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RE: [Closed] Stake Your MEME: Earn A 500 MEME Vote

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Some tribes display the upvote value before an upvote is applied. HiveMe.Me is one of them. To see the MEME value of an upvote you are about to apply you need to be upvoting from the Tribes frontend. Nicely done with staking 100K MEME, show a sreenshot of staking 1000 today and I smack that comment with a 500 MEME upvote.


!LOL I already staked everything I have, !BRO. I may drop some more if I don’t spend it all on !BEER and !PIZZA

I just checked. I'm at 51 with a 100% upvote. Nothing to write home about, but not my worst stake weight.

Why are ducks good at playing limbo?
Because they can get down.

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