Axie Infinity Is Literally A Job For Me Right Now - Play To Earn Is Real

in LeoFinance3 years ago

As crazy as this sounds I can literally say that Axie Infinity is a job for me that is paying everyday. I have to put in a certain amount of hours every day and I get paid every day. I don't need to stream or blog about it to make the money the game, by itself, is a source of income and yes it is a job. Now there are a lot of factors that make it volatile like the price of SLP and the fact that my win rate determines how much I make in a day but on average I am making at least part-time wages here.

Expensive To Get Started And A Lot Of Skill Required

Before you get started keep in mind there is a high cost of entry and skill if you are going to be earning. You will need a team that can compete and that is going to cost you around 1,200-1500 USD. The prices have been dropping by the day so you might be able to pick up some good axies at a decent price. Look at the teams of the players on the leaderboard that are top 10 to get an idea of what you are looking to build.

And even when you have that team you still need to win in order to get paid. You only earn SLP with the wins so no matter how good your team is if you cannot pilot it you will not be earning.

It Takes Me About 3-4 Hours Everyday

In order for me to use all my energy it takes me a few hours. They refresh everyday at 12 UTC so you can get your matches in at anytime of the day. For me I play my matches and blog at the same time (also research) new projects. The game is turn based so I can do a few sentences when I pick my cards for the turn and then go back to the game. I still have the rest of my day to look for IRL work if crypto isn't paying enough daily but worst-case scenario between Leo and Axie I have a solid online part-time job that can pay the rent between jobs.

The Future Is Bright But Rocky

This game is still young and there is a lot of development to come so I do think this game will have years of longevity. That being said the price of SPL, which you get paid in can fluctuate widely in that time, so it is not something you should 100% depend on. The price of SLP has dropped from 20 cents to 15 this week and that could go lower or higher at any time. The team is aware of the tokenomics so I do think they will make sure SLP has value but it is impossible to make any guarantees in this market. Also add to the fact that the market has a whole is in a VERY good place right now and could crash in the future. This would put SLP at below 10 cents for a period of time and that would lead to a period of low earnings.

I don't know what will happen in the future but it is wild to be able to say that you can actual "work" playing a game and at this time the money is there. I'll be looking for work outside of crypto in the weeks to come as it seems that I can only earn so much in crypto at the time and even if it is a good amount I still cannot earn more than 3-4 hours a day. Plus having been in the market for years I know the drops that we can face and it is not wise to depend on one source of income.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Happy to read such success stories. That's what I call mass adoption for crypto. Congratulations!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah and they are adding a free-to-play model to bring in more users. The more players the more people who will use crypto.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Some people are making 70 large a week, not by playing, but just breeding axies...

Yeah I wanted to try breeding but the price of Axies is dropping and I'm afraid I'll just lose money.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

really expensive honestly. Did you recoup your initial investment ?

Not yet I'm just a couple of weeks in, should be around 40-50 days if SLP holds in price. And yeah it is an expensive start for sure.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hope the SLP price goes up in the next few weeks, and release DEX soon to change SLP for ETH and AXS.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A dex on Ronin would really help.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's awesome man! If I had the extra capital to get started this would be sick.

Keep an eye on Axies, if the market crashes or the value drops a lot maybe you can get a team for cheap. Then you have them ready if we go up back up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The Future Is Bright But Rocky

and unpredictable.. you have no idea you can be millionarie too. but it still look better then "real" job.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah it really is unpredictable. I always treat it as it can go to zero but try to go for the millions.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for sharing your analysis.

What's the average returns(daily/monthly) after investing $1500 USD, considering all factors?

Well a team of $1500 would earn you around $30 a day if you win half your matches at 1,500 MMR and do the adventure mode. If you own ten axies you get more energy and earn more but that's another $1,400 in low level Axies.

You can earn more if you win more or rank higher or SLP goes up. Last week it was $40 a day you could make.

At $30 a day average a 50 day roi and still have your team. But prices can really go way up or down from here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's good.
Thanks for sharing your analysis😀

is there a way to delegate the teams so others can play them, like in splinterlands?