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RE: Bitcoin: A Dumb but innovate Networks... ?

in LeoFinancelast year

Dumb networks may be easier to secure. I think some blockchains have been hacked via 'smart contracts'. If you provide ways to program it people will find ways to break it. I'm not sure where Hive sits on the spectrum, but I think it is fairly dumb as it just stores data rather than running code sent to it. I may be wrong of course.


Hive is a smart blockchain with smart contracts. They are necessary to run DEXes like hive-engine and games like Splinterlands. I wouldn't doubt some vulnerabilities exist right now in code operating on Hive, and as Hive becomes more popular these flaws will be exploited by hackers and we will have to iterate on the code over and over again until it's secure.

I did know it had some smart aspects, but other may allow deeper access through code. Security is largely about reducing the ways things can be attacked. I trust the Hive developers to think about this a lot, but they cannot be complacent.

I hadn't even thought about where Hive sits, interesting one to think about for sure!