
Negative ghost rider, same plan in place on POLYCUB.

We do think a PIP is required to fix the monthly halvenings. This has hurt liquidity and we have talked about it multiple times recently.

CUB has shown that a balance of emissions + liquidity can create positive price action through buybacks - as the more liquidity there is, the more buyback potential there is.

We proposed a PIP to maintain inflation on POLYCUB at 0.0625 per block and vexPOLYCUB / xPOLYCUB holders denied it.

This is the benefit and tradeoff of a DAO. The POlYCUB holders weren't in favor of it. Since then, the price has fallen further. We're hoping CUB will showcase to them that it is a good idea to have a static inflationary rate that can seed the ground for pHBD / pHIVE growth.

All it takes is CUB to break through the noise, then POLYCUB will undeniably adopt it. A new PIP will be proposed soon™️ with some revisions as requested by a few large vex / xPOLYCUB holders. We'll see if that one gets passed.

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A new PIP will be proposed soon™️ with some revisions as requested by a few large vex / xPOLYCUB holders.

I will be looking forward to this. POLYCUB has less than $6,000 in trading volume last 24 hours. It won't be that difficult to pump the price and massively increase the APRs. I'm wondering if an IDO on POLYCUB could help with this.

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I joined and bought pCUB from day 1 and right now I still have a doubt of keeping pCUB.

The mechanism behind the scene to create pCUB value is the key. How to make a sustainable stream that keeps adding value to pCUB (like CUB) with an attractive profit (or APR) will create the need of pCUB.

I'm also looking forward to see the new proposal with pCUB :)

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