
Yes!! 100% We are sooo spoiled here haha!

Even paying for the bnb/cub fees was weird the first time xD

Vitalik is a genius if you ask me :D

Eh, I'm used to decent fees. Not fees over $100 haha. Paying 10-30 cents a trx is no problem. Paying over 10% of trx value is just insane.

Ohh well. I was used to 0% fee from Hive. I have only bought crypto with my credit card and haven't really sent it to anyone xD

I don't like to keep things on exchanges so I withdraw anytime the feel to withdraw goes below 1% of total withdraw amount. Not your keys not your crypto type deal.

I'mma power up your stakes and take over a blockchain!

Just kidding. No exchange would ever do that

Hmmm makes me think of something that's happened in the past, but I just can't quite put my finger on it.

Hahahha xD

I have all of my crypto here or at Celsius earning me yield.
Nothing at exchanges either :D

I can't take crypto out because the my taxes on that is atleast 27%, which is fucked but also, I am unemployed and I am not suppose to make money other places :p

Just lose money, problem solved. Easy to do in crypto. What's Celsius? Another chain or...?

I think it works like that, I gotta check :P

Celsius is like is BlocFI. A, I guess, CeFi, app/wallet which earns you yield on your holdings.
Its a guy called Alex Mashinsky who is behind it and they do livestreams every Friday on yt, to talk to the community.