in FreeSpeech2 months ago


A unique word that is not practiced often! Loving kindness, one attribute of the creator of mankind....


Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.
Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name (Psalms 63:3-4 (KJV).


Psalms 63:1-4; 89:1 (KJV)


I am very passionate about podcasts and listen to them regularly. My favorite is 'Tim Ferris podcast' with host, you guessed it, Tim Ferris is an angel investor. I discovered that all-around the smart guy, constantly experimenting on himself in order to improve his way of feeling, thinking, and acting. It seems he likely a Buddhist monk on that program, that taught me a great lesson I still use today: practicing lovingkindness. Every morning the monk wakes up, he writes down a list of the first 10 people that he wants to share his love and kindness with as his daily chores. I started to practice this, and it had a dramatic change in my social life. Lots of people on my list were people that are not my favorite or people who were on my mind. After written their names down on my list, when next I saw them, it seems as if the problems had melted away and been replaced with lovingkindness.

It is somehow depressing to have deep feeling about few individuals we share our love with regularly. Our love is also somehow conditional, based on: " if they are faithful, reciprocate our love, or don't understand us fully". The Almighty God has written His own list of loving kindness today, and it includes every living thing. God's list is not conditional as our own, but we must strive to accept God into our hearts. Until we do just that, we will never be able to fully access God's loving kindness, and we may not be able to love others, ourselves, or experience eternal life. God's love really is unconditional, but He gives us the choice to reciprocate. The choice is yours; thanks be to God for giving it to us! Loving Kindness remains a very unique word that is not easily practiced but said often! Lovingkindness, is one of the attributes of the Almighty God, the creator of mankind and the universe.


Dear Lord Jesus Christ, Your loving kindness and tender heart and mercies endure forever, they are matchless and faithful because it is Your nature. May we emulate Your qualities, and do same. So that the world around us will be a better place for all in Jesus Christ's name - Amen.