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RE: How did you get here and why are you still here?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I came to Hive because all my favorite people are here. But I almost didn't come back because of my experience over on Steemit. I checked Hive out a couple times but didn't have the time to commit until now. Hopefully, nothing comes up, and I can settle down to research, writing, and creating art.

I like earning a little bit of money, exploring cryptocurrency, exchanges, and the blockchain. Since 2016 I've been trading little bits of crypto for fun, not really for much profit. Although I was able to help pay some family bills and buy a new computer. I would have to earn squat on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, and all my data would be used to profit billion-dollar companies that don't respect our individual freedom.


Enjoy some 'POB manure'.
Hope it makes some fertile seeds grow.

💩 ➡️ 🌻 👍

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I compost fresh POB, it grows great flowers lolol