After the first article, where we explain some Crypto definitions, it’s time to make a part-2 in order to provide more details and information related to Crypto assets.
Adoption Curve
The adoption curve indicates the pace of adoption of new technology by society. It may also involve the fission of the target audience to understand the market’s willingness.
Bear Trap
The attempted manipulation of a specific cryptocurrency’s price, based on the simultaneous activity of a group of traders. A day when prices could go down 10% and more.
C++ is an extension of the C programming language that allows cross-platform developments and capabilities.
Dead Coin
A crypto-asset that is no longer in existence, or it’s not active.
One entire run of the training dataset through the algorithm is referred to as an epoch in machine learning.
Fear of Missing Out. A psychological term that describes how people believe that are absent from a unique event mainly because of social media activities.
A term for low-cap crypto-assets with massive upside potentials.
An event in which the total rewards per confirmed block halves. Most of the crypto-assets contain many halving events on their roadmap.
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