I have gone through this post countless times today and without a doubt I can’t agree less on what you have stated in this awesome post of yours…
It is indeed a fact that majority of the people who spends more than 6-12 hours here on hive are the people from the third world countries, in the last one year that I have indeed spent here, I have not seen anyone more consistent and determined than the third world countries…
The fact that the first world countries sees the third countries as leeches is very painful, I love the questions you asked in this post?, who in the first world countries would spend 6–12 hours on a post just to earn 5$ and where as people from the third world countries spend that amount of hours and more on this platform because it is a means of our survival, most times we are disappointed at the turnout of events but that doesn’t stop us from waking up the next day and doing that same thing again until we get our desired result, this is who the third world countries are…
I can feel all your emotions in this post honestly and the more I read this post is the more I understand where you are coming from…
Why do we take heed to the rules and regulations of the hive blockchain, it is because this is a means of our survival and we can’t afford to loose it…
This platform is meant to be social, we are suppose to be seen as equals especially when we are here together for different reasons…
The fact is just that wherever we have the third world countries feeling in, such places are never boring, it is always full of life and different experiences, our vibe and energy will surely make us stand out wherever we go and that is why they need to start seeing us in a different light and also as equals because we are special and unique and not just leeches who take without giving out…
Thanks for bringing our voice to life and it is high time the third world countries are seen in a different light…
Their rationale is that our time and effort isn't worth we are getting because they do not value our input. I am not even trying to convince this group about anything.. Just showing them how flawed their arguments are and also inspire the hardworking people here to continue. I know there are many ways i can cut corners to earn more but i love this space enough to do the right things and support my community.
Someday soon we will build a strong community that is self-sustaining and can support as many brown and black people as possible. That is my dream.
Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your comment.
And we will be a part of this dream of yours and ours , a community where everyone is equal and welcomed, i believe we are on the road to making your dream happen… thanks for your time