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RE: How To Prepare for a Depression

in LeoFinance2 years ago

What a great post! Thanks for sharing these things. Our idea was to find a home with either a garden or a balcony so we could grow some of our own things, we ended up renting an apartment without both lol. We didn't have much choice to be honest, but I'm going to dig into some of this stuff to see how to prep in other ways..

Also, we have a small tiled piece in front of our window in the living room which I think won't be used in any way, so I'm going to check if there's a way we can grow some stuff there anyway, even though it's not a closed garden. It may be possible. Would be cool.

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I have tried growing gardens in apartments and condos and have not been very happy with the results.

There are lots of people out there who can grow herb gardens indoors, and there are even small hydroponic kits, but me personally, I never did more than regrow chives and romaine lettuce (which tasked kind of bitter). Everything else just kind of turned into a yellow, moldy mess.

If you do try your hand at an indoor garden, I would love to read about it.

Good luck!

Yeah I was more thinking in front of our window lol there's a tiny part we may have access to, but that would probably also mean putting it inside when there's a very high temp, but that's just my thought I have no clue if that's really the case :)

In the past, I tried having a few plants inside apartments and none of them were a success either, so I doubt that I'd be able to keep them alive haha.

A friend of ours built something really cool that you can use inside though but I don't think the owner of the brand-new apartment would be thrilled to see us hanging that on the wall :)

Either way, if I try to grow something, I will write about it.