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RE: WEB3 - A Remnant Of Satoshi's Ideology

in LeoFinancelast year (edited)

Hi Allen! For many, WEB3 is simply social media applications. However, DeFi is an expression of WEB3 and is itself rather varied in what it has to offer in terms of DEXs, non-custodial investment products and other staking services. The argument that one cannot escape to WEB3 is a rather fruitless argument... it's like earth. We only have the earth to build homes on, but we can choose to build on the ROCK, or on the sand. Likewise, we only have one base layer, the internet... but then we need to choose the best terrain that exists within it to build upon. WEB3 is a superior means of operating. Why would someone put their assets on a CEX to earn yield when they can utilize a DeFi/WEB3 protocol and maintain their private keys? The aspect of "transitioning" to WEB3 is something I understand and have addressed in numerous articles. As I have previously mentioned, the smart WEB2 creators are simultaneously building on WEB3. Why? Because it's obvious. All the best, I enjoy your content... keep pushing it out!🤜💥🤛