there were something like 30 or more. Many more this year for sure. Some have taken off while others are dyeing from necrosis or inaction. If one posts to all, there will be no time left to do anything else in the day. But the ROI will be almost non-existent. It's best to re-evaluate your ROI periodically and focus on a handful of projects in the future which show some signs of progress.


Imagine cross-posting your post to most crypto social media sites... I have counted a last year and there were something like 30 or more

There are some that do this and I find it really strange as it is impossible to focus well. Seems to short sell the opportunity. Which is why I also think:

It's best to re-evaluate your ROI periodically and focus on a handful of projects in the future which show some signs of progress.

Seems like Leo is one of such projects ATM, doesn't it?

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