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RE: Experience below the belt

in LeoFinance3 years ago

No one can give you theirs, you have to get your experience yourself.
Make it valuable, as it might be the only thing you will ever own.

This is what I like, people will really object to continuing to carry us, it takes effort and struggle from ourselves.


Have you ever been in a relationship where someone is reliant on you? It is okay for periods of time, it is okay to lean on each other occasionally, but it is damaging if that is the status quo.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

yes, I felt it at that time, but it all depends on our affection for them.

How long until affection turns bitter?

When their behavior turns out of control, that's when love turns to hate.

Everyone has a limit as to how much they can support others.

Yups. I agree on this