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RE: Cryptocurrency: Utility Is The Most Important Thing

  1. Yes it would although the complexity of Hive (cryptocurrency in general) is still a hindrance.

  2. Yes that is because you account does not have the proper Hive Power (actually recourse credits) to keep posting. As you power up your HIVE, you will be able to do more posting.

It is a way to prevent spammers for attacking the network while also providing incentive to newer users to power up, thus making the entire platform more stable.

Just keep powering up your HIVE or, even better, buy about 50-100 HIVE which will give you enough Hive Power to comment as much as you desire.

Posted Using LeoFinance


To help your process @hiveshout, I recommend using the Leofinance interface. This will post directly to the blockchain and you can get more upvote that will also pay you in the LEO token which is on Hive-engine. This will give you additional payouts.

Leofinance ( is a tribe that deals with all aspects of business and investing (including cryptocurrency). It is a good place to get started while also improving your position.

Posted Using LeoFinance