The alien asks

I've never met an alien, as far as I know, however this week one of the #weekend-engagement writing prompts suggests that I did, and that alien asked me three questions to respond to. Here are my answers to Mr. Alien.

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I took this image

The alien asks me: What is your purpose to life?

I've suffered through adversity in my life, many challenges, which have pushed and pulled me in various, sometimes opposite, directions and whilst I've learned many things which have combined now to give me an enjoyable life, there were times I felt...adrift. It's in those times I'd not want to have answered this question. Fortunately, those same trials and tribulations shaped me into me and it's that person who writes these words right now, from a good place, a comfortable life and one that holds much happiness.

My purpose in life is to tread lightly upon the planet, to have few, but incredibly deep and meaningful relationships, and to feel like I'm offering value to those around me, and to myself.

My purpose is to be happy, to smile and laugh, and to be able to look within myself and like what I see, then push it out into the world to those around me I care about. My purpose is to engage with nature, to touch and be touched by the planet, and to close my eyes at night knowing that simple joy fulfilled my life-purpose, reached inside and nurtured me and was reason enough for me to call that day beautiful...and that I will wake to do so again the following day.

My purpose is to live life as best I can, to reduce the risk of looking back with regret, now with the knowledge and understanding I have lived my best version, and being kind enough to myself to not hold judgement moving forward when looking backwards at the things I've done and the reasons.

The alien asks me: Why should the aliens not eliminate all humans from existence?

For this I don't have an answer. I believe humanity is walking the wrong path and the path leads nowhere good. That would be alright if it was just humanity at stake, but the planet is at risk also, and its done nothing to deserve the treatment it gets.

Human beings have so much to answer for...we can't even all get along together despite being brothers and sisters. I don't think that's going to change any time soon, and I do not believe the measures being undertaken to preserve our planet are even close to enough.

So, I'd tell the alien to eliminate human beings from the planet so that it can breathe again, allow its scars to heal, regenerate and rejuvenate. I'd like to see the plants and animals take over, have a place they can live free from the scourge of humanity that, through greed, hate and ego, serves only to destroy the natural order of things not preserve it.

The alien asks me: Should the aliens share their technology with us and why?

My answer is an emphatic no on this one; humans can't seem to use the technology we have with responsibility so should the alien give us the best technology ever...we'd probably find a way to turn it towards destruction.

So, Mr. Alien, take your technology and turn it towards question two and do the planet a favour.

Becca 💗

This is my response to the #weekend-engagement writing suggestions (week one hundred and eleven) which you can find here and pinned to the top of the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community.



The original #weekend-engagement concept by @galenkp featured in the

Image belongs to @galenkp