
It's your post so you can do what you please as long as you follow the guidelines of the community. This is not the place to advertise stuff though. It's designed as a place to post fun weekend stuff. Make sense?

Yeah that's right but I have such a signature so was wondering if that would disqualify me from winning or getting upvoted or something. Some curators don't like those while other curators don't mind it as long as the content (above the signature) is good.

I'm not a fan of a long series of footers/signatures to be honest but I'm not here to dictate about your post...It's yours and so you are free to do it. It's just not something I respond to personally. I think there's a time and place. I tend not to do so on my own posts as I write them for me, for posterity and enjoyment rather than gaining something.

It's a choice we all need to make.

OK then.