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RE: Is Hive an Ethereum Killer?

I wouldnt say it is an Ethereum killer because I believe that blockchain will do just fine. However, Hive certainly has some very powerful attributes going for it that you mentioned.

They are like apples and oranges, both fruits but totally different.

Hive is going to do things that Ethereum cannot do. One of the biggest factors is the lack of direct transactions fees, instead using the Resource Credit system.

This allows for a much different approach to decentralized database building.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I don't believe that thinking of them as apples and oranges is a particularly useful frame. They are more like than they are different. It's more like blackberries and raspberries at the worst. they have some differences Most of what was unique about ethereum has been cloned and the rest is going away with 2.0.

As to if we can actually kill ethereum? Probably not corporations and banks have their hooks in too deep. If it does die. It be the slow painful kind, like your parents dying from cancer. Same might be true of bitcoin.

We can still incentivize communities moving to Hive and we will.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile