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RE: The next swing at risk

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Congratulations to your wife on getting the job :D Do they both fit into a day or does she have to leave the first one?

It is an interesting conflict in our psychology, as while we want to be in a different position than we are, we also don't want to be any different as ourselves

Given that people (hopefully!) aren't the same person that they were when they were younger, I don't understand this mentality.


She resigned from her current one yesterday, so there is no going back :)

Given that people (hopefully!) aren't the same person that they were when they were younger, I don't understand this mentality.

Exactly - but people get the sense that they are consistently themselves, even though who they are has changed markedly over time. As we get older, we start to also embed ourselves in our identity and believe we can no longer change - it is untrue of course, it just requires the right conditions.

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