The market is green

After a long resistance and a little bit of a bear market, it is awesome seeing how the market surged back 'miraculously. In my last couple of posts, I mentioned how we as investors don't need to panic just because of a little sign of a bear market which is bound to correct itself sooner or later. I never knew that the readjustment would be quicker as we have seen recently.

Now that we have a sign of cryptocurrency surging towards the upward dimension, what is it that we have to expect and look forward to? It is worthwhile to know that BTC is gradually approaching its all-time high from the short-term dip it witnessed about a couple of weeks ago.
BTC has held a strong bond and maintained momentum by surging back from 63k to almost an all-time high. However, it is important to know that the market can also readjust itself. So we need to make a profit and prepare for the next trend of cryptocurrency.

BTC being the determining factor or reason for ALT to perform better is the reason why we have to be conversant with its price and study well its trend for us not to lose fortunes all in the name of investment. BTC showing green means that there is hope for ALT as ALTCOIN season is about to come.

In a couple of weeks to come if BTC can maintain the momentum then we should be optimistic about the ALTCOINs session. There are some project coins we can leverage to make huge profits. Projects like SOLANA, ETH, and AI. Recently, there has been a huge market for these projects. The likes of MEME, BOME, WIF, and a host of others that I couldn't mention. Many of these ALTCOINS are likely to go 1000× and this is surely good news. All we have to do as investors in my own opinion is to look for a cryptocurrency that doesn't have huge market caps.

We just have to hope for the best and capitalise on the green market to make some fortunes.

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