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RE: Leofinance In A Year Or Two

I have invested in a few startups the last years, so know well what happens (can happen) and everything that is involved in it.

And one of the basic tenets is time. Startups are building which does not happen overnight. It is amazing how little can be done in a year or two but how much can be done in a decade.

We tend to overestimate the short term while underestimating the long term.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yes, it all must be viewed in the long term… especially startups.
Exciting times ahead for a few projects I’m involved in 😉

I do like my latest addiction though: Hive, Leo, vyb, proofofbrain and all other projects and communities.
Here I can be involved on such a larger level, built my account and with it help the community grow 😊🐝

Btw @taskmaster4450le I give you tomorrow my numbers for my account growth. It’s about a month ago now that we started talking about the 2,5x (it’s way over that)
Where do you want me to give them to you? In a comment on a post or discord? Or?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Put it together in a post. Let others see the progress you made. Include screenshots and get it over 500 words if you can. Drop a link in Leomarkettalk once you post it so I can see it.

I think it is a great story to tell and we can use that to motivate others. Numbers tell the entire story so I am looking forward to seeing what you post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ok great will do a post tomorrow about it 😊
500 words is easy, most of my posts are long anyway. I tend always to write a lot and include loads of photos 😉


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good. Make it a good one and you just might find yourself on the front page of Leofinance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta