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RE: It must be illegal

in LeoFinance3 years ago

You are not the only one to whom this has happened colleague. My parents I also talk to a lot about cryptocurrencies and they have a hard time understanding the concept too much, in fact they think it's a game.

I guess your parents say it's illegal because of how "Easy" it is to make so much money with cryptos. The truth is that it is a complex subject, you have to educate yourself a lot, research and make good investment decisions to get the profits from cryptos.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yeah, for sure. It is definitely not as easy as it might seem. Perhaps one day more people will understand it all.

Maybe yes, maybe no, at least the past generation in its majority will not understand it or will not want to understand it. On the contrary, the current generation and the next generation will understand it and even master it better than ourselves.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta