Another Lpud Another Milestone Achieved

in LeoFinance17 days ago


Hi guys,

Welcome to my blog. In today’s blog, I’ll talk about my #lpud journey. If you've been following my blog since last year you’d realise that I have way less Leo power now. Yes, I powered it all down for personal reasons some months ago. If I am right I have close to 2500 Leo power before I decided to power it all down. I built that amount of Leo power over almost one year of being on hive.

Well since I said due to personal reasons I don’t think I’ll be talking about it. But then here I am again trying to revive my Leo goal before 2024 ends. This time I have set a higher goal for myself and I am sure this time round I will hit it well before the year ends.

New Leo goals

Before I started powering up again I set my Leo goal to around 4 to 5k before this year ends. 4 to 5k is a lot, especially for someone like me. I say for someone like me because I just started powering up last week and hopefully I can keep the steak going. One thing about me is that when I set my sights on a goal I always want to achieve it fast and be done with it. I’ve realised that delaying my goals only makes it harder for me to accomplish which is why I’ve decided to be fast about my goals this time round.

My goal before I powered down was to have around 3. k before 2024 ends. With that goal, I was powering up about 150 Leo per month. This time round since I have new goals the first time I powered up about 500 Leo and the following week I powered up the same amount.

So for now I don’t have plans of powering up big on lpuds but because I want to mark lpud I’ll always try it power up a small amount on lpud. Even though I keep on powering up those huge power-ups will not be on spuds cause if I delay them I’ll most probably use that money for something else which I don’t want to do.

1k Leo in a week

Yes, I did that. 1k Leo in a week might look like a small achievement to some people but boy it’s a big one to me. I already said I used to power up 150 per month until I decided to go crazy on Leo. Now I’ve been able to get to 1k staked Leo in a week and hopefully, this streak continues.

The thing is I might do even bigger power-ups in some weeks to come or even less than the 500, but one thing I know for sure is that they will be huge in my opinion.

Why 50 this time?

Well, 50 is what I could afford on lpud. I’ve already powered up about 1k in May so powering up for lpud should have been out for. Instead, I didn’t want to be left out of Lpud. Who knows, I could power up and end up winning a delegation which could go a long way as well.

But the main reason I powered up is really silly. Just because I didn’t want to be left out is not a reason enough to be powering up but it’s me lol.

1,050 staked Leo achieved.

So yeah, now you know that I powered up 50 Leo to mark lpud taking my Leo stake balance to 1,050.


I already have 1k staked as you know so I had to buy the 50 from the market. With about 13 hives I got 50 Leo which I saved up from yesterday for this power-up.


How much staked Leo do you have? Have you made any power-ups to mark lpud today? Maybe you should.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Good job doing the power up!

well, thank you 🙂