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RE: The Biggest Shift In Cryptocurrency In 2022

in LeoFinance3 years ago

You give your computer power PLUS your data to every idiotic app-owner for free .. just that you dont know it .. or did you ever see or hear that people cancel their socialnetwork accounts because their userdata are abused and sold for a lot of money to companies who again trade their data for a lot of money ? Or that anyone wants to get paid for this ? No - they go on using their profiles because they cannot see or ignore whats going on behind them and dont want to miss what their "friends" are posting for their last dinner .. .besides -- also Hive is spying on you and selling your data .. for the peanuts ou "earn" here .. and nothing of what you "earn" here has any value .. it will crash with the system .. and this will happen soon .. its long overdue !

PS: SETI did not use any power you needed .. just when you had your system running and did not use it .. all those years I had it installed it used less energy than one Bitcoin-transaction is using (for which I have to pay extra)