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RE: An Unconventional Perspective on Transgender Issues Today

in FreeSpeech2 years ago (edited)

We must walk the tightrope between respecting the rights of others to choose and act, even in error; and holding to principle. To put it one way, hate the sin and love the sinner. Compassion and acceptance need not mean wholehearted support.

But the world demands we embrace all manner of perversions, and it seems strange to me that a man in a dress is more of an issue than the mass murder of wars, rampant theft and abuse from the police state, confiscatory taxation, corporate collusion with government to plunder the economy, and so forth.

I am as uncertain of your contract theory as I am of "social contract theory." Do you have any evidence for the fundamental attributes of a contract?


nope, my re-search and processing of that theory using the scientific method has netted no physical evidence; as you state, it is just the ”theory” i choose to believe. much like “globalists” choose to believe “the globular earth theory”…the difference being that there is scientific-method deduced evidence that keeps “the globe theory” from being science-fact and i have just not discovered any evidence to verify nor dispute the theory i embrace and presented above.

and i, too, am taken aback “… that a man in a dress is more of an issue…” for so many sisters and brothers whirled-wide “…than the mass murder of wars, rampant theft and abuse from the police state, confiscatory taxation, corporate collusion with government…”

…maybe that is because they are so dizzy from believing that we live upon an oblate-shaped spheroid spinning at 1,000 m.p.h.(at the equator) inside of a vacuum (of “outer-space”)! 🤔