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RE: Open Letter to @curangel

in FreeSpeech3 years ago

Hello @bashadow; I was surprised and saddened to read these things you've written about @curangel. I was there when @curangel was created; in fact, the internal voting code had its very first origins in another bot which I had written and operated for a benevolent purpose here on Hive (which was still called Steem then).

I understand what you're saying when you lump us in with Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and that crowd. It would appear, yes, that there is a decent amount of community voting power behind @curangel, both via delegations and on our trails, and we do strive to use that responsibly, for both positive and negative curation. From the outside, I understand how it may appear to you that we are some shadowy monolith under the control of an ancient and unholy power cabal.

So, who wields the downvote cannon? Not the administration (except when acting in terms of their own delegated stake, if any), and not curators either. When @curangel first opened to delegators, we allowed them to submit downvotes into an automated queue, which would then be exercised with their share of whatever power was available at the time. Our aim was to only control what the delegated stake was upvoting, and leave downvoting to the individual delegators. So, you see, our initial goal was to make our downvoting as decentralised as possible.

Unfortunately, over time, it became clear that this model could not stand. We were attracting negative attention as an organisation from people who didn't understand what was going on, or just didn't care about what we were trying to do with regards to keeping our delegators' downvote power in their own hands. It was clear that a change was needed. At that point, we moved to an opt-in whitelist system for access to the downvote tool.

While our guidelines for the downvote tool now clearly discourage personally- or ideologically-motivated downvotes, humans are humans, bias exists, and sometimes, something gets submitted for a downvote that some of us think shouldn't have been. The leadership is then in the position of balancing its trust in those whitelisted delegators (who, all in all, seem to make decent choices most of the time) against the other aims of the organisation. Sometimes this means a retraction is in order, as it was in this case.

What you've done in this post is, you've accused us of something to which most, if not all of us at @curangel (being members of the crypto community after all) are diametrically opposed, and accused us of being something which we are not. I admire the spirit of such an open letter in defence of what you feel is right, but we were informed of this incident only when one of our delegators raised the alarm about this post himself. I would have far more greatly admired your dropping by in our Discord for a civil discussion. I assure you, we're not YouTube.


I am well aware of the beginning of @curangel account.

What you've done in this post is, you've accused us of something to which most, if not all of us at @curangel (being members of the crypto community after all) are diametrically opposed, and accused us of being something which we are not.

The only accusation was of abuse of the down vote power under the account. The facts were there, the account down voted the post for no apparent reason. I do not know which curator, and neither do I care, A few individuals have tried to justify it as being a down vote from a known vote farmer. As mentioned in another comment this is a very slippery road that curation accounts travel.

I would have far more greatly admired your dropping by in our Discord for a civil discussion. I assure you, we're not YouTube.

The post and the vote was broadcast on HIVE Block Chain, not on Discord. The problem was here on the block chain, the problem should be resolved on the block chain not behind closed doors. I am sorry you see my comments and my post as being uncivil.

The down vote was wrong and un-justified, it is that simple. I have not asked nor even suggested anyone pull their support for curangel, the only support I asked to be pulled is any future support on my post from curangel and they have done that.

I understand your points, especially the one about Discord; although the general chat in our server is open to all (thus, not behind "closed doors") it is not on-chain, and I can certainly respect your avoidance of it for that reason. To be truthful, I'm not the biggest fan of Hive's systemic reliance upon Discord in general; we're not the only major project dependent upon it, and far from the biggest.

That said, this statement of yours is patently false:

The only accusation was of abuse of the down vote power under the account.

You did directly accuse @curangel of being, and I quote:

nothing more than a puppet account of facebook, youtube and twitter

We are not that, we have never been that, and we never will be that. You also did not read my comment, or you would not have gone on to say:

I do not know which curator, and neither do I care

As I wrote (emphasis added):

So, who wields the downvote cannon? Not the administration (except when acting in terms of their own delegated stake, if any), and not curators either.

It is curious, and perhaps telling, that you should so aggressively demand retractions and apologies from others, and expect them to read and give thought to your essays, but fail to extend any of those same courtesies in return.

Good day.
