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RE: Looking for more Authors for Random Voter!

in LeoFinancelast year

I´m not very active in the Leo community myself so I don´t know of authors from there who would deserve to be on your vote list but I´m sure you will find some as Leo is one of the biggest and most active communities we have here on Hive. Btw, regarding your criteria, they all look good and reasonable to me but maybe rather than the HP vs. age ratio, it´s better to check the HP vs. reputation ratio. Some accounts can be old but they may have started to be more active just recently and therefore their earnings and stake may be still small. On the other hand, those 70+ or even 75+ rep accounts with just a few dozens or hundreds HP must have undoubtedly earned a lot of Hive but obviously sold it (almost) all. Sure, we all are in different situations in life and have our own decisions to make but this ratio (HP vs. rep) is something I consider when doing my curation. I don´t want to support people who cash out every single penny they make here... Just my two cents ;) Good luck finding authors for your vote list and thanks for your contribution to Hive.


Yes I am probably going to go and look for the LEO people on @leofinance. It was worth a shot adding that section to this post. I don't write financial stuff much either, but I do like reading it, especially current affair with an opinion.

That's the key with HIVE.., have an opinion.., as well as the facts. That is what makes the differences.