According to Bernstein, BlackRock's Tokenized Fund Gives Ethereum and Public Blockchains More Credibility

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The largest asset management in the world, BlackRock, revealed plans to introduce a tokenized money market fund on the open Ethereum network. Bernstein analysts applaud this move, highlighting how it could improve Ethereum's standing among smart contract systems. The action represents a departure from the earlier understanding of cryptocurrency as nothing more than "retail casinos" and a step towards more interoperability and programmability in the field.

With an emphasis on stability and liquidity, BlackRock's fund, known as the BlackRock USD Institutional Digital Liquidity Fund (BUIDL), will make investments in cash, repurchase agreements, and US Treasury notes. The benefits of on-chain funds, which include 24/7 settlement, transparency, and lower operational costs, are being explored by traditional institutional investors thanks to this initiative, which also strengthens the validity of cryptocurrencies. This project represents a big step toward fusing traditional finance with the emerging cryptocurrency market, with partners like Securitize and traditional custodians like BNY Mellon on board.