The Exponential Growth Of HBD

Let us be honest, the Hive Backed Dollar (HBD) is not on the radar of anyone. At this point, the use cases are rather limited. This is a situation, however, that could change rather quickly.

Most of us do not realize how a currency can go exponential. Obviously, we are not discussing price and market action. That is not important here. Instead, we are focused upon the ability for HBD to grow exponentially over the next few years.

I often stated that we are going to have to go from millions to billions if we are to be a legit player in the stablecoin market. The advantage that Hive does have is that we are builders. Hence, we are in the process of creating the utility for the coin. This is a stark difference as compared to Circle developing USDC and depending upon other project teams to create the use cases.

What is often overlooked, mostly due to our linear thinking, is the exponential nature of what could take place. This all can be summed up with the concept of "more".

Ultimately, it is more that will lead to the establishment of HBD as a thriving currency.

In this article we will discuss the path this could travel and how it could really grow.


More Wallets

Everything starts with more users. This is no secret. Currencies, like social media applications, depend upon network effect. This requires distribution, one of the keys for a currency. Hence we have the situation where the currency needs to be in more wallets.

HBD can be distributed in the following ways:

As more people join the ecosystem, they are able to get a hold of HBD. This can be through their activity, accessing the base layer reward pool. At the same time, different communities often host contest and games which payouts can come. This helps to move the coin around, entering different wallets.

A key is for people to discover what is here and seek it. Over the last year, we saw more people seeking to amass it and put it into savings. This is a good step forward.

Liquid HBD

This might sound odd coming from someone who spent so much time writing about time vaults and locking up HBD. That said, there has to be a certain level of need for liquid HBD.

Along with distribution, one of the keys is access to the currency. In other words, people need to have it when it is required. When would this be? Perhaps someone needs it to pay the entry fee into a Ragnarok tournament. Or maybe they want to buy a Hive hoodie from the Hive-Shop. Of course, lunch in Sucre at certain places can be paid with HBD.

There needs to be more reasons for people to keep HBD liquid. It is wonderful to have people locking it up. Nevertheless, HBD is a medium of exchange. If the Hive economy is to thrive, we need HBD moving around. That is what commerce and trade is.

We need more use cases for HBD. Paying for subscription using HBD, coupled with the recurrent payment feature on Hive is path forward.

Therefore, we need more commercial applications that are tied to HBD. This will increase the number of transactions, enhancing the utility.

We recently saw where the Cubans are able to pay their electric bill using HBD. This is a prime example of how utility can grow. For those who are opting for this, it is something that comes up monthly. At the time of payment, liquid HBD is required.


This is another way of focusing upon financial utility.

Since this is going to have to be on a sidechain or layer 2, the coin will have to be a wrapped token. That said, mirroring HBD with a wrapped version is a powerful step forward. We discussed this is great detail over the past 6 months so no need to delve deep into it.

The key takeaway is that HBD, at the base layer, is placed in a wallet and the derivative is created on the sidechain. This provides defense for HBD since the second layer applications is where the vulnerability can occur. With this, if an attack takes place, the HBD on-chain is not affected directly.

It also enhances the reach. If some of these sidechains have smart contracts that developers can use to create a host of financial platforms, we could see the wrapped version of HBD as the pair for all trades and swaps. It could also be the token used for payment of all financial transactions.

As you can guess, we need more financial use cases, i.e. derivatives, for HBD.

Exponential Growth

Now that we listed a few of the areas of focus, let us get an idea of how quickly this can spread.

To get an idea, we focus upon:

  • liquid HBD
  • time vaults
  • HBD in savings (3 day withdrawal)
  • derivatives

Here is where we simply summarize with more.

Imagine there were 500K daily active users on Hive. This would be roughly a 50x from the present estimated human user base. Logic says, all things being equal, we would require 50 time the HBD to keep the present ratios of holdings in place.

After all, newer people are going to want HBD in savings, as an example, too.

Then we can consider commerce. What is we take the transactions where goods or services were purchased and 25x them? We obviously have no way to uncover how much HBD is being used for payments on Hive, but, for the sake of discussion, we will multiply it by 25.

It is not a level that should be difficult to attain since there are only a handful of places where HBD can be spent. As of now, the number one purchase made with HBD is $HIVE on the internal exchange.

Here we can see the need for liquid HBD jump significantly as people are paying for goods and services.

Time vaults will require another batch of HBD. This is hard to estimate since a portion of the savings would be moved over. However, due to the creation of other applications tied to this, such as bonding, we could say a 2x jump (and that is conservative).

