dCrops hasn't released beta packs yet.
I've tried to get into Exode enough to follow it, but it alludes me.
It helps to looks at things from farther away. @splinterlands, for example, seems like it's mooned and too late to enter, but looking at the numbers and considering how many more players are to come, it can be argued that it's still early. Just holding a few unopened packs or some solid cards to rent out doesn't seem like much until DEC is over $10 each and you've been collecting one or two a day for the past year.
Hive started the year around a dime, an now it's around a dollar. How did our user base grow compared to how many more will come? I think Hive is cheap at twice the price even when it gets into 4 digit increments.
So few people are in this space compared to the entire global population that will eventually be involved. There's no too late yet. Even BTC is still cheap compared to where it will go. Here's the thing... if you like it, chances are someone else does, too. So just go do that with those people and the rest just happens.
yeah, i was like.. let me check out my facebook. then.. No, let's do some blogging stuff in Hive! :)
I recently had to go to FB market to find a place to live and I feel still feel dirty for it. 😆
!LOLZ that's hilarious 🤣
You are right. It is easy to think things mooned yet we are just at the beginning. The game does not even have a million users yet.
Imagine if it gets to 5 million daily players. That still wont make it a huge game but will do a great deal to increase the value of everything assotiated with the game.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta