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RE: Sold my Punk for 5555 Hive


Hive is a scam. The devs and whales are greedy. They dont care about anyone but themselves. Nobody outside the inner circle gets anything but crumbs.

All bullshit as we said for years.

Congratulations to you on your windfall. It is wonderful to see some nice chunks of Hive being spread around.

Already we have a major winner from Marky's latest creation.

Hopefully there will be a ton more out there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Ya, I get so sick of hearing those lies that people spread about our chain. We have an awesome community here and the future is really bright.

To some extent, more haters is a good thing, I suppose.


In every community I have ever been a part of, there have always been those crappy people that spread stupid unfounded lies.

1 person tries to sell stuff on eBay, they are inconsistent and give horrible customer service, they lose money and have a garage full of crap they never learned how to sell.

I try to resell, and inside of 2 years, I replace my full-time $20 an hour Walmart job.

Hive is no different. The more I put into it the more I get back. In my opinion, people just do not want to put in the work, and they want to ridicule anyone that does.

Their loss :-D