Finally we have derivatives. This is where things could really explode. Having a platform of financial applications which is built around a wrapped version of HBD, with a 1:1 backing at the base layer could be enormous. Since there is so many variables with this, we will keep it simple and say a 5x from the present levels. Depending upon the structure, some of these could end up in either savings or the time vaults.

Therefore, we have 50x, 25x, 2x and 5x. When we multiply them together, we get 125,000. If we apply this 12 million HBD that is free floating (not in the DHF), the result is 1.5 trillion HBD required.

How many times did we say that we are going to need a lot more HBD?

Obviously, we took liberties with the numbers and compartmentalizing like this does not happen in reality. There are many factors that go into utility with a currency.

Therefore, we can back off the 125,000x a great deal. Instead, lets focus upon a more rational number, like 1,000. Here we get a need of 12 billion HBD.

This is where we see the exponential growth of HBD.

In Conclusion

Do you think anything that was listed in this article is outlandish?

How realistic is:

  • 500K users on Hive?
  • Radically increasing the number of locations/sites which people can spent HBD?
  • Doubling the amount people place in savings and, if developed, time vaults especially if tied to other applications?
  • a second layer financial system(s) with a wrapped version of HBD as the core token?

The last one is already being worked on by a few different teams.

Hopefully people realize how HBD's growth can truly be exponential. There are so many areas where utility can arise that we see how more in each area will have a compounding effect.

It will also put us in the position where a lot more HBD is required.

This all feeds into demand. It is also, in my opinion, one of Hive's greatest hidden gems.

What are your thoughts?

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


500K users on Hive? - I think that's practical once LeoFinance's Alpha UI is finalized and put into production form with LeoAds.

Radically increasing the number of locations/sites which people can spent HBD? - HivePay can help, especially with things like @Hive-Shop providing a perfect model for how to create an e-commerce store with $HIVE and Layer-2 tokens as accepted forms of payment. Having a mobile P2P Hive-based payments app would also help.

Doubling the amount people place in savings and, if developed, time vaults especially if tied to other applications? - pHBD, bHBD, wHBD could all help with building out DApps on other chains, like Polygon, BSC, Ethereum, potentially expanding to Avalanche with an avaxHBD or aHBD for simpler terms.

a second layer financial system(s) with a wrapped version of HBD as the core token? - This is definitely a promising development and I look forward to learning more

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

HBD is our bridge to the real world and an asset with a predictive value and earning that any business seeks. If I would start a bigger project in this ecosystem, for sure HBD would assist me with day-to-day operations and expenses.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is a lot of potential. We have to just build it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I believe hbd will succeed and more people will come to hive in the process the plan is to just build a plan that will make it sustainable.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I put every little bit of HBD into savings as a safe little earner. A 20% interest account that only requires 3 days to withdraw and not 3 months! Not bad!

Found this post on


@taskmaster4450! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @hirohurl. (2/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

I think vaults could attract people who are looking to get into crypto but avoid the volatility, creating that use case for HBD would be the perfect combination for someone looking to get some yield out of the parked capital they can have locked in a contract using HBD, it force the user to keep a saving plus getting interest without the devaluation of the crypto, since its 1-1 with the dollar its the users problem then what to do with the interest so he can fight constant inflation of the dollar, maybe put that monthly interest into Hive or any other type of asset

You fail to look at the USD through the eyes of the world. The USD is soaring compared to move currencies. Hence, for most of the world, they are better off holding HBD as it appreciates against their native currency.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The main problem is lack of HBD funding on Hive side for liquidity. People tried to raise HBD through Hive proposals to make derivatives on other chains. HBD derivatives are also very useful for buying and selling Hive for countries which HBD and Hive are hard to buy in. US citizens are blocked from most of the exchanges where Hive is tradeable. @blocktrades should have kept exchange KYC free. Bittrex is awful, and I don't trust vpns to work on Changelly, Changenow, stealthex, or other kycless exchanges.

Use LTC as medium

Blocktrades probably has little to no choice in the matter if they wanted to keep operating in the US.

That is a centralized company with an address, incorporation, and licensing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Indeed, not all stable coins are created equal. !PIZZA

I think that stillnot many people hold HBD intheir saving accounts despite the %20 interest rate. As long as the price of HIVE is under $1, it is reasonable to keep HBD, to me.

Having more use cases for HBD will lead to its increasing demands.

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It's all possible over time but it requires a lot of things to happen. More apps should be using HBD to make it more well known and more people on Hive would also work towards that end.

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