Concept Of Time Investment And Consequences Of Negligence


Investment is practically another aspect of business that involves the stake of invaluables with intentions of getting a reward either periodically or at a certain point in time of the investor. Investment is basically a game that some people who runs organizations, have chosen inorder to increase their networth and values in the business space, though some investment might be for personal values and benefits.

When we take a quick glance at every industries in the business space, ranging from the automobile, technology, petroleum, fashion, etc, we would discover that there are certain companies that are leading the other, maybe due to the kind of services they offer that suits majority of the consumers satisfaction.
Most of this top companies practically have investors who have contributed to the growth, thereby earning some percentage of rewards.

In an ideal sense, the word investment is more related to money, seeing how businesses make a run for a long period of time with what the investors have installed.

Photo by Morgan Housel On Unsplash

But I have come to realize, that we've always neglected another form of investment which is practically another essential aspect of business. Ohhh, you must be wondering what it was or maybe you must have gotten a clue from the topic of this post ?. Time is the other form of investment.

This form of investment is literally common in our daily life's. It sometimes works in the place of money investment or sometimes works with it. It importance would be elaborated as we dive deep into the context.

Time As Investment

Time as investment: is attributed to our countless efforts that helps our business or source of wealth grow to a nearly perfect standard. This form of investment is required occasionally, which is unlike money that should be installed once in a long run.

Time which practically distinguish the before and after of an events gives us two main working conditions, and they are: Consistency and idle. Which ever condition we choose to apply in our business is practically an investment as well, just that one would attract positive results while the other a negative result.

In the recent world of technology evolution and web 3 advantage, online earning has being made possible for almost everyone who is in possession of a digital device. The process of earning in most of this platforms requires enough time which acts in form of dedication and consistency.

Consistency is practically the process of doing the necessary mandates that aids the positive growth of a business or source of wealth. This process might be slow at first, but time will tell how far you've gone in what you are doing.

This applies to being idle also but happens the other way round. Lazy attitude to give full attention and dedication to any source of wealth won't yield any result or reward. This is because we choose not to invest the appreciate investment, which is time to whatever is needed to be done.

Photo by Kevin Ku On Unsplash

Time Management

The idea of time management came to my mind the moment i realized that i wasn't spending the necessary time i used to spend on hive before. This has actually decrease my growth on hive, but I was quick to understand where the whole issue was coming from.

The inability to manage time can cost us heavily, especially when dealing with online earning platforms. No online earning platforms offers a get rich quick scheme, because the money shouldn't be made easy. If the money happens to come quick, then the platform might end up being usually in a short period of time.

Just like i stated, "time is another type of investment", but how well we manage this time inorder to channel full efforts into our source of wealth matters a lot. There is no such thing as time cheating, whatever input will put make should be nearly equal to the output we get. This is more like GIGO(garbage in - garbage out).

Hive happens to be a web 3 base decentralize application which offers plenty opportunities to those who seek financial freedom, though this doesn't come for free. It's quite interesting that people find time to share quality contents that is educating and life changing. Growing of hive account is something i am not shy to talk about, because i love to see people move higher in rank for their hard work, time, consistency and patience. I have read several post from @zartisht ,cryptoandcoffee and others, writing about how far they've gone in this platform due to the time they've invested. Even if most of them don't have plans to make use of their rewards for the now, the future is all that matters to them.

I can't dispute the fact that time management can be very difficult to handle due to unplanned occasions that disrupts our main plans, but making attempt to cover up for the lost time should be a sign of dedication and consistency.

Photo by Ricardo DíazOn Unsplash

Collaboration Of Time And Money

From the whole context, we can easily conclude that time and money are the only form of investment i made mention of in relation to this post. I basically elaborate on time investment, but that doesn't mean that i choose to neglect money investment.

In a practical sense, it is advisable for everyone who chooses to involve him/herself in the business world, to make use of the two forms of investment. Investing time and money would yield a better result than when only one of this two is applied.

These two forms of investment works in hand in breaking financial barrier. In another sense, we can say that two good heads are better than one.

This is practically seen on, where some users choose to invest by buying liquid hive in large amount and staking. This users are also consistent on the platform making post and contributing to the ecosystem.
On the other hand, some users prefer to only stake their rewards maybe due to the inability to purchase a liquid hive, but this users still give in their 100% in terms of dedication.

But I have come to notice that when there is no money in investment, the zeal to work sometimes becomes affected, but this shouldn't be a problem to anyone reading this post. Keep doing the needful.

Photo by Geranimo On Unsplash

Negligence And Possible Dangers

We've always neglected time investment because we appreciate it less when we come across financial success. The moment financial success comes, only few people can still remember how they struggled to get to that point of success.

The negligence of time investment can practically cost us, by reducing the growth of our source of wealth. This is more of like not watering a plant during dry season when crops can easily die.

One other thing that causes time negligence is the habit of always paying attention to other things that don't worth our attention. This distractions can come in the form of entertainments, friends, etc. They show up every moment we are about to start up something that is worth growing our business.

A practical example is when we choose to make a post on hive, but gets distracted to YouTube videos or web 2 applications. Those platforms won't be of any benefit, but they also limit us from benefiting from other platforms. Though, it's our clear responsibilities to know what decision to make.

Time Investment isn't just useless after all, because we apply it in growing wealth.

My Opinion And Conclusion

Time Investment is a gradual process that requires consistency and dedication to meet a better target. This process might be very slow, but it is always advisable to trust the process and work with time.
From the context, we've realized that money isn't everything after all, but growth is faster when money and time works in hand.

This post practically explains the concept of time as investment. It's worth reading and i believe you won't regret spending your time.

Thanks for reading my post, please do well to rehive and follow me for more content.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha