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RE: Understanding Real-Time Geyser Yield for the WLEO-ETH Uniswap Pool how do the earnings for 5K staked today compared to 5K staked in 20 days time!

That is where we will see the difference. I would say that, over time, there will be big differences between those in early as compared to ones who get in months down the road.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It'll be interesting, of course we'll have to wait weeks or months for that data!

Thankfully the GAS fees make you want to keep everything staked!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Keep it all in there!

Yeah the returns will fluctuate wildly as we see LPs enter and exit over the coming months and years.

The fun part is that anyone who LPd early is similar to what @rollandthomas continues to say: angel investors.

Early LPs will always earn the greatest return. It's that simple

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta