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RE: My Most Shitty Investment Challenge: $MEME

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Damn, yet another shitcoin I never heard of!

If it's still valued at a few hundred dollars, down from $1500, that's hardly a loss in altcoin terms, not even 90% down, I'm sure you can do worse than that, go have a punt on something else!

Posted Using LeoFinance


Just looked and actually it's a couple hundred. Could buy a decent amount of tendies tho.

Lol yeah I didn't lose 90% yet so pretty rookie numbers. I know.

If I really wanted to live dangerously, I'd trade options but I'm good for now. Haha

Speaking of living dangerously look into getting into HEX. I won’t shill my referral code unless you ask me but I’ll wait until you do research on it (if you do)
Let me know if you want a 10% bonus, expires November so you got time to look into HEX

I heard that hex is the coin that doesn't hide the pretense of being about making money or something like that. I mean guess we can't fault the honesty.

Sure, I'll help you out and use your link